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[GRE填空] 2012新GRE考试填空例题剖析18

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  D$ g3 L& q% v, s  (OG Verbal Practice Set 1 Q7, Easy) ' _* I' e: N' x% g1 X' S
  The judge’s standing in the legal community, though shaken by phony allegations of wrongdoing, emerged, at long last, _______.
: f! V5 g* K$ L' h. e+ ~4 u. R  (A) unqualified   x* R4 Z4 y5 W2 A8 m; @
  (B) undiminished 5 X0 }) a) b6 G# d; G+ z
  (C) undecided www.examw.com2 c( J6 q: I: s  R4 h$ w
  (D) undamaged # Z; c3 N' L" e
  (E) unresolved 8 S5 n' q2 [9 w$ n8 k
  (F) unprincipled
1 `6 }; M' k, p; i  KEY: BD
8 \3 _8 w& M3 p% @, r8 _5 q  关键字:though,转折关系,反义空格中应该填入一个形容词,用来形容法官判决的效力问题;though引导的插入语可以提出来,表示与句子实际要表示相反的意思,而在though引导的句中,表现的意思是法官的观点被“shaken”了,发生了动摇,因而在空格中应该填入一个“不动摇”意思的词语。词语解释: # y8 {- k9 `4 q- F
  [1]. (A) unqualified:(没有资格的)not having requisite qualifications
1 P0 `+ X1 c: J& X  [2].(B) undiminished:(没有减少的)not made one half step less than perfect or minor 4 O8 \/ q9 I' P/ q$ I, y. \
  [3]. (C) undecided:(未决定的)not free from doubt or wavering
+ A7 a- }$ v0 f% i1 j  [4].(D) undamaged:(不受损的)not suffer from loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property, or reputation & @& A7 ?* W4 \: c3 l5 h8 q( b7 n
  [5]. (E) unresolved:(未解决的)not deal with successfully 7 V+ k3 U8 t2 v9 Z* H% \
  [6]. (F) unprincipled:(无原则的)not exhibiting, based on, or characterized by principle / [% L7 i$ U3 |9 B) h; L7 k7 i! E
  (OG Verbal Practice Set 1 Q8, Easy) " _+ ~" \! x. _6 L4 S/ g
  Modern agricultural practices have been extremely successful in increasing the productivity of major food crops, yet despite heavy use of pesticides, ______ losses to diseases and pests are sustained each year. , }) |# L3 \# T* Z1 `
  (A) incongruous
" }' {: B* r" o  (B) reasonable
7 H$ w2 K; A& T: X  |( `4 W  (C) significant ! g# _  m3 Q1 n" Q; c* S4 x
  (D) considerable ; w9 O3 e8 g) l9 ]( b+ O
  (E) equitable
1 o# {& ~7 G" G: R3 f' k  (F) fortuitous
" g$ n  i  l; c) t0 A# y% ^  KEY: CD % W- n; a+ _! o# B% @+ V
  关键字:yet、despite,表转折,反义前半句说杀虫剂功效显著,而后半句由yet与despite引导,表示与前半句相反的意思,那么应该是说杀虫剂的功效其实并不显著,尽管用了很多杀虫剂,最后的损失依旧“不小”,故选取(C)(D)选项。词语解释: $ H2 }9 p; z! Z; k8 ~" Y' m6 B
  [1]. (A) incongruous:(不连续的、不一致的)lacking congruity 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
3 B# d  B$ N2 K1 m  [2]. (B) reasonable:(合理的)being in accordance with reason + k* C: q- K6 @& _% Q
  [3].(C) significant:(可观的)of a noticeably or measurably large amount 9 K% B8 x5 O# J0 E/ i
  [4].(D) considerable:(可观的)large in extent or degree
" r" r: O9 Z+ o+ v; O5 A  [5]. (E) equitable:(平等的)having or exhibiting equity
! f4 N* H# b$ ?6 Y" K  [6]. (F) fortuitous:(偶然的)occurring by chance
& G! c5 ]( Q3 I2 u3 F  新gre填空更加注重实际运用语言能力的考察,减少了对单词纯意义的考察,所以备考新gre填空考试的考生可以根据以上gre官方指南对三空题型的解析进行备考。

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