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[GRE填空] 2012新GRE考试填空例题剖析22

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ s. R' Z0 |: k  X0 c  (OG Verbal Practice Set 5 Q1, Hard)
. j( b2 p: D- v# A  For some time now, ______ has been presumed not to exist: the cynical conviction that everybody has an angle is considered wisdom.3 N. b' l' P  }: ]
  (A) rationality9 ~- T. y9 w9 L; {! ?
  (B) flexibility
& S: B. _6 W$ a* C. W  (C) diffidence6 Q* S! l+ i; f6 s' x5 P6 t, d! k
  (D) disinterestedness3 Y1 T& l% c5 F, O7 Y# _, s! ^
  (E) insincerity$ u& E. x' V' |
  KEY: D7 S9 l4 P" q$ O( z  C2 R) K
  关键字:冒号解释说明、not取反、that引导定语从句解释说明空格中应该填入一个名词,表示一种不被人们广泛接受的思想与态度,后面冒号解释说明,所描述的是被认为是智慧、即广泛存在的思想与态度是什么,因而选取对应词语的反义词就是空格中应该填入的词语。这里cynical conviction中的conviction是“信念、信仰”的意思。由于犬儒主义涉及到的内容很多,因而我们看看是犬儒主义的什么部分被人们所广泛接受。其被接受的是everybody has an angle这样一个情况,即人与人之间存在着偏向与争端。因此选取“不相争、不偏向”作为空格中应该填入的词语即可。词汇解释:# b/ n' Q% f( R% E5 |$ x/ m
  [1]. (A) rationality:理性(the quality or state of being rational)www.ExamW.CoM* B6 C; L4 }3 N) X8 ?
  [2]. (B) flexibility:弹性、灵活性(capable of being flexed)
/ M& ]2 d% R6 ?, V! b4 j6 z  [3]. (C) diffidence:缺乏自信(the quality or state of being hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence)
2 P$ z) u7 p) k/ E8 Z7 q$ B  [4].(D) disinterestedness:公正无私(the quality or state of being objective or impartial)  C  _3 |" ]: z" P8 G- w
  [5]. (E) insincerity:不真诚(not sincere)
  Z  p; M: i- h& ~3 {. L& r  (OG Verbal Practice Set 5 Q2, Hard)
) i6 ~% p; L! P  Human nature and long distances have made exceeding the speed limit a (i) ______ in the state, so the legislators surprised no one when, acceding to public demand, they (ii) ______ increased penalties for speeding.3 z1 @/ k: ~( O
  BLANK (i) BLANK (ii)
7 B0 b1 T; o8 E2 J$ e  (A) controversial habit (D) endorsed转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
- r- F) @4 u3 p% r  (B) cherished tradition (E) considered5 h6 s5 Z$ I* ~' v" T
  (C) disquieting ritual (F) rejected

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