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[GRE填空] 新GRE考试填空题课堂辅导四十六

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. In the current research program, new varieties of apple trees are evaluated under different agricultural ________ for tree size, bloom density, fruit size, ________ to various soils, and resistance to pests and disease. ( t, L) i& w! O
   (A) circumstances ... proximity
( g0 l; w7 {$ H: W* m* d* i$ L   (B) regulations ... conformity 2 j; o  u  |0 A) O4 C
   (C) conditions ... adaptability
; {' }" F# ?/ A3 Y   (D) auspices ... susceptibility , }6 \, j5 x8 B0 g
   (E) configurations ... propensity
, c, ]+ u6 O; Q7 V5 s! D  
* o+ b+ v9 j+ X2. The Muses are ________ deities: they avenge themselves without mercy on those who weary of their charms.
& d+ f" K. v5 q, C8 v   (A) rueful
. u4 f6 E+ |) z8 G9 W' A3 |   (B) ingenuous : X: P+ ~+ ]' u6 g3 ?* N( Y
   (C) solicitous
7 N4 p# c' k) }5 w# L   (D) vindictive   U9 H; c3 ~2 h( P! v9 \  P0 ^/ z6 \* l: R
   (E) dispassionate
9 O. b! F* A2 T) L  L0 \  
4 s2 J2 _: ~9 }3. Just as astrology was for centuries ________ faith, countering the strength of established churches, so today believing in astrology is an act of ________ the professional sciences. / f# {: u3 z9 K" B9 J
   (A) an individual ... rebellion by
) R* z5 g) v' F6 N. t   (B) an accepted ... antagonism toward - P- }, [/ A& B( z# m# }4 ?
   (C) an underground ... defiance against
# q* \3 @3 B4 [- [7 s9 ]* j. ?! V   (D) a heretical ... support for
2 q( Y& S( s$ s7 s, O) D   (E) an unknown ... concern about ! ^, }# _* ~2 c
# l. d8 t  D# ~! T( g# O4. Scholars’ sense of the uniqueness of the central concept of "the state" at the time when political science became an academic field quite naturally led to striving for a correspondingly ________ mode of study. 3 N7 E4 G5 p  f& {3 p  ^# u
   (A) thorough 3 ~3 q: c- k0 n' a5 W
   (B) distinctive
- I$ Z( S4 d6 x  v, R   (C) dependable
6 t8 R$ W# K4 c6 H   (D) scientific
% y. [4 Y7 `; A6 y" r" @   (E) dynamic
; Q, d3 k% p- j: R1 q" K( O  
) |! V8 o) D& ?- F/ T! A5. A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from ________, relating the ________ of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization.
' F/ }; [  g5 x% t3 U   (A) age ... ancestry " s) ^+ P, _- d5 y$ J5 J; a
   (B) classification ... appearance
, a7 v  D# ]/ w0 i( y   (C) size ... movement ; Q/ _7 n7 X! f6 k5 C6 w9 Z
   (D) structure ... behavior 4 I, x5 s& u6 q% O/ q5 K7 P
   (E) location ... habitat
. A6 q8 N7 s, I1 |  
; u$ l. Y) O$ U- P6. The ________ of mass literacy coincided with the first industrial revolution; in turn, the new expansion in literacy, as well as cheaper printing, helped to nurture the ________ of popular literature.
! N  x- p3 ]! r& f/ W% K   (A) building ... mistrust
2 S& o& L5 @0 t" B1 w' ]) L  S% O" ]   (B) reappearance ... display
) i7 ^' n7 V) @# s   (C) receipt ... source
3 Z, W) r; z* m" \' a   (D) selection ... influence 2 S7 ~" t9 x1 l$ e) W0 Z! a* Y
   (E) emergence ... rise
% ^8 \7 R) v2 w0 H% [$ _  
/ H% T0 n) t" `3 T$ J& b' N8 w& _7. In the machinelike world of classical physics, the human intellect appears ________, since the mechanical nature of classical physics does not ________ creative reasoning, the very ability that had made the formulation of classical principles possible.
, u0 t$ D( R# N6 `  e   (A) anomalous ... allow for 7 X: z9 {+ S  l
   (B) abstract ... speak to
5 a# _( F% W9 x: g! t+ u8 b4 V   (C) anachronistic ... deny
6 v- _' ~: K' Z- L1 [   (D) enduring ... value 7 y: D' |! n4 p& f
   (E) contradictory ... exclude ! N1 z4 [' K! Y3 k3 V
7.  如果空格里填一个好的形容词,必然说明两者是一致的;如果填一个不好的
) Z3 ?/ R+ x' N% R. Q, a   形容词,必然说明两者是格格不入,相互对立的。
4 b  X9 a* v+ U7 r, v   在第二个原因关系里面需填一个动词,它表明单句内部的主宾关系,其主语
  `) F/ H( w$ [" x+ h   是经典物理学机械的本性;而第二空格给出的是creative reasoning,主宾 9 ?0 @" J. N* x4 I3 f9 \8 Y3 d
   特点相反,因此填一个反性逻辑动词;这里有一个逻辑陷阱:空格之前有一 " g6 d6 D: |& z1 s
   个 does not 否定词,这就意味着空格应填一个正性逻辑动作,它和does , y+ R5 j+ C) g
   not 结合在一起表示一种反性逻辑关系。 5 m9 p' r9 c7 Y( \) Q5 E
   allow for 允许;speak to 说;deny 拒绝;value 评价;exclude 排除;
; Z9 q: r6 Y' Z3 L7 E; c   答案 A     anomalous  异常的,反常的;
6 r7 `9 @! {) T1 V/ A9 F7 g/ D   在因果句是成对概念关系的一种重复。
0 b5 ?. n5 P! u! ~# ~, m: |   the very ability 4 t9 A; F# g6 k' ?& l# R
   very 在此作形容词。当very 作形容词时,它表示恰恰的。那意味着,当它在修饰名词时,这个名词所                                                   具备的形容词特点和这个名词所发生的动作或者被发生的动作之间是存在相反关系的。   1 [* C; ]( M* ?1 J: ~
. N5 o& c) H# E      a. 自身包含特点;
+ q9 d8 r; l) ^5 n, L. m" l* W5 d      b. 在名词后给出从句的修饰。 : L6 P" ]6 _: k# D4 v2 f
    总而言之,使表明这个名词所具备的特点和名词发生的动作或被发生的动作 / f/ M0 k6 w4 h% s/ J3 d! S1 [
    之间是相反的。 % f2 f2 N% w% n2 x3 R

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