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[GRE填空] GRE考试填空辅导之医药卫生健康篇2

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. u! b, h$ ?" }3 \8 M  The plan to expand the hospital ____医生的意见:一些认为这个plan____,另一些认为practical, given the complexity of the task.' g8 e/ F4 F; N, `
  14.现代药和传统药喜好涉及人生观题reflect...alien- ], \. ]4 n  A0 V
  Even when exposed to modern medicine 有些人还是喜欢traditional medicine,because
. e; X) r) _7 L2 p, y  f  traditional medicine ____ their vocabulary and philosophy while the latter(现代medicine) may
& U0 e) l7 w- }7 \  seem ____to them .
  k* @+ S  `5 Q2 l# }  【注解】reflect:反应,反射vocabulary:词汇表,信息的传递philosophy 人生观,哲学alien 外来的,异国的,疏远的supplant:[v]取代,把...排挤掉,连根拔掉' B( [! n. H8 r8 q) P/ g
/ u$ Y1 T# V  L; d( y7 Q5 H5 n  The severity of his injury was not____; when the doctor announced that he......everybody was......
0 R# p+ c0 M3 S8 J  【注解】mitigate :[v]缓和下来,使...缓和,减轻% s: |' V4 V' A* Y
  16.小心药物有记录的不良反应题salubrious...documentary* X( p+ g& Y1 B0 \! @9 w! e5 G
" T+ f3 w7 V- e, h( N; O  【注解】salubrious:[adj]有益健康的documentary: [adj]文件的,记录的
3 E' s3 I0 U0 O: h5 F# a  17.增肥的困难题counteract
) D" z8 v' ~( W2 T  一个人想gain weight(增肥),但是有一种困难就是metabolic 维护什么平衡,代谢的改变会____intake fat。
9 ]7 i4 L$ k+ P2 ?0 k  【注解】counteract: [v]对...起反作用,抵消
4 G/ f% w$ Y+ R' M4 o  18.厨师和食物****题  h3 w# h3 `& E# v( L, W6 ]/ X
  某时的厨师do not ____ spice to mask the taste of food spoiled, ...... , because spoilage can kill bacteria.
5 B1 I* f1 ^  k  【注解】spice: [n]调味品,香料spoil: [v]变坏,腐坏,宠坏
2 Z' e0 I  f0 G & A+ f5 r0 A; D! L  h
  19.癌症特征潜伏期长题latency...exposure, C! l7 l( H: J# j
  One of cancer's character 是surprisingly/curiously的,即____ of the period between ____ to 某些致癌agent and in clinical appearance of the disease is long.
# S9 A; V7 I$ {/ K% U& X  【注解】latent period: the incubation period of a disease ,exposure:[n]暴露clinical:[adj]临床的( B7 Q/ q  T: t5 v# v6 z
; q  _0 K- ^+ M% r! M; G# X7 I2 ^  Until quite recently research on diabetes had, as a kind of holding action, attempted to refine the ____ of the disease, primarily because no preventive strategy seemed at all likely to be ____.! e# H- F2 `% T. |
7 [. R* v6 ~" c+ K8 T% N; j  21.药的实验和实际应用题
  Z4 c7 [9 W, T$ c  一种药是exciting and xxx(褒易.类似于有前景prospect之意); still,although medical trial of this drag is____ ,但this drag is not generally used,then the manufacture of this drag is by no means____.
2 l3 E1 Z+ }3 w) @. F2 B4 b7 D  【注解】trial:试验exemplary:实验的,典范的by no means:绝不( T, \+ q+ v* w- H. J
  22.hearhurt 病变用词不当题misnomer7 w" s  ~/ Q, b4 U8 {' {
  因为它是用来表示xxx(某种器官,不是心脏)的病变,"hearhurt" 实际上并不是伤在心上,所以Hearhurt是____.
+ q+ O. r" V$ i+ b$ b( ]  23.医生治疗在心理分析中主导与合作题authority...corroborative. ?9 c+ t5 R+ H$ a
  【注解】authority:[n]当权者corroborative: [adj]使更加确凿的,合作者! E. j0 }; E* L5 e
* g) p" a, F- Q6 h- z, U0 C  尽管这个病人feigned to be compliant with the assigned treatment, the seasoned doctor detected9 U/ P7 c& r( _
  the ____ in his eyes.) [0 j! V. y, Z/ q. N6 A
  【注解】feign:[v]假装,做假compliant:[adj]遵从的seasoned :[adj]老练的mutiny:[n]反叛,骚乱5 d9 Y; [8 c' Z! _( g' L% b* W1 `1 e
  25.父子疯狂寻找万灵药题frentic...panacea/cure-all9 u3 f2 ?, @$ ~! W
  某人象他的nervous父亲一样____...,as well as寻找一种____,physically and spiritually perfection。
% I1 W# L9 w( Y. v7 F. \4 x. J, t2 s$ e  【注解】panacea: [n]治百病的灵药cure-all:[n]治百病的灵药,万应灵丹
4 J9 u6 h+ E! \: i  x6 d6 X  26.不能构建区分精神问题体系题distinguish….prevent /hinder! S5 Q. c: {5 @1 R
8 ^1 g' f+ x9 O  这_____了我们对前者的评估. (NO.1)

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