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[GRE填空] 2012新GRE考试填空例题剖析20

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' A+ J- l& U/ F( u. Q+ a( V  关键词:be confused with表示否定,分号表示复指空格中应该填入一个名词,表示“她”所具有的一种特质。而这种特质往往会被confused with miserliness,这里be confused with与not两个表示否定的结构同时存在,因而对应词语应该是同义关系。而本题中miserliness表示“不大方、吝啬之意”,选项中有两组都可以表示“不大方”的同义词,因此应该选什么,要看后半句说了什么。后半句与前半句通过分号连接,因而是复指关系,后半句说“她”实际上并不是一个吝啬之人,而是非常热心帮助别人的人,在后半句中对于这个“她”是一个正评价,因此在前半句中对于“她”的描述也应该通过复指关系前后一致的特点,选取一组相对正的评价填进去。词语解释:   `  n5 }0 Q% O! j' j' D! \; l
  [1]. (A) stinginess:(吝啬)not generous or liberal : sparing or scant in using, giving, or spending(贬义词) % A6 n  w8 V' L# |# r$ t
  [2]. (B) diffidence:(没自信)the quality or state of being hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence
, S! X  Z! n8 j- N6 k  H6 j  [3].(C) frugality:(节俭)characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources
. m) u! [2 [3 }* C, w5 ~# t  [4]. (D) illiberality:(吝啬)not generous : STINGY(贬义词) % x. p' }8 g- z# K7 C  P
  [5]. (E) intolerance:(缺乏容忍)the quality or state of being intolerant 来自www.Examw.com. e' Z4 g6 \3 _0 y4 _+ B; H
  [6].(F) thrift:(节约)careful management especially of money
; g3 R4 E8 k/ o; p* w" g1 F6 l/ }4 [# \  (OG Verbal Practice Set 3 Q8, Medium)
# z- C* T1 v; h- r  A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure mirrors thought: the more convoluted the structure, the more _______ the ideas. . o& |! N2 Q0 R: G3 J  f
  (A) complicated
. u8 ]- t. n1 h  Q9 c* `  (B) engaged 7 v; V1 \8 B$ U. ]
  (C) essential
8 q# n6 A# Q4 F  (D) fanciful
' [3 O+ e0 l/ M$ h  (E) inconsequential
5 E; t9 I, _! p$ [+ J$ k; }  (F) involved

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