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[GRE数学] 新GRE数学要点:Combinations of Choices

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Combinations of Choices   If there are n choices for one type and m choices for second type, then number of combinations for both types is the product of choices:n*m.0 f7 H; ~+ p5 g1 n3 _6 G" l7 b
& m$ D  W: _) j9 O* p3 z  If there are 3 kinds of breads to choose from and 4 kinds of meats, then we can make 3*4=12 different sandwiches.+ O! J4 L. Q% Y( j: ]8 o
  If an alphabet has 26 letters, then the number of possible 2 letter word is 26*26=676.All of them may not be vaild words.8 b! @/ ~5 B. ]9 {  f) ^, T+ [
1 e8 R. X! [4 Q% O  Do not add the choices to get the total combinations  S% ^. H  P) d
The product rule can be applied to more than two types of choices: if there are 3 kinds of breads, 4 kinds of meats, and 6 kinds of cheeses, then we can make 3*4*6=72 different sandwiches.

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