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[GRE写作] GRE考试:issue官方范文(一)5

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 4  % \, a6 y" S) M
  Looking at the above statement, I see a lot of truth to the statement .
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$ ^; n" Y3 T0 z% ~  There are many ways that society has used the advanced technology in order to isolate themselves.9 ]8 S1 ^0 A( O7 C, |

4 t2 M  k' @& h1 S/ E( a. y5 J  It may or may not be a consious move, but the results are all the same.
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9 a- ?- Q& D( f4 r- U  The isolation occurs in a variety of ways and in all different areas.3 N6 a) D3 X7 }4 c5 x
" g% e' H- P2 U. z' g
  By computerizing factories, there are more and more people working long hours by themselves, with there only companion as a computer monitor.
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* h. z! {4 O- F5 V# x" l  Although the company may be getting better production, the question that needs to be ask is at what cost to their employees.) q) V* d, @* ^! H) |7 P0 F/ e
5 H0 Y: G. Y" i) V
  It is not only the management of big factories that are responsible for this isolation.% j1 {" a" a( G5 j9 i2 a

, w; _, P- a5 K. U  This lonliness can be seen in many other settings.
  C% V- g2 ?& G2 s
* N+ T6 ~) B5 l, d5 p  With the growing popularity of the television, the nation is seeing a decline in families talking and an increase in watching the television. Not only can this result in a generation of "coach potatoes", it is also causes less communication and a feeling of isolation from everyone that a person cares about.

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