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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导三十七

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. While she initially suffered the fate of many pioneers — the incomprehension of her colleagues — octogenarian Nobel laureate Barbara McClintock has lived to ________ the triumph of her once ________ scientific theories.
; S! y- y% v) k6 m1 q   (A) descry ... innovative / s# U2 R, W% s) f
   (B) regret ... insignificant
1 d8 F8 e3 ~6 ~9 J) c   (C) perpetuate ... tentative
- H4 v# s' a9 W   (D) enjoy ... authoritative % f, ?7 z! c/ H( v/ H' _! D, {  b/ V
   (E) savor ... heterodox
" g" @0 O9 S+ J  A/ o  , c9 V. w2 q6 Z2 I# q* ?( B
2. Nature’s energy efficiency often ________ human technology: despite the intensity of the light fireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light-producing systems whose efficiency ________ the firefly’s system.
/ ~  u- P8 ^" K8 Y# k! r. ^   (A) engenders ... manipulates
. s( q9 g; V! y* t) z9 j   (B) reflects ... simulates 9 Z8 [) O' y; a" V6 a+ f# d7 i
   (C) outstrips ... rivals , D5 H$ |! p( u+ D$ ?% ]
   (D) inhibits ... matches + a1 C- |7 J- Q% e  r: l* o
   (E) determines ... reproduces
! U" e, C, `8 {# ~" R  3 f; g# K! R. F
3. Usually the first to spot data that were inconsistent with other findings, in this particular experiments she let a number of ________ results slip by.
5 P( e, F( o3 }8 T: Y& c0 E/ a   (A) inaccurate * D% s7 J9 y4 ?  t. Q; m
   (B) verifiable + A) L6 ^) Y1 D$ R, U) g6 M; r
   (C) redundant # W5 w8 W9 K  j* V* h, U: X9 d" ^" ^
   (D) salient
) E4 T1 p$ G: N0 {! ~   (E) anomalous
, u8 a& U* E. D3 q$ `& s  s$ v  
4 r  s4 K/ l" p' U- M" L4. Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable to government by ________, the leaders of the movement have recently ________ most of their previous statements supporting totalitarianism.
. }; Y. ?1 k, U, @3 |   (A) intimidation ... issued ; N0 o; w! w- `) {) u% `
   (B) participation ... moderated ! O# z) l* N# q* C
   (C) proclamation ... codified 3 ~9 X! Z/ J0 o9 {8 A
   (D) demonstration ... deliberated
# Z  {  w, K# S0 W7 H1 E2 {   (E) coercion ... repudiated
, Z4 l7 m4 ]$ P  ( k( o1 [; y3 d2 X5 G& w: X
5. Before about 1960, virtually all accounts of evolution assumed most adaptation to be a product of selection at the level of populations; recent studies of evolution, however, have found no ________ this ________ view of selection. 2 U  }* R; ?2 ?+ a1 I1 w
   (A) departures from ... controversial
$ D' {$ J, E; H* n$ h   (B) basis for ... pervasive
& X$ X4 ~8 P, a7 H! `# c0 F4 p   (C) bias toward ... unchallenged
' ~2 e$ n$ T' L   (D) precursors of ... innovative
, `0 w/ U$ H( z! K: D+ W- V2 ]  o   (E) criticisms of ... renowned

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


6. Scientists’ pristine reputation as devotees of the disinterested pursuit of truth has been ________ by recent evidence that some scientists have deliberately ________ experimental results to further their own careers. 7 B0 u2 R+ U2 B7 T9 \; O9 C: G
   (A) reinforced ... published # A0 G6 ~: g+ u/ Y/ B1 E
   (B) validated ... suppressed 0 F$ o6 o& \: f5 V  R1 ~1 x
   (C) exterminated ... replicated
& P5 g. k' o# `- @% c   (D) compromised ... fabricated   x+ k: {% I4 |2 j4 g4 }- q
   (E) resuscitated ... challenged
! ~3 d; Z! Z" L' Z. z  
/ P( \. v/ A3 x5 x& p4 J& u7. Although Johnson’s and Smith’s initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm ________ after a few months, the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be. 5 r# v9 u+ s; H
   (A) revived
* U' Z1 l. {) \0 I7 `4 s) e, J   (B) emerged $ K0 R6 E% O, f( Q' f$ C  Z
   (C) intensified 1 C6 A% l# c4 `
   (D) flagged . f7 G6 O# h+ v
   (E) persisted
3 H' t  G+ _6 x2 }8 |# y时间概念在GRE填空解题中的价值 . X# \+ k5 T2 [  p
% [1 d* q  l& U. h时间相同指题中两个时间概念所表示的时间一致。 3 G7 ?1 n& C% M+ D$ |  |
! ]+ K% \' N* s/ R: W; b* r时间相反:
, Z) Q; N; ~4 g% p( n    1.单个时间表示相反  例:until, later , u9 P. q7 T; s( H& D
: {7 n2 J+ I0 @$ o5 U$ N总结:当题中出现时间概念时,首先区分是一个时间还是两个时间。如果是单个 - l! D7 d: ^: G4 p8 f8 F
! N0 U3 z/ b; c( W8 M$ X+ _    念,看看它们是一致还是相反。 8 c  V: Q# u" V8 T
3.两个场合状语  例:通常和particularly   usually和specifically  
  v% M) B' v; f' @2 k+ @0 D    场合壮语一般出现在分句的句首。 , C' _/ F, f5 [% S
1. 提到一个人不被理解一般指思想理论不被理解。
3 f! a! N: I: w' U/ d   once与initially呼应
$ N+ _" V1 o/ _7 @% p   innovative  革新,创新 . C! o2 P% v7 p+ |/ m, d' m$ y
   insignificant  没有意义 ) ]4 L! Y% ^" @. s" @" w0 l
   tentative  尝试性的
1 ~6 ^- E0 e6 ~4 J- B( l$ f; B4 t   authoritative  权威的 2 l/ t8 h, }6 }3 b: ?& H0 u8 ]
   eterodox  异端的
% t3 P8 U5 Z  Q+ u   答案:E , j# ^7 n: ~4 y) F  s- P
   savor  品尝,欣赏,从中获得快乐
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:35 | 显示全部楼层


2. 冒号解释关系。only recently表示反常关系。 % F$ Q8 `* @0 d+ L- j
   engenders  产生 5 I% E5 t9 O, n, W3 O& B9 [- t
   reflects  反映 9 x1 j/ A4 I) M3 }  S7 f
   outstrips  超越
8 p* X! v" S+ D6 |/ f$ p2 _! s   inhibits  抑制
$ {/ `0 w# c5 }1 W, T   determines  决定 & H0 J3 R9 b8 X& ?
   答案:C 1 N% M3 i* t! f5 A. [
3. 两个场合壮语表示反差关系,usually和particular。
, z2 ]/ L$ S3 L/ P8 l   注意补充省略的成份she is。 6 C6 @# ~- _8 ]* @- @' [
   答案:E anomalous  异常的
2 d/ q6 E' A. G. `. k6 n! Y4. 题中暗含了一种比较。by后面接名词表示政府的主动手段。 % E0 g- {5 ]& a  Z! s( h
    intimidation  恐吓,威胁  issued  发表,发布 9 \/ ?* W  B( X. t1 h  p
    particular  参与,参加
4 [5 e3 C+ k. g    proclamation  宣布,发布
* ~* a* w' l8 {3 O3 p. Q5 u+ m$ \    demonstration  游行,示威 2 |0 T- h6 x' m) ~4 ~9 c
    coercion  强制  repudiated  拒绝
9 s- E( d9 S) P0 l2 ~/ i0 x    时间相反一切相反。 ' R( V: j8 _* j; S5 P7 r
# K+ y4 B. Q6 Z/ z( |$ N3 ^+ x    having分词放在句首表示原因。
' N2 `2 f, W+ n$ w  W- B+ f    第一个分句含有比较,通过比较给出一种分类方式。 $ C+ z  K8 Z8 |% Y
    后一个分句含有时间反差,表明观点相反。 * Y2 k: j, [$ m
5. recent和before 1960表示时间反差。时间不同观点相反。 0 p9 Y1 ?3 G6 o3 y6 u
    departures from  脱离
" }" K* k+ Y" A! C    basis for  根据  pervasive  普遍存在的 / C% w9 p1 L# j* }& r$ Q0 B6 |
    bias  偏见
7 H$ e0 _8 z" A+ a4 y) w$ D2 w6 q9 j    precursors  先驱
% U, Y4 t# s3 R- {! p& o* D    criticisms  批评
; k' t: i$ N. N# M# Z- a. a    答案:B
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