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[GRE填空] 2012新GRE考试填空例题剖析02

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  (OGSentence Equivalence Sample Question 1)
6 [9 S% N8 _3 \* P3 e1 Q4 \* x0 r  Although it does contain some pioneering ideas, one would hardly characterize the work as ______.
% S7 Y8 V- e% n; l/ M3 Z  (A) orthodox : w3 U, G0 O$ X, k9 I" L7 C: g
  (B) eccentric
3 n$ I% d! K, D& N6 K" L3 l  (C) original
$ [% y: u- [" y7 y  (D) trifling
* l9 u6 t# j) [  (E) conventional 中华考试网
- v, q, S' A# S% l4 `, _/ O  (F) innovative
1 J2 S9 S6 p8 S6 U; k7 l1 z  KEY:CF
& m; W) U* p( s2 p% c( t- f  1.关键字:“Although A …, A…”结构、hardly表反义 7 @. q$ O( E  g  d' i) p: x1 \8 o# \
  2.空格中应该填入一个形容词,作为the work的一种描述,由于存在although,前后两个半句意思相反,因而前面说作品是有pioneering ideas的,也就是创新的,则后半句应该说其不是“创新的”。
, T# N1 V8 U6 b! t) D% ?" L  3.由于后半句中存在hardly,因此在选取词语的时候,还是要选取与“创新”同义的词语进行填空。
& M. `( {# s4 }2 h1 c3 c' f$ D. U: K  4.词语解释:
5 K% }# g9 o  [4 l4 e  [1].(A) orthodox:(正统的、传统的)conforming to establisheddoctrine especially in religion 0 \( k5 O; T, j9 T
  [2].(B) eccentric:(举止怪异的)deviating from a circularpath
1 Y# }' e% b1 ^, B. b  [3].(C) original:(原创的)independent and creative in thought or action . j' Y" K1 h1 A+ |/ y( n
  [4].(D) trifling:(无关紧要的)lacking in significance orsolid worth 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
" s8 ~% W! }* ^& C8 t4 c; t$ X  [5].(E) conventional:(依循传统的)according with, sanctionedby, or based on convention
; X$ \1 S9 ~9 C" H% u; V- O  [6].(F) innovative:(创新的)characterized by, tending to, or introducing innovations ) N% j- W- K+ z% K
  (OGSentence Equivalence Sample Question 2)
, Y4 d' c1 M/ V+ B- G2 p6 f  Itwas her view that the country’s problems had been ______ by foreign technocrats, so that to ask for suchassistance would be counterproductive. ( c/ r& N5 a# H+ u% B, D
  (A) ameliorated & Q" G5 K7 z+ j4 F
  (B) ascertained $ V/ d8 Z* E  }4 f/ k: v9 M
  (C) diagnosed $ [) R5 t. g( M
  (D) exacerbated
3 [1 p% ?+ G- V2 H! a  (E) overlooked
/ a0 b# A2 a/ J4 I. V) k9 i  (F) worsened 3 }( L6 n3 C( R; ~' d9 b
' C- c+ g' x/ ^& g& e! E  1.关键字:“so that”结构 ) b; G0 W3 ^( z2 p( E+ K. A. |
  2.空格中应该填入一个动词过去分词表示foreign technocrats对于这个国家问题所做的动作,而因为有so that存在,前后两个半句意思一致。而后半句中“such assistance”与前半句的“foreign technocrats”实际上是指的同一种东西,因而对于“such assistance”的描述与前半句中对于“foreign technocrats”的描述应当一致,故在空格中填入与“counterproductive”同义的词语。
2 h+ Q6 w, U1 S) D  3.词语解释
' ]2 h2 d! r: I: M2 E  [1].(A) ameliorated:(改善)make better or moretolerable
! r0 _0 B8 `  F$ {8 N  [2].(B) ascertained:(确定)to make certain, exact, orprecise 2 z4 Z% _, u) k2 {% {
  [3].(C) diagnosed:(诊断)to recognize (as a disease)by signs and symptoms ' O7 j& b5 W, h- m( M* |- j
  [4].(D) exacerbated:(加剧恶化)to make more violent, bitter, or severe . E: U$ {) f/ g( A3 a9 R
  [5].(E) overlooked:(忽视)to look past : MISS + w, H5 Y' n2 Q6 [! X, _- ?! [
  [6].(F) worsened:(恶化)to make worse 中 华 考 试 网% o9 k8 D4 i! N, A( G
  (OGVerbal Practice Set 1 Q1, Easy)
' J3 j+ S1 j, k' M7 z& j9 K  Dominant interests often benefit most from ______ of governmentalinterference in business, since theyare able to take care ofthemselves if left alone.
& Z9 x; i3 m# z, B  (A) intensification - F( _/ U7 ~; z3 O
  (B) authorization 1 E0 s& X. F( |3 ^* m( a' U! Y
  (C) centralization 8 e, G+ T/ o% |
  (D) improvisation + t3 z( m2 _# [2 u0 \* n
  (E) elimination 7 `5 T. A- m( o3 C2 a. Z+ d; t
  KEY:E 0 q; Q. p% W. N! i. M2 u
8 W- l( y" [* j$ E% o; }3 C  2.空中应该填入一个名词,是对于政府管制的一种描述;后半句有since表示因果关系,因而找寻前后半句中的同义对应词语; % j5 ?# v+ g+ N) N! A# Z9 N
  3.前半句中说的是大公司在一种对于政府干预的情况中可以获利,后半句说这些大公司如果对他们放任自流的话效果会好,因此,前半句中所要表述的是“不要政府的干涉”。 ; M1 S7 I3 {: V5 ~: B0 N# q) k
2 n: E, ]2 V' D. A% G( K  [1].(A) intensification:(加强)to make intense or moreintensive : STRENGTHEN & x, ?( B0 w1 x4 }1 N% Z
  [2].(B) authorization:(授权)the act of authorizing
) g7 F1 ^: S- Q- H  [3].(C) centralization:(集中)to concentrate by placingpower and authority in a center or central organization
! @6 Y0 |' h! j4 V% ]0 q6 X  [4].(D) improvisation:(即席创作)the act or art ofimprovising " H" Y6 |, \; z
  [5].(E) elimination:(消除)the act, process, or an instance of eliminating ordischarging

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