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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导三十五

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. It is puzzling to observe that Jones’s novel has recently been criticized for its ________ structure, since commentators have traditionally argued that its most obvious ________ is its relentlessly rigid, indeed schematic, framework. $ c8 E2 m" I3 N+ E& a4 E
   (A) attention to ... preoccupation
9 a: Q5 r" G5 p; o3 a+ B   (B) speculation about ... characteristic # {2 p+ x- ^, w5 l0 w3 M2 d
   (C) parody of ... disparity + V# \$ S# c1 S, O+ `% H' R
   (D) violation of ... contradiction 2 a; E( g5 X5 k& R1 X
   (E) lack of ... flaw 5 O! t, U1 z' m. Y7 r6 L
  8 ]3 v* d4 B6 [  S- v" O6 U
2. Famous among job seekers for its ________, the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such ________ as low-interest home mortgages and company cars.
" n% H- \3 g0 y& S% ^/ R   (A) magnanimity ... reparations
- e! N6 m, n* Y9 T2 H   (B) inventiveness ... benefits 7 B+ ]+ S1 ^7 a: k6 t" U3 u6 v+ y
   (C) largesse ... perquisites
" u' x  \. X& ?7 s$ q/ h" A   (D) discernment ... prerogatives
+ n: N  o5 E( A   (E) altruism ... credits
8 T% {7 C+ v' q. {+ B& d" L  & Q) w7 I' T" X& S5 T
3. If duty is the natural ________ of one’s ________ the course of future events, then people who are powerful have duty placed on them whether they like it or not. 4 J2 }; U5 P9 L6 Z; i2 B2 f8 y9 u
   (A) correlate ... understanding of : d0 _8 R" e8 l4 o) l9 H
   (B) outgrowth ... control over . z1 z/ h. {. j9 K# r) G+ }; ^' E
   (C) determinant ... involvement in " I. l$ `2 ~! j, N
   (D) mitigant ... preoccupation with
. l  W7 |" e8 Z4 O* }. A   (E) arbiter ... responsibility for   o- ]8 T3 O+ A: A& o7 Y
' N3 p. _6 z% {4. In a most impressive demonstration, Pavarotti sailed through Verdi’s "Celeste Aida", normally a tenor’s ________, with the casual enthusiasm of a folk singer performing one of his favorite ________. 0 M. g" b/ X# ?: V
   (A) pitfall ... recitals
  n/ m2 I+ S/ O- C3 q1 S   (B) glory ... chorales
0 M: \  ^. \/ [9 d% |* {* P8 Y+ a   (C) nightmare ... ballads
( q1 b3 L6 O$ w6 E0 i$ ]   (D) delight ... chanteys , `. Z# I# N. O& r; g
   (E) routine ... composers
5 i% }" G" u. v5 w  
2 {! B$ w& J3 V$ Y4 y6 D5. Cynics believe that people who ________ compliments do so in order to be praised twice.
4 g, S: _; K. g( C2 |   (A) bask in
9 e* i& g1 R9 C! m# N* j& z: b% X   (B) give out
2 P% U6 t. r* {   (C) despair of : S; f" ]+ E- K- {1 w
   (D) gloat over # u! R' L( E. i$ D% v! E( ?+ j! y; u& f
   (E) shrug off
# ]: n! R  V0 i! O; [  : y) T, Y. d4 ]( v8 W+ B0 @
6. Longdale and Stern discovered that mitochondria and chloroplasts ________ a long, identifiable sequence of DNA; such a coincidence could be ________ only by the transfer of DNA between the two systems.
6 ]: {7 \- a* w8 m   (A) manufacture ... accomplished 3 X: P- M4 [. c* Q0 |8 G2 l5 N
   (B) reveal ... repeated : P* Q; c( \- V" p0 Y
   (C) exhibit ... determined
' h# N6 ~/ f8 {5 m9 _  P! E7 f   (D) share ... explained , i+ e4 S* T+ ^- \% Q
   (E) maintain ... contradicted
; U, G  i6 A1 ~# {& M  ( C; A$ b- X% f  n' R
7. The proponents of recombinant DNA research have decided to ________ federal regulation of their work; they hope that by making this compromise they can forestall proposed state and local controls that might be even stiffer.
! S& U# ?! v$ |) |0 h   (A) protest 6 K5 ~% _/ I0 z8 B! {
   (B) institute
3 l5 j: Q/ P+ r- ], J5 N/ x* ~   (C) deny + ^+ u4 C* B) {9 @3 g7 v  |) e
   (D) encourage ; v' M1 s! m7 _" Z; \7 k
   (E) disregard
' [3 }: w) T  ^; y2. 还有  慷慨
1 U* h3 }* y2 n& V: E  }7 c, \   magnanimity  宽宏大量 人性的慷慨
( N* c4 _5 y& }6 e, Q   inventiveness  发明创造
; a0 E$ W  J  Y- i   largesse  施舍慷慨
* d( O& t; m* B$ a$ J$ N# f' J( p  `3 W   discernment  识别 辨认 , N( R" L, |" u8 K2 E
   altruism  利他主义 2 Q: l$ A( D9 v' i
   答案:C & a+ b9 \2 x7 I, p
   perquisites  额外收入 小费 5 h! ]  F4 }) v* |. W5 B
altruism  利他主义
* ~& `2 Z. y7 y+ p1 f   C is not __

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