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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导二十九

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Given the existence of so many factions in the field, it was unrealistic of Anna Freud to expect any ________ of opinion.
/ p% q3 M3 Z6 Q' z& d   (A) freedom
& d) B2 ]# J, J% `4 r/ A   (B) reassessment & |! C" T1 n  E& S5 w1 i, {
   (C) uniformity 1 X2 V+ ^1 x8 A5 h
   (D) expression
# N( v8 i$ G; l. R) L: W+ c) z$ _# k   (E) formation - W) `, a# y! Y% M5 T8 N. h
  G" K) ?5 ^& V& Y. J2. Consider the universal cannibalism of the sea, all of whose creatures ________ one another. 0 k9 U' f3 @9 e/ K# S* J! F
   (A) hide from % E+ i/ l4 |% V* \4 l
   (B) ferret out
3 X" \& ]( I( b1 W* o5 G+ o   (C) prey on
* L# @; S' \( s1 S  f0 I2 k   (D) glide among % F8 n- u: O" d% V
   (E) compete against
! t1 P" b3 g/ r) c! b  % F# o( r& [5 V4 N  t6 g2 i
3. Intellectual ________ and flight from boredom have caused him to rush pell-mell into situations that less ________ spirits might hesitate to approach. ( {$ ?+ Z, a9 P1 g4 ]# F2 Q
   (A) restlessness ... adventurous
3 P" e/ O( @' s8 f/ i   (B) agitation ... passive - W& ]3 }( ]" K, N( Y
   (C) resilience ... quiescent
! P5 T0 K$ M2 N/ p  {; X   (D) tranquility ... versatile
" R3 ^# ?3 e) {0 p7 _: Y   (E) curiosity ... lethargic $ m' y" n  P+ F" r9 n- _
+ v& x) J) F0 S- o" V* F1 Z4. In the absence of any ________ caused by danger, hardship, or even cultural difference, most utopian communities deteriorate into ________ but enervating backwaters. 0 O& R4 t' A8 x  L! a
   (A) turmoil ... frantic % Z0 \+ Z% S, V: x
   (B) mistrust ... naive , T+ w. V% Z, V! f3 L
   (C) amelioration ... ignorant
6 J/ s4 R; h- ?8 @) R! q2 Y- M   (D) decimation ... intrusive
3 G6 J. ]6 }6 ]2 o% i. p1 [   (E) stimulation ... placid
1 e4 R, D4 T2 i1 R# D: X  ) b* q. t% L* f/ c4 U2 t% |
5. Inspired interim responses to hitherto unknown problems, New Deal economic strategems became ________ as a result of bureaucratization, their flexibility and adaptibility destroyed by their transformation into rigid policies. 0 {# A$ o) u% M, ^4 z
   (A) politicized   T0 ^3 z$ [6 R, `7 T/ s, }
   (B) consolidated
  M- O* p. ^; C5 C: z7 S) x# u: _   (C) ossified
; K3 `2 w' r& Y. Z# i   (D) ungovernable
7 n, U6 ~" O; S6 J# `( H4 M   (E) streamlined
# }2 w: |$ g" y; G- P  
/ E8 B, a# Z$ R7 {) z" \6. The current penchant for ________ a product by denigrating a rival, named in the advertisement by brand name, seems somewhat ________: suppose the consumer remembers only the rival’s name?
+ t( H$ X2 ?# V1 J/ ?2 G# L   (A) criticizing ... inefficient
2 v: P1 `( N; r# T7 L( |  [+ |   (B) touting ... foolhardy
/ K2 a6 K$ x4 _, U   (C) enhancing ... insipid . a* X0 }! b/ G7 O& j
   (D) evaluating ... cumbersome 0 x# h; e# O8 f
   (E) flaunting ... gullible
& |3 @4 |8 c" {% \( \  ?  
1 [5 U6 F; G3 |3 X2 U0 \8 m' ~7. Employees had become so inured to the caprices of top management’s personnel policies that they greeted the announcement of a company-wide dress code with ________. ! S. k, g; }) n) K8 B( _9 R
   (A) astonishment
9 K3 u" N5 b0 T# q' D# w   (B) impassivity
" y0 a5 w" W" Z! _   (C) resentment 2 i2 i. U# a* u9 V# I6 z5 Y8 R
   (D) apprehension
4 `5 a% z; D5 a' L; C0 e   (E) confusion 0 r) n8 q0 }2 u: {0 S6 d
3. restlessness  焦躁不安 7 w" X1 E- p, b1 I/ L2 d
  agitation  搅动 焦躁不安 7 @( l0 Z$ P: v  \' U$ A; N2 h
  resilience  灵活有弹性
1 J$ K: B5 |9 Y4 l2 `1 R- D( M  tranquility  平静
5 `6 U& e1 P( M. C' o4 q8 w$ f  curiosity  好奇
3 z. K: Q9 s2 ^, y* o8 _: H/ Krush into  冲进 6 z( H4 E2 @- G+ g  b
  pellmell  狂乱
- S! b! l  F! @, _1 b4 F  situations
2 f" ~6 }4 f8 P) E! n4 O" O  hesitate 2 z2 b8 M* E8 J+ U
  and    flight from boredom ' n, Q3 R) f* `
  less $ ]4 U% T! w; A* q) P- ?, ~
同义词 ! q1 M  x& B2 @) C; T$ x
  adventurous  冒险
9 a; a1 d0 _- ~# W  答案:A
' I+ `: N' ]9 T0 X6 y3 K: k  passive  被动的 $ K5 R. D8 }, E* y8 i2 W9 k
  quiescent  安静的 - K" {! z1 h% l+ H0 x% r# \
  versatile  多方面的
+ |' ?% }' v7 O4 a8 a" T7 A  lethargic  倦怠的 / I- X& P9 T; f9 a

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