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[GRE填空] 2012新GRE考试填空例题剖析17

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  新gre填空增加了双空空题型,自去年新gre改革以来更加侧重基础能力的考察,新gre填空题型更多的考察单词的用法和精确含义,同时天空中加深了阅读理解能力的考察,因此考生在备考新gre填空时大量的阅读训练也必不可少。 % n5 A* ?9 R# M1 P
  (OGVerbal Practice Set 1 Q5, Easy)
/ w. G: l$ g# m- L& V8 A8 @  In stark contrast to hislater (i) _______, Simpson was largely (ii) ______ politics during his college years, despite the fact that thecampus he attended was rife with political activity.
" I9 ?, }; ^9 s) {1 c$ f9 E  BLANK (i) BLANK (ii) www.ExamW.CoM
  ?2 j+ N% H) Y1 r  (A) activism (D) devoted to
9 c& Y/ e6 v% ~& E9 I3 V1 ~2 f  (B) apathy (E) indifferent to
/ e2 `! L7 Z7 U0 p. v$ i1 r  (C) affability (F) shaped by 2 {# A. Y2 Y4 d
2 O- W3 w/ Q8 A% s! F  1.关键字:“in contrast to”,“despite”,时间对比
+ P' f, X7 s3 H9 K$ K- P4 R5 A  2.Blank1中应该填入一个名词,表示Simpson对于政治的一种态度,blank2中应该填入一个动词词组,表示Simpson在求学时对于政治的做法; : Z3 K+ J3 D3 ~- z# U& v7 W6 ^3 K
  3.前半句中有in contrast to,表现的是Simpson在大学期间与其之后对于政治态度的描述,因而根据时间对比,blank1与blank2中应该体现的是一种完全相反的态度; ( o1 {" y) J( K- B
  4.根据后半句的despite,Simpson应该与其所在的大学中氛围相反,他所在的大学“was rife with politicalactivity”,大家都热衷与政治活动,而他则应该是“不热衷于政治运动”,即可以推出blank2中的词语,而同理,根据刚才的推断,blank1中应该是“Simpson现在对于政治运动很热衷”的态度了。 1 Q$ D2 v2 p6 a! @
  5.词语解释: + f0 S9 F8 C! c6 W
  [1].(A) activism:(实践主义)adoctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially insupport of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue   ]% P- y4 d9 ]( d1 i3 b; F
  [2].(B) apathy:(冷淡)lack of interest or concern $ ], G/ P0 D7 O
  [3].(C) affability:(和蔼可亲)being pleasant and at ease in talkingto others + |5 E: _( ~* t  x# Y
  [4].(D) devoted to:(为……奉献)to give over or direct (as time,money, or effort) to a cause, enterprise, or activity + J+ K9 I, [6 p  M
  [5].(E) indifferent to:(对……冷淡)lackof interest or concern ! r5 o- y. i" Z* G: |) u( F
  [6].(F) shaped by:(被塑造成……)FORM, CREATE especially : to give aparticular form or shape to # w+ X6 ~; i" q9 v4 c% r# C
  (OGVerbal Practice Set 1 Q6, Easy) $ v, K: }+ m  Y1 T6 d- \
  As my eyesight began to _______, I spent a lot of time writing about it – both poemsand “eye journals” – describing what I saw as I looked out through damaged eyes.
. N( ^: U; H  d  (A) deteriorate
5 x  w: P$ N' O6 q+ [  (B) sharpen " B5 [7 b; f# d4 u
  (C) improve
! J( R! o: Y6 I  (D) decline & L3 n3 V) J& \9 d' G& C
  (E) recover
& @; T; W- z/ }0 G3 V  (F) adjust 6 N. F5 Y- b/ v1 s' o$ G# s
  KEY:AD * S* ?4 }* A2 Q; G5 m1 Y
& l/ ~- e4 Q4 k) s  2.看到as结构以后,找寻其所描述事情的同义关系的结构即可;as结构中所涉及到的是作者的eyesight的问题,后面句子中eyes是eyesight的同义转述,因而形容eyes的词语即形容eyesight的词语,因而选择(A)、(D)选项。 3 V6 g, ]- |7 {; ^( e# R
  3.词语解释: 来自www.Examw.com
% a/ t( Z7 ?3 M4 u" I  [1].(A) deteriorate:(受损)to become impaired in quality, functioning, or condition 0 k: K7 S' u0 U8 n. \
  [2].(B) sharpen:(锋利)to make sharp or sharper
: C5 C- `% i) E% J  [3].(C) improve:(提高)to enhance in value orquality
: x8 G7 m) N$ B( _3 V% o8 w  [4].(D) decline:(退化)to tend toward an inferior state or weaker
$ z- x0 f! m% ?9 d5 _  A' m/ Y  [5].(E) recover:(恢复)to bring back to normalposition or condition + `" J- g! Q% D  |5 c
  [6].(F) adjust:(改善)to bring to a moresatisfactory state

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