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[GRE数学] gre数学考试关于几何的重点试题(四)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
考生如果觉得复习gre数学考试比较难不妨从这些题目练习开始,每篇都是按照分类给大家列举了一些典型题目,本篇主要是针对gre数学考试几何题型方面的典型题目及答案。& k# f( ^; g) n( i1 D( |
  26.Three solid cubes of lead, each with edges 10 centimeters long, are melted together in a level, rectangular shaped pan. The base of the pan has inside dimensions of 20 centimeters by 30 centimeters, and the pan is 15 centimeters deep. If the volume of the solid lead is approximately the same as the volume of the melted lead, approximately how many centimeters deep is the melted lead in the pan?& }# g% }% z* {* Z, V( c$ K
  A.2.5- f* e# Q" V# ~* y& [0 N1 i) M
! E% O) P. ?9 O5 d; S7 `  C.5- a# y( G7 T, A1 X# x  r7 L2 t4 v
  D9 C9 j- o# C  E.9( M: w7 s8 w" I8 v# c$ d; h. X  j
  答案:C8 w. m+ E' q6 X) M0 v
  27.In the figure above, if x, y, and z are integers such that x
% [6 Q$ w" h0 @0 W
: T: n3 D' p8 u  A.59 and 91
' M% K* T$ `. G: {/ V7 `  B.59 and 1351 o4 k5 o& E- P5 i
  C.91 and 178( S' z9 x4 l1 @0 p
  D.120 and 1358 n. s! F- k$ o6 |, P, C
  E.120 and 178" y" f* u1 D1 ]7 h$ h2 W8 z

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:18 | 显示全部楼层


</p>   28.In the rectangular coordinate system above, if P, not shown, is a point AB and if the x-coordinate of P is 1, what is the y-coordinate of P?) D! Z" q% K0 l2 y, v* e+ c
+ d# D  ~: x. r3 W( Y1 a. n( h
  B7 [. Q6 Q# R# h  B.3/2
3 H# G+ V$ c3 j  o  M' Y  C.7/3
! c* u1 r" x1 O, W" K  D.5/2
; }# ^1 x) p7 ?4 I4 e9 J; }  E.8/3
/ q- y9 K# j% }  O: r7 w# B  答案:A
* U2 P8 |& {% E( A) L. v   29.There are six marked points on the circle above. How many different lines can be drawn that contain two of the marked points?% V. F( z7 j2 E! `/ |( x% J4 p
8 ^% b/ w8 r# R
. [5 V& S' n5 r' ]# `2 _7 _, D  B.63 e4 i2 Q/ O% |- d+ B. N/ J- v& u
4 C& a/ V7 t; P! y  w6 m/ W7 _2 e  D.15' z* q, t$ r3 U& u5 K) A* g
0 i# z" d' L, b/ I( P2 K5 }8 w- H. f5 N
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:19 | 显示全部楼层


</p>   30.In the figure above, ABCD is a square. What are the coordinates of point B?
9 b! P6 J) y2 y  W1 D
  T4 E! h0 ~6 a" k1 H  v% g& _  A.(-4,2)
* `( C' R1 X/ f! F1 D# i1 p- B! q  B.(-2,4)) V3 q: l, a, w% e/ ?. j2 Z3 ~: N
+ z/ l; p. h9 R( z/ x; V  |. u8 r  D.(4,-6)8 v9 e6 P. H; A. @/ ^
9 C3 |. P2 R) A  答案:C, q: ?3 j' x, n5 ~
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