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[GRE写作] 历年GRE考试Issue题库分析与提纲二

发表于 2012-8-15 12:52:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The speaker oversimplifies the issue of academic influence on society.
: U6 r, f9 J7 w) m1.       It is true that academic disciplines have become so specialized nowadays that some scholar’s seemingly idiosyncratic ideas only reach a narrow audience.
; t: b* ]  ?; z+ p  R2.       It is also true that social scientists’ failing to reach the large public makes it impossible for their ideas to contribute to society. * Z# X/ A+ U1 Q* X# i
3.       Nevertheless, scholars in certain realms are doomed to live in an isolated and purely academic world, which does not necessarily mean that their ideas will have little use. ( H$ n1 C! Z  i5 f
- U: l6 e8 w+ C" j# V+ y, @/ r过分专业化问题 overspecialization  1 ]& K# C) E7 |; q8 J" W
$ N5 W6 I5 ~( O15. "The stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior."  ( X5 g# W3 F6 D
   : Z8 G, Y" {# m5 a
- E1 N, F& o2 L( ^0 g3 F5 Z" L+ u  , ?$ Q; v1 B" ?# t
It is true that how a society copes with the extremes of human behavior largely determines the society’s stability.
' H& U- s1 J) [$ a! I5 C4 p1.       The extremes of human behavior--such as violence or strikes--usually dictate grave social troubles. 0 l! n1 Z/ m" ^/ P( y
2.       One solution to these social problems is suppressing, which proves effective in the short run and counterproductive in the long run.
% d- O6 @8 D* Z( h" B3.       The most effective way of responding to such problems is constructive communication and sometimes compromise.  8 y$ o' @8 P3 I. K
抽象型题目  & K% h4 r" ?1 u( f& S6 A
------------------------------  . ]/ C- \: f$ {5 v9 s
/ n/ M  R3 Q6 h# v7 t+ W4 z16. "Although many people think that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life are entirely harmless, in fact, they actually prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals."  1 M; y2 o6 o' R6 J. K( n* e
& q! U3 ~* y4 a- g# C0 d% c尽管许多人认为现代生活的奢华和便利是丝毫没有坏处的,但是这实际上让人们无法成为真正强大和独立的个体。  
6 Z' c1 ]! m* [6 S9 b$ R7 j2 WAgree
+ ?( s' x6 G- c7 Q% \1.       Consider first the effect of the automobile on our independence as individuals. In some respects the automobile serves to enhance such independence.
$ X% T8 f- e  s1 ?. V2.       However, we have become slaves to the automobile.
* ~3 t! U9 P) O( d; n3.       Consider next the overall impact of the automobile on our strength as individuals, by which I mean strength of character, or mettle.   v/ D4 x: z- ]1 f9 T3 j( B
4.       In contrast, there is a certain strength of character that comes with eschewing modern conveniences such as cars, and with the knowledge that one is contributing to a cleaner and quieter environment, a safer neighborhood, and arguably a more genteel society.

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