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[GRE数学] GRE数学辅导:gre-sub数学考试大纲及试卷组成

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  gre-sub数学考试大纲及试卷组成的相关内容你都了解吗?需要考gre-sub数学考试的考生来了解一下吧,这对于复习是有很大的帮助的。/ w& I  C6 o8 \4 w
  CALCULUS — 50%
. N5 P/ I& J! e2 ?9 @  Material learned in the usual sequence of elementary calculus courses — differential and integral calculus of one and of several variables — includes calculus-based applications and connections with coordinate geometry, trigonometry, differential equations and other branches of mathematics.
( P! X  T5 \0 D  ALGEBRA — 25%
$ r% F, [$ m: X% V  · Elementary algebra: basic algebraic techniques and manipulations acquired in high school and used throughout mathematics
" A/ A  r0 ?1 {/ Q  · Linear algebra: matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, characteristic polynomials and eigenvalues and eigenvectors
' {- Q& H) X  t7 m% v7 [: ^  · Abstract algebra and number theory: elementary topics from group theory, theory of rings and modules, field theory and number theory
" i4 W6 q, w" N! R" o3 T  ADDITIONAL TOPICS — 25%
/ u0 ~9 H. b2 m( c4 h  ?  · Introductory real analysis: sequences and series of numbers and functions, continuity, differentiability and integrability, and elementary topology of R and Rn
' p9 N9 ^: z8 ~' s+ z  · Discrete mathematics: logic, set theory, combinatorics, graph theory and algorithms
8 q! M8 E. M  d  [  · Other topics: general topology, geometry, complex variables, probability and statistics, and numerical analysis

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