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[GRE填空] GRE考试填空辅导之医药卫生健康篇1

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, B. Y5 }1 h' A* m2 o! ^  尽管考虑到取消手术治疗所带来的negative 的后果,医生们认为,____the treatment will not be
( ~  \* ^1 n, q3 e! W" C4 e1 V7 [  more____ than suspending it.! d' M5 I: K& ~
  【注解】negative:否定的,不良的salubrious: [adj]有益健康的suspend:[v]中断,悬挂
1 A5 v1 l" ~1 W9 o" F% Z5 G9 Y) h  2.药物保健品和日常食物区分逐渐模糊题blurred...familiar
& ?: ]# @. q" Y0 V  现在在药物,保健品,和日常食物之间的distinction已经逐渐____,一些有治疗效果的药物也marked含有一些......或nature的成分,以使他们即使在餐桌上on daily dinner table也让人感觉____。
$ j9 o6 [! f( g+ m2 K  【注解】blur:[v]变模糊,弄脏
8 D+ M  V4 }: A  3.烟的保险医疗改革什么增加削弱效果题undermine/diminish% r% y9 \8 y$ `, A7 y7 K; ^
, u8 V% G, F6 ?  【注解】diminish:[v]减弱$ K0 x! A2 s6 G, h
  ¥4.科学家反对药物添加剂态度题有ban: advocate...disinterested无ban oppose…altruistic
1 x7 m+ H, \6 Q0 b6 o5 k  The scientist's motivation for____ a ban(可能没有ban) on the addictive food cannot be called as ____ ; he himself had a patent for the substitution for the addictive food.
. L8 |- [# S, `2 \  【注解】addictive: [adj]入迷的altruistic:[adj]利他主义的substitution :[n]代替物disinterested:[adj]无私的
" X2 V# p5 S! g) p6 R( t  5.人身体易发展成疾病题predisposition...disease2 Q0 `7 I  }. S' U7 ]6 [4 W' S
  People should not take good health for granted, for there is____in human gene to thedevelopement of____., Q$ ]( M4 d2 D1 K" k0 h* U. j- P9 T
  【注解】take sth. for granted:认为理所当然predisposition:倾向resistance:抵抗力,反抗malady:疾病8 z# U: f9 I6 L& c. W& @
9 z! }) D- v  Z9 R  #While in early advertisement of Aspirins,____the expert worries about the harmful effects of Aspirins,But in fact the aspirins have beneficial effects,have ____the prostaglandin (一种化学物质,前列腺素.对身体不好):which prevent dissolution of the blood clots ,which do harm to people。% F9 X0 [$ h$ w( ?( S5 E: i: T
  【注解】allay :[v]平息,使...和缓,减轻alleviate:[v]使...易忍受,减轻indicate :[v]指示inhibit :[v]抑制,禁dissolve :[v] 解散dissolution: [n]溶解,解除foment: [v]煽动exacerbate: [v]使...加深,激怒inactivate :[v] 使...不活动' P- N6 D& ^) b" Q
7 O9 I$ T: {2 P2 f2 j, f  说有一种新药发展____取得大的突破,只是slightly 比传统的药效果好一点, 每一次advance都很小。; O/ {2 [0 Q# W# Q
2 g9 P) {$ D1 H% I  讲pesticide,并非很有效,因为吃这些害虫的益鸟更____to杀虫剂,1 m! X3 T& r( e! l2 O
  【注解】pesticide: [n]杀虫剂sensitive: [adj]敏感的wary: [adj]谨慎的
" Z( n4 b1 Q* p- D/ h
, r  E# T; s$ u/ M& A: C
/ Y! {$ }( ^1 \2 i  9.药品对不同人群有效题efficient/useful...unproven
# c2 @( M- d0 S6 ^3 j  说有个医生当apply some medicine to a group of people, find it is ____时, 就总是too readily to apply the medicine to the people to whom the medicine’s benefits is____./ g" k1 v6 O7 f/ y+ V: W7 _
  10.药适度和过度使用疗效题8 z7 ^" p4 w# ^# E
  某种药在适度用的时候能____疗效,过度用时就会降低____疗效。1 F( Z, g. u0 C* _. k, p
  【注解】potency: [n]力量,潜能7 i" d7 _: @: M: N: w9 g4 p; c
  11.种痘和天花题有人别出心裁题different...relate- B' X( F" X8 F2 Q* n! q
  Vaccination 都是same 的,用dead or inactive bacteria, as though 最近发现一个什么smallpox用____,albeit____.
( S$ H9 L6 \0 L( M! H7 R* C  【注解】vaccination:[n]种痘smallpox:[n]天花albeit:尽管identical: [adj]同一的,相同的relate: [v]有关联,适用, n) C' Q% j" T; W& B  J
  12.两种病在危险情形不能协调题$ T* j3 _# U+ ~; A+ y7 z6 J! x
  尽管某两种病xxx和yyy(大概是想弄好的意思),但是____in dangerous conditions.
: ~9 M6 b( ~( h; F. }$ d0 r  【注解】irreconcilable with:不能协调的

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