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[GRE数学] gre数学辅导:基本概念及实例解析(8)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  gre数学考试在新gre考试当中增加了一些难度,但是gre考生也不要太紧张,只要把一些gre数学基本概念掌握好,解题时就一定能轻松应对。( @- {  \9 p4 Y5 X7 W3 `
  独立重复试验的概率, K, ^! [/ S" B/ R$ g
  例题.某种天气预报准确率80%,连续预报7次,其中有6次准确的概率是多少?) @  w$ R( q. O* C/ _: ]( p
  赔率odds3 z" I- i0 \* x$ S2 z' q/ k
  例题.The odds in favor of winning a game can be found by computing the ratio of the probability of winning to the probability of not winning. If the probability that Team X will win a game is 5/8, what are the odds that Team X will win the game?
, r+ X: l( y& J/ y6 J# E: j2 h" |  A.5 to 3
4 X: E6 p. q& R' t  B.3 to 8
: U: Q0 S3 }( ~6 m/ `1 l  C.3 to 5
% \% n1 p2 m% o) O  D.5 to 8
& v& t4 p2 m" B$ U( b; F3 U  E.8 to 3
! J  q" o+ |/ I# j  a5 [/ q  例题.Of the books in a certain room, 50 are written in German, 65 are in Chinese, 120 are in Japanese, 50 are in French, and 150 are in English. If those books are removed randomly from the room, how many must be removed to ensure that 80 of the books removed are written in the same language?
8 |5 N. I2 m& v8 o! L: _% x* O  A.80
3 m9 j- m* _, ~+ H$ N* S  B.81; y, Z0 W+ s, _3 [" [4 ?2 l
  L$ q7 I& o, s6 u4 y' k  D.285
# O5 O. F9 W* ]2 [$ _! z  E.324
2 ?5 Z& w  s; N# g$ R+ Y' v& ?% z  例题.Each of the integers from 10 to 19, inclusive, is written on a separate piece of paper and the ten piece are put into a box. If the pieces are then drawn the numbers on two of the pieces drawn will have a sum of 30?$ B/ Z3 {! Z! G) _
) @# k9 \) M/ R! e# H  B.4
1 {3 k0 S0 f1 H" U; d  C.5  g( m; T" f( g  [2 R
" ^8 K2 T# V$ }* S- b6 D$ S$ [  E.7
7 {3 U0 v4 Y, O& W9 c% ~  平时,gre考生一定要注意gre数学基本概念的加强理解,因为无论gre数学考试怎样的题目都是从最基本的概念中演变而来的。

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