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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导十八

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Although Mount Saint Helens has been more ________ during the last 4,500 years than any other volcano in the coterminous United States, its long dormancy before its recent eruption ________ its violent nature.
( d9 f' M+ A- D$ K* Y   (A) awe-inspiring ... restrained
6 _& ^3 k% [- ~   (B) gaseous ... confirmed
+ Q2 I. R0 h1 n   (C) explosive ... belied ; ]$ H  q- v' y+ q0 W/ x% I: u
   (D) familiar ... moderated
  d) i5 M; N, \, D; O   (E) volatile ... suggested . |$ ~) P: ~8 `" t% W0 R9 f
# u9 N4 U8 U: j9 K  _2. In most Native American cultures, an article used in prayer or ritual is made with extraordinary attention to and richness of detail: it is decorated more ________ than a similar article intended for ________ use.
  q1 G4 U, G/ @% S   (A) delicately ... vocational
( A/ L: D8 p: N! n+ ]   (B) colorfully ... festive / B3 J4 W+ Q" L' J! s8 X! I* E
   (C) creatively ... religious $ z/ m1 X" `$ l( F
   (D) subtly ... commercial
9 H, D8 v  q1 ]1 b! T. d' F4 a. ]   (E) lavishly ... everyday " s+ U* F4 q; t  Y2 K, g
" R) m  R. ?( Q; k$ ?0 l3. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (1776) is still worth reading, more to appreciate the current ________ of Smith’s valid contributions to economics than to see those contributions as the ________ of present-day economics. * J9 J- |% v# K8 l5 e' e
   (A) disregard ... outgrowths % C9 I/ `5 |8 L6 S9 {
   (B) reaffirmation ... concerns
, C0 S( {0 p, ], q* W( |  {   (C) relevance ... precursors
5 d. H# H( [* v   (D) acceptance ... byproducts + e3 \( O  z2 W, l! d: z; q+ }
   (E) importance ... vestiges
. I! Y3 v, g; K% k/ a: \4 r' C# x* ~: I  
8 I: X5 \6 c2 @% [% C' f4. The reduction of noise has been ________ in terms of ________ its sources, but the alternative of canceling noise out by adding sound with the opposite wave pattern may be more useful in practice. $ a' \6 p# x8 R
   (A) justified ... diffusing
/ D; @' E8 M  C& S* K1 L0 \3 u   (B) accomplished ... tracking 6 c5 _8 r, @, M, o
   (C) conceived ... concealing 7 f" l. q% a$ a( I( [6 Z
   (D) explained ... isolating ( Q) t  a: W0 W
   (E) approached ... eliminating
2 y2 K& l$ ?7 n4 h% l  / x4 H7 _4 A1 O1 r% \
5. Hampshire’s assertions, far from showing that we can ________ the ancient puzzles about objectivity, reveal the issue to be even more ________ than we had thought. + O5 z  c' N5 F# _
   (A) adapt ... pressing 3 t- y: D1 V4 }1 O4 _9 s- [$ R3 s: g
   (B) dismiss ... relevant 1 h# b( j, J7 g+ ~) h6 U. v
   (C) rediscover ... unconventional + u9 a5 G3 U; M
   (D) admire ... elusive - T3 d, X" ~5 m' y3 j3 n
   (E) appreciate ... interesting $ N4 h& D- m- I2 M
: T3 H! K. U" M# ~" G* q2 G1 b6. Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable ________ through a complex network of producers and consumers. ! O0 @/ O5 K0 F: D7 i
   (A) commodities 5 n3 K  [/ o  R9 |7 k9 {# L0 T5 t6 C
   (B) dividends
* p$ t. Q# \9 p0 Q; J   (C) communications
- R- O( W4 b5 f7 z0 g   (D) nutrients
( J- S. _# j  t9 P- t) g   (E) artifacts 9 w2 U: E; T5 s7 D+ k
! u+ q/ l: k3 R$ {/ \) J) C' z1 e7. Although scientists claim that the seemingly ________ language of their reports is more precise than the figurative language of fiction, the language of science, like all language, is inherently ________.
& _9 u2 n2 ~0 s# J   (A) ornamental ... subtle # H4 W6 L5 _* `# e) ~/ z) \0 a
   (B) unidimensional ... unintelligible
" @- t7 f& ~. [7 Y# t   (C) symbolic ... complex 0 _9 D+ X7 K0 v- w4 g: g: R
   (D) literal ... allusive

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


(E) subjective ... metaphorical , R2 Q. e+ i  L5 I. b6 }& C3 p
7.  答案应选 literal 5 i6 ~/ N! C# q. {
- T0 e  F0 {$ x& ~$ b9 q( ~9 G注意:好好掌握单词。 * Y/ K$ `3 H, g
& m4 p/ J7 M$ C) d7 H                     考的难度是基本一致的;时间不宜拖的太长,用相对短
" g+ m+ a: F) k$ g$ d                     的时间考到最满意的分数;
! |: Q- p" c4 @- I, X- fGRE考试经历
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