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[GRE数学] gre数学辅导:基本概念及实例解析(4)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
gre数学考试在新gre考试当中增加了一些难度,但是gre考生也不要太紧张,只要把一些gre数学基本概念掌握好,解题时就一定能轻松应对。  一元二次方程" q; @/ t  [2 r# `0 l5 c: C$ _
ax2+bx+c=o; i3 g: y& x  ?0 X7 c1 T) W8 D7 f+ W
9 d3 l3 d, ^0 z- [7 f( L* F5 v2 { 描述统计 Descriptive statistics
( u- ]5 k0 p6 ymode 众数
8 Z9 K7 M' r& G: U- Z一组数中出现频率最高的数4 W4 @1 x( E* c- s( _
极差 range
; }) }4 f% P5 O一组数中最大值与最小值之间的差值- w/ f$ _2 j5 k
平均数 mean
7 l' d- I" f  B6 j) t; j4 R: k6 V7 x算术平均 arithmetic mean
! S( \5 C  J( j几何平均 geometric mean9 G$ \0 c' {6 B
例题.The circumference of a rectangle is 203 g7 l+ x6 O0 q3 l3 h
A.The greatest area of the rectangle' t# C% I/ K  P& I! [& f9 I
$ o# m) N1 R3 C; M5 ^9 s 中位数 median
, X$ t" \% s3 B- O; O中位数的寻找方法:6 a2 J6 g, }) Q8 G; q
1.将所有n个数字按着从大到小或者从小到大排列;. q. c6 ^; G* B+ D
2.如果n=奇,整个序列中位于中间位置的数就是中位数;如果n=偶,中间两个数的算术平均即是中位数。& n* {) }3 S1 K1 D
例题.If the arithmetic mean of a, b, c, 3 and 5 is 6, which of the following must be true?
( v0 v* ^3 h. [0 `: @1.The median of the five numbers cannot be 3
! k7 Q1 v) R5 f' M7 _) k' g5 H# N2.At least one of a, b and c is greater than 7/ s$ w8 [: g7 z2 \, d! D- n
3.The range of the five numbers is 2 or more
: Q5 I. z" v7 b- ?" vA.1 only/ {! D( ^6 t1 d4 ]) g6 T7 {
B.2 only
9 b! K. c5 [/ bC.3 only
0 [9 `$ ?. }: J3 P8 H& FD.1 and 3
  ]8 V( ]4 l# @/ g0 d  g  `E.2 and 3
: \6 O7 i; E( ? 例题.A group of students were tested on data-entry skills, and the number of errors they made and the percent of students making x errors were recorded as follows./ m& ^  J2 T1 w: g
Number of errors
" g+ N9 S, O  n1 A8 j: B$ LPercent of students
$ v; [+ u9 a: A8 i03 d* v" c; ?- E# C) N3 V
1%5 M. T0 S" o8 D5 j5 d) V
$ X( G8 E; G$ z- _% e2 O9 l( f7%
3 D1 x/ G  C' I* ]2
2 b4 n; Y) T( F/ z6 i  p& ~8%
% h/ B  O2 |' k, A* q1 _/ C/ S3" Q4 G- ^2 P6 h$ H7 h# e6 S  R
' @0 X& B# i0 K6 q4% @2 Q0 x: K/ t7 k& j
19%% M% }. h$ D( d, y( Z2 |
57 B+ [  P, g- C9 I
18%. p1 F% j- \* q, \1 d
6 or more
: p8 B% k  r! q! ?) ^22%
9 V; ^& W: n, C: m" f& n# E7 c  J: _7 A- Y1 @' s2 H" c9 M5 Q
1. What is the range for the number of errors made by the students in the sample?
& u' e; U1 G! I5 R  G6 IA. 47 b, \$ ^# ?1 ?, c
0 h; e- Q5 Y: b, L8 j$ OC.6
% v& ?" s' ~- D3 @1 B) uD.79 b2 U9 J% S, o/ G/ }
E. It cannot be determined from the information given.. e, O5 N% p: z$ G# }/ X
2. What was the median number of errors in the sample?
+ s& E1 J: f% k  Q; n% FA.3/ t4 Z: J- ~$ P2 h4 c8 ~1 j  ?
6 D) y5 `( ~* L/ k( J! NC.4) U: W3 w, k3 N4 ^( W4 a4 x3 l5 B" l
D.4.5( m. n' l: e/ K  P' |$ l7 z( \, C
E. It cannot be determined from the information given.3 K0 o. W) s! J( W- ~* j6 h8 g9 W

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