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[GRE数学] GRE数学辅导:最新gre猴哥数学难题解析(八)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 c2 Q0 i, M0 W& Q7 B6 f6 \4 u  71.6 w! C7 U8 b5 S( y2 }  f
; L" s% |: R2 z# m5 G! U7 C# a
  A. The quantity in Column A is greater.
3 \! g9 Z$ F4 }* v( i& n  B. The quantity in Column B is greater.
8 z: {0 I- Q2 [, p  d' H, J! V3 A  C. The two quantities are equal.! L6 F1 x$ X0 x/ A) b/ l: S
  D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.. w9 E& |, D; T- ^8 J6 x& q/ k
  72. 9/20 of 2.8 is____
; P- v& W$ D: ?) H; d+ P. l# l  A. 0.00126    B.0.0126    C.0.126    D.1.26    E.12.6
& Y" {& R: }( h: i8 i3 s* o  73.Seven one-dollar bills are to be distributed among Lucia, Gomez, and Domingo so that each person receives at least $ 1.: L! ^4 J( W* P% S7 ^; |
  Column A: The number of ways to distributed the bills so that at least one person receives at least $3.
& _# ~4 g3 d! z, s; G  Column B: The total number of ways to distribute the bills.
0 L8 `0 h) i+ P  G0 ]' \7 ~. p! J& H* \  Answer:C# s1 X3 B% O( ]4 w2 C0 I5 w
. ?) \6 I: H! `9 ^' D% I' C  Column A: (3+x)/3/ N5 D( M, \; f. y
  Column B: (5+x)/x' ?+ v0 k5 B6 m- a9 L$ H4 w
  answer: D
: v) V9 I) c* Q* r  75. If car x is driven at a constant speed such that its gasoline mileage is 24 miles per gallon, then the speed of car x, to the nearest mile per hour, could be__
4 c9 Z3 Z- u) C8 s( E# ?4 w7 g0 s; f% J' l; D- X
  A. 20 mph    B.22 mph    C.29 mph    D.71 mph    E.73 mph
3 Y2 r& b$ T# W! B  76. Approximately how many gallons of gasoline would car x use if it were driven for 2 hours at a constant speed of 45 miles per hour?
! z% n6 m! [+ u. x+ q' J' v  A. 1.0    B.1.5    C.2.0    D.2.5    E.3.0中华考试网
3 ^! s2 l$ c/ y: }# P2 P  77.If there is an 80 percent increase from 1970 to 1995 in the number of households receiving monthly benefits, then the increase in the number of households receiving monthly benefits from 1985 to 1995 will be approximately.
% G9 O! p) B- u  ]( c" N+ I  A. 1,200,000    B.1,000,000    C.900,000    D.700,000    E.500,000# A2 N! i. a& R
  78.At a sale, the cost of each tie was reduced by 20 percent and the cost of each belt was reduced by 30 percent.
: u& p) t# a$ i2 m' f1 L  Column A: The percent reduction on the total cost of 1 tie and 2 belts.% y  a+ h! W5 [7 A. t
  Column B: 25%9 c# |, q% J! M% y
  Answer: D% A( s0 w: y: Q
  79. When the positive integer n is divided by 7, the quotient is q and the remainder is 4. When 2n is divided by 7, the remainder is 1 and the quotient, in terms of q ,is
1 S9 {6 O; c6 Y5 b, J& G  A. q/2    B.(q/2)+1    C.2q    D.2q+1    E.2q+2
6 X( w1 _  U5 ?% f9 s/ n* P  80.Column A: 100,210*90,021. c# E0 w& ~- v7 k, r& \/ |
       Column B: 100,021*90,210(注:*为乘号)

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