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[GRE数学] GRE数学辅导:最新gre猴哥数学难题解析(五)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 Y9 w! Z, {+ K  31.The average (arithmetic mean) quiz score is closest to which of the following?& l. j0 s+ c4 ]; B& s
D.8   E.9</p>  32.From the set of 6 letters A, B, C, D, E, and F, there are 20 different 3-letter subsets that could be selected.+ @- h$ E$ i/ f3 q8 K9 D& O4 t
  Column A: The number of 3-letter subsets that include the letter F5 \. q" L1 \, _/ z
  Column B: 109 u% ~* ], R2 x
  answer: C; D5 P; s3 w' F) ^
  33. In the Ratings for Symptom H table shown which of the following could be r, s, and t, respectively?
6 ?, |0 Y, ?* \6 D; g/ A
( B9 W( ^& J. b( UE.2,4,5     </p>

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