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[GRE真题] GRE考试学习:GRE试题(一)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
SECTION 1     Time - 30 minutes7 d- Y& }7 I+ L2 ^. A3 u2 G+ d
    38 Questions
: s/ Z6 c' E9 _8 V! r    Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that# D2 D4 Z2 B1 y" j9 r
    something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered words or sets1 z# n! a5 w$ Y& y( v# x$ [
    of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning
6 B3 S/ U3 T& c0 m4 U1 q    of the sentence as a whole.
( P( E' f' ]1 |7 D) Y    1. Nonviolent demonstrations often create such ten- sions that a community that has' [. I  {( a2 o9 D
    constantly refused to —— its injustices is forced to correct them: the injustices
5 T! ~  `# E# i1 o# d, z    can no longer be ——。
( z; G3 s7 ]# i0 x& f3 e. g# N    (A)acknowledge……ignored
/ v1 N( g  a; j+ q/ g. t/ J7 [/ t    (B)decrease……verified5 n' K6 c8 ]+ H4 m) X
    (C)tolerate……accepted4 E- R2 ~+ @; }% P6 [+ ^' U
# Y) `, ~: a; r% J! ^1 S, V    (E)explain……discussed
4 |1 ^4 ~5 P' R    2. Since 1813 reaction to Jane Austen‘s novels has oscillated between ——& p8 b8 L( Z; {+ n7 w
    and condescension; but in general later writers have esteemed her works more highly than
# R- B9 b- F. w& v( C# k' e  ~    did most of her literary ——。1 n/ B$ I- A) j
    (A)dismissal……admirers+ A& i) S8 G* M6 O
    (B)adoration. .contemporaries( A5 l: C- F9 ~: S3 N
; C1 p& P; {+ X' y9 A1 p. `    (D)indifference……followers6 ~% ]4 j' g9 l. H. G/ ^# n/ }8 ?) t
    (E)approbation……precursors% R+ m. S" p. U- m  s$ D0 O
    3. There are, as yet, no vegetation types or ecosystems whose study has been ——% S7 y; O: @, T5 |  Q3 Q: i
    to the extent that they no longer —— ecologists.; g1 a% x8 Z' ]% a
    (A)perfected……hinder7 s  r1 s0 p3 B9 X8 j
* ], R* c0 y/ n# N    (C)prolonged……require- B5 E) g+ t- v2 J' E4 O- ^
9 v5 _  }6 @3 M3 H    (E)delayed……benefit% f3 Z+ m& d$ N+ u% z
    4. Under ethical guidelines recently adopted by the National lnstitutes of Health,; w6 X7 l  @" ?& a0 q3 `
    human genes are to be manipulated only to correct diseases for which ——# W) c2 F% e& v& |4 ?0 h7 |: H9 Z3 e
    treatments are unsatisfactory.
0 b: t0 f& n# \' i, N5 A9 E4 O. ?: L    (A)similar
, A) i# B' l. A8 H/ X+ i, V    (B)most
  V- o' E, n2 B    (C)dangerous
" e# Z) o9 U& I    (D)uncommon/ u  N* |  J4 |7 O
7 @9 j6 C5 s  A& \' P    5. It was her view that the country‘s problems had been —— by foreign technocrats,
8 x, ^( h, X  V    so that to invite them to come back would be counterproductive.
# B- U8 C! u* Y) {9 R+ L    (A)foreseen
# G1 l4 W* K, x* g% X8 a* f, h    (B)attacked& |* `2 ~6 Z5 H
/ _' I7 j4 x% k- `0 u    (D)exacerbated$ k. t) m0 [, Y
2 d8 _% H, x' ^6 w1 \    6. Winsor McCay, the cartoonist, could draw with incredible ——: his comic strip
0 }% ~9 x- A% a! j    about Little Nemo was characterized by marvelous draftsmanship and sequencing.
: C9 u1 z. _. o8 Q    (A)sincerity
$ O) ^6 E+ P% g4 |3 ?3 q. R- R    (B)efficiency
: O9 G0 b5 v4 p  K1 D, e    (C)virtuosity3 U4 G: }% r* k7 D4 B) C/ l
7 `' ^: j: w& n    (E)energy* p6 K) x0 V$ I# _. E1 x- v
    7. The actual —— of Wilson‘s position was always —— by his refusal to
2 _9 B4 t. g% T- H/ P* A0 n    compromise after having initially agreed to negotiate a settlement.3 n+ n) x: l0 M5 P0 `! A1 ]
    (A)outcome……foreshadowed8 N7 ?* f- F; k& Y! o0 A
    (B)logic……enhanced; |; R& ]( X. Q
9 r, o* Y( d- R/ i! x1 `    (D)uncertainty……alleviated
  f' p# E9 o# v6 p# p+ N$ \  n    (E)cowardice……highlighted# F5 I4 B- |: u/ S
    Directions: In each of the foiiowing questions, a related pair of words or phrases
9 m+ g( w6 F' e    is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that
4 p7 v2 a2 }. L! y    best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.' j# E& W1 w3 `( f/ K
    8. SEDATTVE : DROWSlNESS ::7 q6 c" q2 M7 J1 O
    (A)epidemic : contagiousness; l0 x7 m8 g6 j6 C3 K
    (B)vaccine : virus1 _5 U. w) B4 o! F
    (C)laxative : drug; J+ D  P' I) y
    (D)anestheiic : numbness/ Q+ C7 w2 Z( K1 o( T
    (E)therapy : psychosis
0 y4 X/ Z( M# X$ k8 ~! {& }& ~

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</p>    (A)participant : team2 ^) T+ t; w$ l1 f) [, j& Q( @* ~9 |
    (B)commuter : train
- u4 j" b$ \( i0 v    (C)gladiator : arena
3 ~& ^7 Y3 r, J( F* P    (D)senator : caucus  @; ?' B2 m! q- q, p
    (E)patient : ward
6 n( J: a5 G' D    10. CURIOSITY : KNOW ::' U# u) i" w- [6 J
    (A)temptation : conquer
( f  k0 y2 H! i0 w$ r    (B)starvation : eat' y! G: P# f( U
    (C)wanderlust : travel
' ^( k' N( E; A% M: i6 X8 u* \" X7 Y    (D)humor : laugh
/ \' L; q2 \4 c: i6 t    (E)survival : live. ]& `+ V5 Z8 |. ~& j( V
    11. FRUGAL : MISERLY ::6 d- Q& [0 i- o' e2 c
    (A)confident : arrogant3 i% L7 E, T8 \( k7 R7 o
    (B)courageouss : pugnacious2 o  I/ r* e  q9 {! J. O. T4 o9 S4 o; H
    (C)famous : aggressive
3 f/ O" h4 |" ?3 y/ e5 U/ P    (D)rash : foolhardy
# J" I& k; \' D$ z+ A/ \& o1 P    (E)quiet : timid- m) I, ~: A3 ?9 B. L/ A+ R. p
    12. ANTIDOTE : POISON ::
) m' a2 \- @) T: u& E    (A)cure : recovery
6 H5 E! f9 |) r6 L* R- g    (B)narcotic : sleep1 o5 [6 G3 _; F+ H3 f
    (C)stimulant : relapse
6 x; o! w$ M+ \- ~) W; m    (D)tonic : lethargy3 ~1 Z6 K0 B! }1 S
    (E)resuscitation : breathing
* L+ `+ \6 `. T  Y    13. STYGIAN.: DARK ::+ w( q! d" F/ j# @* y7 G
    (A)abysmal : low
) @2 Z5 l2 w3 t0 P    (B)cogent : contentious
  K& M. N6 [3 o! \% s1 @5 J    (C)fortuitous.: accidental
1 x& {2 w% M! p! e* t    (D)reckless : threatening; h1 y9 @/ w. N2 Q3 u
    (E)cataclysmic : doomed
9 a5 C% K5 u$ Z: s1 b& F    14. WORSHIP : SACRIFICE ::) L- `4 S8 k: x: X, t; |
    (A)generation : pyre
8 O. v$ x. k6 c' t; z" W    (B)burial : mortuary8 v6 T7 m; b. t
    (C)weapon : centurion
# t. C  O! s1 Z% L6 ]3 O    (D)massacre : invasion4 q- m+ n0 r, h# m" _) [
    (E)prediction : augury
: _% _, y: |4 K2 E9 s    15. EVANESCENT : l)ISAPPEAR :
" N% p3 h# k& X% M' a    (A)tlansparent : penetrate( k$ Q6 Y: z, [! Z9 g- H* w
    (B)onerous : struggle
/ D% K' t) ]4 E' M$ N5 E0 u    (C)feckless : succeed# |: F; C! R& D# `2 i$ N, U
    (D)illusory : exist
, C: R, J' U) p: L. R. a    (E)pliant : yield
/ z5 e; o5 ^* C% g( F7 ]    16. UPBRAlD : REPROACH ::/ S1 O) ]/ X: U
    (A)dote : like4 M! i. p: \8 O7 K( v& Z7 g2 U  k
    (B)lal: : stray
3 E- b" V9 n. {4 u    (C)vex : please
" k5 X+ V1 i; N  ]    (D)earn : desire) P/ v" _" E% r  Y" p2 |; `. v7 Y1 f
    (E)recast : explain4 i$ }) z/ k5 T8 |6 |1 s& @
    Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content.6 F5 C: o3 v# c3 T+ n
    After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions
: }: [( \1 g" s# |; I4 w8 U    following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.
( d$ d4 Z2 A! I- p% R# r    lt has been known for many decades that the appear-) u- g, Y( C) K2 G
    ance of sunspots is roughly periodic, with an average
6 b' v" O5 {; j3 b    cycle of eleven years. Moreover, the incidence of solar
0 V+ ]. p" k0 N    flares and the flux of solar cosmic rays, ultraviolet radia-+ U  ?% W( w( F+ M! u1 F
    tion, and x-radiation all vary directly with the sunspot (5)
. c1 Q7 L; ?8 ]    cycle. But after more than a century of investigation. the
- p9 [  Z( V( |; n% C' I2 o    relation of these and other phenomena, known collec-
( r4 l! l. K  X    tively as the solar-activity cycle, to terrescrial weather
& K8 J# w% G  \8 e# E$ P    and climate remains unclear. For example. the sunspot+ m; F' ]' p, x7 V% v( x
    cycle and the allied rnagnetic-polarity cycle have been (10)
  s3 G7 v  z' T3 o    linked to periodicities discerned in records of such vari-' N3 t6 Q7 E  `$ P) V
    ables as rainhll. temperature, and winds. lnvariably,/ |9 k8 F: K- E% z
    however, the relation is weak. and commonly ofdubious
0 R1 D. W+ c7 U# ^" z) o& ^4 C6 R$ b    statistical significance.: e( G+ A* E& C, H7 s6 s0 K
    Effects of solar variability over longer terms have also (15)
+ ^7 J) g: s$ s0 J! t4 o! O    been sought. The absence of recorded sunspot activity in
$ M2 v( h2 [& p* t4 J$ k1 y    the notes kept by European observers in the late seven-
8 w' l" l: A7 z    teenth and early eighteenth centuries has led some schol-
" M9 g& n$ C9 _% @7 M/ K    ars to postulate a brief cessation of sunspot activity at
6 R- q) ?2 I+ h1 X    that time (a period called the Maunder minimum)。 The (20)
, i( V8 H: w0 R3 b. \: x' `) C! d/ H* t0 |4 a
    Maunder minimum has been linked to a span of unusual
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:22 | 显示全部楼层


</p>    cold in Europe extending from the sixteenth to the early0 j- V; p* s6 ?+ w4 Y; Y0 }
    nineteenth centuries. The reality of the Maunder mini-+ [& E( C$ |2 i. U4 e) ]4 [
    mum has yet to be established, however, especially since8 \. R, G& S6 U& J
    the records that Chinese naked-eye observers of solar (25)
1 ?6 ^4 r9 M8 D+ p& T$ b    activity made at that time appear to contradict it. Scien-) C/ D, m/ {- \3 l
    tists have also sought evidence of long-term solar period-8 }! P( ?, A) A# g5 I
    icities by examining indirect climatological data, such as
- f; n- Z' ]/ Y( T4 d; g2 L    fossil recoras of the thickness of ancient tree rings. These! m/ c& V/ D1 b  |
    studies, however, failed to link unequivocally terrestrial(30)
+ x: b9 v" j/ o6 G& @8 q! B    climate and the solar-activity cycle, or even to contirm' [4 l$ c  m1 \; r) a
    the cycle‘s past existenue.3 z  c, Z% d" k- h* \
    If consistPn! and re!iab!e geo!sgigal~-arek-xologieal9 O, R# z* a1 G  f! b; G! j
    evidence tracing the solar-activity cycle in the distant* j5 d5 i8 U9 D4 I: _
    past could be found, it might also resolve an important(35)- Y( W( H( @, q  |8 ^1 K/ u, |7 X
    issue in solar physics: how to model solar activity. Cur-/ M: E- ]8 W% D6 V* s5 C
    rently, chere are two models of solar activity. The tirst
5 K. M; j5 {/ g) F0 G+ @    supposes that the Sun‘s internal motions (caused by
9 `! x3 n/ I9 e; U    rotation and convection)interact with its large-scale
* h* p3 z% c# z/ H% Q    magnetic field to produce a dynamo. a device in which(40)
5 ^0 Z& D2 o" x# ~7 b+ N: E    mechanical energy is converted into the energy of a mag-
5 t# P8 L; R: _. Q9 h    netic field. ln short. the Sun‘s large-scale magnetic field
: e, j$ e  G3 I2 ^1 L. q' _0 }    is taken to be self-sustaining, so that the solar-activity
1 f* ^3 S/ a% |    cycle it drives would be maintained with little overall6 {/ Q+ P/ f% d3 o) o$ M7 F  a" @* X
    changc for perhaps billions of years. The alternative(45)
- o8 A$ \7 T/ _3 M9 J- r" ?    exp)anarion supposes that the Sun‘s large-sca)e magnetic8 q; X( L' q. N  C! n6 T
    field is a remnant of the field the Sun acquired when it
6 @1 W7 w- |/ Q0 p    formed, and is not sustained against decay. In this7 J5 {  e& C0 K0 K' e" {+ k
    model. the solar mechanism dependent on the Sun‘s
  m6 i, }$ V$ `# a, E9 J    magnetiC field runs down more quickly. Thus, the char-(50)
9 l1 d7 ~) e: \0 e2 b8 Y    acteristics of the solar-activity cycle uvuld be expected to
. A+ W4 C. n$ C    change over a long period of time. Modern solar obser-
- s7 Y- @* D5 {    vations span too short a time to reveal whether present
: i+ C1 A. V/ k/ B$ G( N" o4 B    cyclical solar aCtivity is a long-lived feature of the Sun,
: l* K  l# j1 ?1 J4 J) ^    or merely a transient phenomenon.' y2 {  D! |" i( w; Q8 V6 B( s0 F
    17. The author focuses primarily on
! _  I2 i- g! Y2 Q    (A)presenting two competing scientific theories concerning solar5 B8 \; D, A! |- b+ L" O
    activity and evaluating geological evidence often cited to support them$ V! x- y+ X+ j3 O  X
    (B)giving a brief overview of some recent scientifrc developments
& ?: h* e& W% i* T    in s‘olar physics and assessing their impact on future climatological research- S( ]( a& V9 Z- \
    (C)discussing the difficulties involved in linkinl: ter- restrial, N/ b) w/ y! ~
    phenomena with solar activity and indicating how resolving that issue5 ?* }- ?! U% H7 \- @9 ^+ d
    could have an impact on our understanding of solar physics3 V8 `: u+ U/ ?% [+ _
    (D)pointing out the futility of a certain line of sci- entific inquiry: Z8 p9 T5 d% I0 a* A! Z
    into the terrestrial effects of solar activity and recommendine ita8 o$ [- x  l3 g' g5 n; p
    aban- donment in favor of purely physics-oriented research% C8 z6 y; ^4 Y
    (E)outlinine the specific reasons why a problem in solar physics has
1 D- `* s' a8 g+ G$ M: k    not yet been solved and faulting the overly theoretical approach of modern0 u$ E% c( }* i  d" n
    physicists.7 `& T8 Q" A/ F# u
    18. Which of th.e following statements about the two models of solar
& Z- M, F% {2 }, A2 G% `5 x    activity. as they are described in lines 37-55, is accurate?
0 t7 V6 [( S( t5 l% p' n) A* P4 i; c9 Y$ H
    (A)In both modgls cyclical solar activity is regarded as a long-lived
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</p>    feature of the Sun, persisting with little change over billions of years.( T% P' }( m1 L
    (B)Tn both models the solar-activity cycle is hypothesized as being# Z1 C% W- N. V
    dependent on the large-scale solar magnetic field.! \& i' g, @( F; ^6 X6 p& u% f
    (C)Tn one model the Sun‘s magnetic fieid is thought to play a role in causing solar activ- ity, whereas in the other model it is not.
/ c$ I! }8 @( W5 |% c, @    (D)In one model solar activity is presumed to be unrelated to terrestrial
# h1 g3 q, Q* ?8 \+ S( B' a    phenomena. whereas in the other model solar activity is thought to have! X7 i3 c: t3 v2 I, S! T" G
    observable effects on the Earth.
7 U" B6 o6 P+ S5 W$ O    (E)In one model cycles of solar activity with peri- odicities longer than' A, ]* ~4 o) v* K# ~* N9 r
    a few decades are con- sidered to be impossible, whereas in the other model
7 \% \' T+ D9 C! Z    such cycles are predicted.8 d. x. H# f; o. T  Q: S0 c% ?1 L
    19. According to the passage, late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century: f6 U, ?+ t. A  U! [
    Chinese records are impor- tant for which of the following reasons?
( \! z3 a5 V9 ~; l    (A)They suggest that the data on which the Maunder minimum was predicated
- E% d# f, g9 M( u8 _: H- E    were incorrect.
' u; o4 y' r5 k- P" \- W    (B)They syggest that the Maunder minimum can- not be related to climate.6 t5 y# q/ ?8 v, e/ Z9 W7 T9 i8 m2 y' G
    (C)Thcy suggest that the Maunder minimum might be \-‘alid only for Europe.
! W1 T5 {  f" t' e    (D)They establish the existence of a span of unusu- ally cold weather
, p! t+ c4 Q8 o: t# M- o2 ~8 l) O4 A    worldwide at the time of the Maunder minimum.
& z! N- L2 ^/ J$ M2 o7 R5 c! t    (E)They establish that solar activity at the tirne of the Maunder minimum+ U# H6 B1 W6 i; e1 G
    did not significantly vary from its present pattern.
3 O$ g3 j5 d( k6 {% s( ~1 K7 c( k    20. The author implies which of the followine about currently available
8 Y* `) Z" e2 H" z, L1 Q  V. a    geological and archaeoloeical evidence concerning the solar-activity cycle?/ Z+ i& l$ {; @9 D4 ?" u
    (A)It best supports the model of solar activity described in lines 37-45.
# y* v. f7 C& F  H9 b/ h    (B)It best supports the model of solar activity described in lines 45-52.
0 [0 |; s) c  p5 V! O2 \  A: v7 w3 T    (C)It is insufficient to confirtn either model of solar activity described+ y3 l% N. Q- B2 ?; m+ y1 g+ D7 b
    in the third paragraph.) N1 d( V8 G7 ]
    (D)It contradicts both models of solar activity as they are presented in
- }1 h& }. H; M# q' R    the third paragraph.
: }' [: I1 x9 h- q+ u- ?    (E)It disproves the theory that terrestrial weather and solar activitv are4 a; |$ C4 H5 R# i8 z2 c$ m+ N
    linked in some way.# w: s; P( B; R4 N7 H
    21. Tt can be inferred from the passage that the argu- ment in favor of the
2 K9 [( a: ^3 I3 f3 Z    model described in lines 37- 45 would be strengthened if which of the following7 _& b3 `/ ]0 Y6 A$ x( y2 t
    were found ta he tme?) y! W' c1 K3 Q3 A
    (A)Episodes of intense volcanic eruptions in the distant past occurred in; W: D1 V: a7 j3 d! U2 v7 e4 _7 ]0 G
    cycles having very long periodicities.5 |3 s$ q& \. p; O( }
    (B)At the present time the global level of thunder- storm activity increases
8 ]  {7 M" ~( J    and decreases in cycles with periodicities of approximately 11 years.
4 T' W. p* w  Y6 m- t    (C)In the distant past cyclical climatic changes had periodicities of longer
) q5 W6 q( M1 T1 k$ j0 ?    than 200 years.
- d! d/ T8 }/ h4 [8 a& l    (D)In the last century the length of the sunspot cycle has been known to
9 g' J; O4 g- c2 z% ?+ T! U    vary by as much as 2 years from its average periodicity of 11 years.- B. |6 [! p8 ~6 E. p# D0 r
    (E)Hundreds of millions of years ago, solar- activity cycles displayed the
. j; I; `1 Y& {: e5 \# _    same periodicities as do present-day solap-activity cycles.0 M+ e5 X9 b) D! E8 T8 D$ v$ E
    22. lt can be inferred from the passage that Chinese observations of the Sun
0 {! F; l8 a& K5 G$ a    during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
5 L" ^- R- p: h' `. r    (A)are ambiguous because most sunspots cannot be seen with the naked eye0 F/ ]* j( M2 H+ K' z
    (B)probably were made under the same weather conditions as those made in Europe) o% x6 O3 R5 R0 k2 C& y# S

4 w& H. j4 E& W    (C)are more reliable than European observations . made during this period
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</p>    (D)record some sunspot activity during this period
1 G0 R6 e; E  n* s  a# j    (E)have been employed by scientists seeking to argue that a change in solar# C1 L* F" @1 e" g" F
    activity occurred during this period./ G" g) \/ b5 s9 \  w" H  X
    23. It can be inferred from the passage that studies attempting to use tree-ring
6 U1 q% c' _  f) k1 u6 v    thickness to locate possi- ble links between solar periodicity and terrestrial% ?1 _4 a5 m; a! ?
    climate are based on which of the following assump- tions?
3 ?) T3 C1 K- u    (A)The solar-activity cycle existed in its present form during the time period0 k% K9 h- k, o. R& V
    in which the tree rings erew.
3 n: C" ?% ]: ^0 b3 D0 S1 l6 s    (B)The biological mechanisms causing tree growth are unaffected by short-term9 |: ~9 ]: \5 o" E+ T
    weather pat- terns.4 t/ Z$ Q: q; u7 y  z+ T
    (C)Average tree-ring thickness varies from species to species.' U; H/ q- x5 i6 F% h. A
    (D)Tree-ring thicknesses reflecr changes in terres- trial climate.
# C( T- B" ]2 h& N0 ^    (E)Both terrestrial climate and the solar-activity cycle randomly af~ct tree-ring# {* V  X" m' B
* f1 `+ B# G5 R' h3 v    The common belief of some linguists that each
- L" j7 Y) n2 e7 g$ Y7 w5 t    language is a perfect vehicle for the thoughts of the
! I; n; S4 v7 l. G+ ^    nation speaking it is in some ways the exact counterpart" S% Z" j9 X: O2 z
    of the conviction of the Manchester school of economics5 r3 n. U7 Q- o( {' Q+ \% |( l! H5 f
    that supply and demand will regulate everything for the(5)
- E! E8 ~! q. d5 _  W    best. Just as economists were blind to the numerous4 `2 W; u- W( P0 ]
    cases in which the law of supply and demand left actual
6 {3 `  }' S- U' R  v& C6 f" M    wants unsatisfied, so also many linguists are deaf to
$ P/ z* {3 [* H4 F% U9 D    those instances in which the very nature of a ianguage) m/ `6 Q0 q4 _9 w  N1 x
    calls forth misunderstandings in everyday conversation,(10), B9 O2 M6 z) n- X3 h
    and in which, consequently, a word has to be modified
, _1 Q$ f, {/ Q, u0 c3 H$ v( ~    or defined in order to present the idea intended by the/ I& c: V8 ~8 K) Z
    speaker: "He took his stick,no, not John‘s, but his
; N5 R0 \: R0 [0 W) I    own." No language is perfec‘t, and if we admit this truth,
  R7 _1 q5 c8 Z    we must also admit that it is not unreasonable to investi-(15)& m- o5 s: l8 K! ^
    gate the relative merits of different languages or of, M' j0 {8 M/ h' s9 }, ?) m: c9 f
    different details in languages.& [0 D# w5 r( e0 j  n
    24. The primary purpose of the passage is to3 z0 X/ z1 D1 G7 [9 E5 S% G
    (A)analyze an interesting feature of the English language; S: z; ?% W4 |% Y  a9 E+ n+ I
    (B)refute a belief held by some linguists
( C0 u) w% D# x4 I; j  |. d    (C)show that economic theory is relevant to linguistic study
: k, f+ @- @0 u2 E' x% K( }% ^) K    (D)iilustrate the confusion that can result from the improper use of
# u: b( J0 _% |# C; c) c; j6 Q    language
- m$ Y. L, A& S3 t! A7 R    (E)suggest a way in which languages can be made more nearly perfect.5 z+ n! W2 Y. o3 W! q0 g9 }  |& Y
    25. The misunderstanding presented by the author in lines 13-14 is similar- \: y; `' \& ]
    to which of the following?5 V) Z) P4 x( R# A1 \
    I. X uses the word "you" to refer to a group, but Y thinks that X is referring; L1 \9 V0 D0 X- ?
    to one person only.
% R) Z0 r- Y! I4 g* x- J: O2 N; ~    II. X mistakenly uses the word "anomaly" to refer to a typical example,。but Y
: _. J: r- {- D2 k4 \    knows that "anomaly" means "exception"., k& ]. Q1 ~0 y) t5 C0 N) K/ W
    III. X uses the word "bachelor" to mean "unmarried man:“ but Y mistakenly thinks
2 f' i* z/ y8 k! |) T- `    that bachelor means "unmarried woman."
5 Q3 B: v% Y7 |) V, ?% d    (A)I only
6 V' P% o$ o  Y/ x* r" H* r    (B)II only
8 R& l. n; W% M3 X    (C)III only) K% F  ?3 ^% R; m% \
    (D)I and II only- F4 B' ?8 u) n
    (E)IIand IIIonly
( T4 `9 w- ?9 H% r2 P, [2 e    26. In presenting the argument, theauthor does all of the following EXCEPT0 F; U# e: E+ p+ D# \# A3 z
    (A)give an example$ e' s$ @1 }' L3 T% z
    (B)draw a conclusion
( {6 D: U: Y3 U2 Y" X2 [$ z    (C)make a generalization9 n+ ^. a  u! O
    (D)make a comparison6 v6 ~3 w9 y- S/ \, Y9 `& o
    (E)present a paradox
7 A6 x5 P8 B" B8 q) k& e2 C7 Z+ ], U7 m3 s2 o
    27. Which of the following contributes to the misunder- standing described
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:45:25 | 显示全部楼层


</p>    by the author in lines 13-14 ?
0 `3 S6 S9 L( G1 q    (A)It is unclear whom the speaker of the sentence is addressing.& r. l; ~8 i. u. N$ U# z" A' G
    (B)It is unclear to whom the word "his" refers the first time it is used.6 c. @  t! @" {$ }( h( k) ^0 X
    (C)It is unclear to whom the word "his" refers the second time it is used.
' o: G+ {* Y  e  `# w) z    (D)The meaning of "took" is ambiguous.0 A& O7 S6 D9 ]+ F
    (E)It is unclear to whom "He" refers.
: x& ?5 ]) G. h& Y0 Y5 N    Directions: Each question below consists of a word printed in capital letters,3 w# S1 m- ]1 k  l, Y( I& ^/ E
    followed by five lettered words or phrases. Choose the lettered word or phrase9 m# S& P, W, C# D1 j0 ?
    that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters. Slnce- _+ ^& Q; ~% c0 P3 n9 S6 N
    some of the questions require you to distinguish fine siiadtj of meanirlg, be6 [$ t& w2 N- B
    sun tc, consider aii the choices before deciding which one is best.
. R6 k7 T* R* U: j+ ]. \7 y    28. FALLACY:& A: o9 `* E+ v$ T
    (A)personal philosophy9 ~" Q- X+ z4 s3 O9 v
    (B)imaginative idea
# z6 B/ R4 U* g1 g4 i    (C)unconfirmed theory
7 u! Z# S& k; [* k    (D)tentative opinion$ V0 r, S. \5 `
    (E)valid argument
' u0 Q, K) y6 b5 {8 |    29. DIVULGE:
9 |* Q# \6 I! y; C3 b: A  Y    (A)keep secret
& y5 A6 {$ f: h    (B)evaluate by oneself% T  }! f! y) u. t
- k2 ^2 L* g- c    (D)restore9 k! Q; J/ R  J" k0 }
$ h' P5 j- h: J3 n    30. BOYCOTT:
  D: u  D. S- M1 D) j    (A)extort
; I# D& \  g& o2 t% `, m0 c    (B)underwrite+ w. h* n! E( a: |% j8 M+ D
    (C)underbid7 N# S1 {* K" h+ i- R$ K% D" H& [
0 x, L. z* k) `, X7 E    (E)patronize
" [2 i- T; S- o/ q. t% r# Z4 p    31. ADULTERATION:
7 F; m- o; h4 A- w5 n    (A)consternation
3 g( D1 f- L8 i( I; q* w' J' n5 S    (B)purification
  i5 p2 x3 M" s* d    (C)normalization8 Y4 D6 }& v' b
    (D)approximation& ~( s  z* t$ V' K$ }' h; @1 W
. |7 w" L# x" g* D5 T% T    32. DEPOSlTlON:4 y5 }* R1 q  f  A* m6 O
    (A)process ofcongealing: j! g, M6 a  I& o
    (B)process ofdistilling
* |2 w2 ~9 Q, n/ X: H% Y    (C)process of eroding: U/ d* h( k7 u
    (D)process of evolving
6 i$ z1 b  z0 k7 R9 M( A" W    (E)proeess of condensing8 V( A! j" s7 k& y
    33. ENERVATE:
: G, J/ R: {5 o' b2 g+ Q- `* Z    (A)recuperate
. k+ J3 }9 g9 B% `6 O+ O8 T    (B)resurrect
  r3 X3 _- c* P& n6 a( y1 K7 \    (C)renovate, \8 W- }6 b) ]4 p
    (D)gather6 F: O: }6 c  s2 t- S
- a& M* S( ]$ M& z7 [# L3 s    34. LOQUACIOUS:
/ T4 F1 J7 y3 A. R" P) Z* j# K    (A)tranquil
" x/ k5 [/ h3 z" O7 s    (B)skeptical8 N  w, i( A) i; N2 \) E
    (C)morose. t2 u* Y- f  r, |* ?
0 I! b% q& ]( w. K* b5 N& _) B) m; v    (E)witty
1 }: l! O$ G# F2 j    35. REPINE:; I, R1 ]/ F$ h- c9 U
  A: n/ g" L) [) T; x0 z  N    (B)excuse
4 R% _; q2 Y+ C/ l0 I( V7 S. R    (C)expressjoy
, S: ~6 D* n& w) X: y3 ~" ]; L+ T    (D)feelsure
3 }0 j7 X- U6 P" }    (E)rushforward( }, }  o) `' C: X4 `
9 x7 |# D' o/ I! x* R    (A)derision
! t! ~& a, [5 L    (B)blame/ ?- q( N5 J; Q4 Q* o' s, P: q8 o
5 Z! A6 L$ a3 x& \% {& i0 a3 U    (D)ostracism .
/ f5 N4 n" i; M7 b4 ?    (E)defiance, |! u( N- o( b$ ]8 h1 o( H% [
    37. UNDERMINE:
; k: D/ l) O8 M6 F# y    (A)submerge
0 r* A" t5 P8 k# m" j$ W) \    (B)public
$ |1 P( I9 S; P$ E$ }    (C)satisfatory
$ D- U2 V+ b4 D( J. l2 x; q    (D)trustworthy: b* y2 a, K. l/ ]' L. e8 p9 A/ o
- t% A  {# h3 D, d) p" K    38. UNDERMINE:
: _* O( |4 G7 s% N+ o1 E    (A)submerge8 f# V- q# B# e; I* `2 B
    (B)supersede.* D8 ?9 a- X( w# Z4 V' v+ Z8 j
    (C)overhaul+ s! C9 Z$ J4 ^" F$ x
    (D)undergird8 J# P- @/ }" j$ v! |& E& X5 A& l
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