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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导二十四

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of ________. . a2 ]& g0 S8 O2 z# q* \2 w- t& c
   (A) maturity
% Z7 J+ i4 `! ~* U3 K) b3 _6 u/ A   (B) fiction ' i5 p( E8 ?7 x5 s
   (C) inventiveness . Q. ]! P6 |: \
   (D) art
3 u* [) J* b% n8 R' `* x6 X% Y) _5 A* N   (E) brilliance
- Z/ g6 N& c* z! i, y+ r; f  1 Z& U. e0 S" p" S
2. Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a ________ between them.
2 h1 r% N; e+ `; x  T   (A) generality
( W+ y2 v+ ^; w6 u, g% Z% S   (B) fusion - U  Q3 ~6 M# L1 z1 H5 i
   (C) congruity . z. o* L2 l7 v. O. N' g7 ^
   (D) dichotomy   X* ]4 `  q7 C
   (E) reciprocity - I2 T, j. r" }' c# v
  ; S# ~( H' z" j4 s0 a& X3 s
3. The poet W. H. Auden believed that the greatest poets of his age were almost necessarily irresponsible, that the possession of great gifts ________ the ________ to abuse them.
  C* c5 @, F1 o0 f2 |( g   (A) negates ... temptation
* w) }1 G) D+ {5 N2 ]% e% c   (B) controls ... resolution
0 T( F# X8 M3 l) v) S" w$ A   (C) engenders ... propensity ; l3 f) n# T9 _9 N4 h
   (D) tempers ... proclivity
8 [% G) k% t. v9 \) o   (E) obviates ... inclination 2 T3 C/ `; e( i; Y9 M6 u) a
( p) X' I3 F; @2 y1 n4 M  W; F! F4. Regardless of what ________ theories of politics may propound, there is nothing that requires daily politics to be clear, thorough, and consistent — nothing, that is, that requires reality to conform to theory. " P8 W6 X& r; q* `
   (A) vague 7 h4 a( r# g' ?" h
   (B) assertive
5 d: H' n/ J4 T2 E5 O4 s' I: g   (C) casual
( c1 b: a' k9 T) w; T6 }   (D) vicious
+ F; P; u9 G, w1 T! s' p   (E) tidy
: G3 x3 V7 e! g  
! f* ^  _) ?) R3 U# d5. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is ________ other forms.
) ]6 H4 |0 i7 E" o' ]5 ]5 \' Q   (A) segregated from
/ W" x/ G$ E$ p1 I( f1 Q9 d, U   (B) parallel to ' J" ~1 j. U+ ~: P
   (C) dependent on 0 q( z; |% Z+ ?
   (D) overshadowed by
: v2 R2 L  B) v$ h" O. w  K) [( x4 ~# A   (E) mimicked by - @3 _- K3 v$ j
' E( G) ~4 h; [! b6. For some time now, ________ has been presumed not to exist: the cynical conviction that everybody has an angle is considered wisdom. ( H& w" s# D' K
   (A) rationality
1 ~/ s% k3 ?0 u, D   (B) flexibility
; h+ \6 `/ T, L. h8 ]" d( A   (C) diffidence
7 _& a3 ]& ?8 h; W) h   (D) disinterestedness   p* Q1 L' H& h9 q2 U& w
   (E) insincerity
+ f) q: d7 T2 g' T, q% Y' Q# j/ y% |  
4 B* Z: K& K" ]* c4 v$ M, q; o7. Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look ________; they were designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting from asense of the ________ of natural beauty and human glory. ( S( @5 e5 @  g, t$ |
   (A) beautiful ... immutability
) n- _3 I" R1 c: v   (B) cheerful ... transitoriness ' F+ X& l5 Y3 C/ _: m4 ^: i( I
   (C) colorful ... abstractness   |; F& x. {5 G) ]2 X- o7 j, Z9 w
   (D) luxuriant ... simplicity ; b. K; N: w, o6 p/ L" N9 L
   (E) conventional ... wildness

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


4.  regardless of 不管,不顾;
7 r, h) h; m! L  [  m# v- h   这道题的结构是:Regardless of 放在句首作转折关系,后面给出一个
6 ]  Z0 L- [. Y5 D, u- S   there be 句型,两个nothing 引导的部分是一个there be 句型拆解出来的
3 m" \6 r" R. D" ~   的两个there be 句型引导的内部结构。
7 k5 K! o  o+ M( m0 s/ H   在句首有一个转折结构,找反义词;两个 nothing 起到了一个否定词的价
8 m1 O$ [' T" Q) K, O   值。 3 ?& {" l& a# R3 B
  a. 如果在后面找到理论的特点,第一个空格应填同义词;转折里出现了否定 7 e' Y: H/ }+ ~7 o; P9 P. _( r
2 \3 @* l% T  s' l# ?1 d, d9 A  b. 把两个 nothing that requires 提炼出来之后,在它之后所引导的部分 + P' |$ |+ S7 {
) `) `9 `! ]3 t+ F- z" I9 B  P答案 E      tidy 清晰的,严谨的;   Y+ ]4 K# `3 p* v
9 Z1 D2 p; B: }. K( M0 b& |主要包含下面三种句型的变化结构:  
) N1 ]1 f% r- U0 F- `/ ra. 如果是关于 and 的并列句型,句子前面有一个关键词 A ,还有一个 not 的否定词或者是 no 等其他的否定概念;而后面也存在着一个否定,与前面的否定相平衡,那么空格里填 A 的同义词 A’ 即可。 : q& I) [9 M( I. l
b. 也是关于 and 的并列句型,句子前面有 A 概念作关键词,且出现一个否定词,但在后面填空时没有任何否定与它平衡,那么空格里填 A 的反义词。
5 O' ?. E' M, E. ^; hc. 是一个 and 引导的并列,前面有一个 A 概念,后面有一个 A 的反义词,那么空格里填否定词。 0 t5 x3 X* O& V% N
5. 答案 C
" B4 ^  L2 |' o* {& V$ \* k, ^6. for some time now 到目前来说有一段时间了;
& _, \; k5 w6 `! v( G4 w4 k  冒号表示"解释了",是上下并列;前面有 not 否定词;填反义词。 . h2 h' Q+ ~" w8 ]  c
  cynical conviction 是一个典型的形容词修饰名词的结构,后面有 that 引 6 s  V( w6 m2 x; v8 Y% s6 l8 W
  导的从句;that 引导的从句应做真正的关键词,也即 everybody has an
1 z% ]; j5 L, n* H- N$ W4 s  angle。 ' m6 m5 U, m7 l, U6 E: ]+ f
  angle 角度,立场; ) k* u1 x- t, w* a5 e8 {$ |1 `2 Z+ p
  everybody has an angle 美国俚语,指每个人都有私心。
: h$ p- p+ W) |4 |; c  disinterestedness 公正客观;
' a0 L  ?$ z1 p! Z5 O  答案 D
% d8 v) f  ~) |. Z. i, r6 Kcynical - cynicism 犬儒主义:是古雅典一个著名的思想学派,它对人的理性思维加以挑战;
6 X1 ]. ]/ R/ e; I+ k+ G有这么几个特点 :悲观,怀疑,嘲笑。
' [) P2 x' p! G) n7. resulting from 既是因果关系,又是现在分词。这对解题是很有帮助的。 ) z2 O# L1 P! {+ l0 r+ f7 u" R  T
   immutability 永恒不变;transitoriness 短暂; 0 V/ f/ X" u% f' S1 p+ m5 @
   答案 B
$ i, e  w2 w: D" t# g, j   pleasure gardens 是一个名词修饰名词的现象,很多时候第一个词起到了 # c# E7 I1 o- n! o1 ~
4 J3 _/ L2 d' s  y7 t) I2 S& i   parts of 体现出部分和整体的反差。 * q( ?; n3 q# x5 M
   abstractness 抽象;simplicity 简单;wildness 野性;
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