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[GRE数学] GRE数学辅导:gre考试数学部分文字题解析

发表于 2012-8-15 12:55:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 S) K$ s0 ~8 Z  gre考试数学文字题(Word Problem)
5 f$ G0 e* @) h0 Q8 ]$ e  1. 利息问题(interest)4 b+ T# L, e8 p9 x4 M  ]
  单利 simple interest 复利 compound interest" K# }+ T- p+ Q1 w* m9 y! H
  例16: If $ 8000 is invested at 6 percent simple annual interest, how much interest is earned after 3 months?6 X0 R, ~- M2 ]! z
  例17:If $ 10,000 is invested at 10 percent simple annual interest, compound semiannually, what is the balance after 1 year?4 s4 R6 L: b3 V6 N8 M$ Z
  2. 折扣问题(discount)! v& Y) l- j! K+ E; X
  例18:The price of an item is discounted by 20 percent and then this reduced price is discounted by an additional 30 percent. These two discounts are equal to an overall discount of what percent?
8 C7 F1 Q8 S8 ~, Z$ q8 v  3. 英美常识问题
8 C5 H6 Y) Y3 R+ t  对于gre数学考试,很多考生都觉得比较容易,而有些考生觉得比较难,其实只要突破两点,gre考试数学部分的内容就迎刃而解了,一个是英文单词,还有一个就是数学公式。

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