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[GRE数学] 新GRE数学要点:Distributive Law

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Distributive Law   Like real number, when multiplying a sum or difference of terms, the distributive property of multiplication allows us to distribute the multiplying term among the terms being added or subtracted.% Y& V2 r! R  X( g0 I
  Example:1 F/ G- W) c/ E
  3*(2x+y)=3*2x+3*y3 k. L  k! f0 H' g: w. v' F& G/ I
  3a*(2x+y)=3a*2x+3a*y,$ P4 H: Z" a0 C, _
  3x*(2x+y)=3x*2x+3x*y.7 E$ }: E) _4 b  }) T* P( L- ?' Q
: ]& U7 T& b9 Y' x4 P8 U. s  Remember:+ \. f5 M& \0 g( s: ]1 z$ f4 h  L/ ?
  Do not forget to multiply all the terms inside the parenthesis.; [1 A6 q2 X1 W- N
  For division, the sum and difference in the numerator can be distributed:(x+y)/(2x+y)=x/(2x+y)+y/(2x+y).1 F- [8 ]8 `) ~. u* Y0 A
  For division, the sum and difference in the denominator cannot be distributed :(x+y)/(2x+y)≠(x+y)/2x+(x+y)/y.

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