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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题32

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The ---- success of any government depends on its ability to ---- both foreign and domestic policies. 8 ]: d8 b" j3 R% g4 o! a# f
(A) political.. implement ( ~2 O% }& r# F. G; l( x; ]: F
(B) military.. distribute : H' x9 k/ H3 b  `: f) F1 |2 [4 J
(C) social.. complete 3 u  h0 q) G& o+ t0 W  q1 w
(D) essential.. violate
7 E8 e; I0 k! ~7 H  F+ m7 P(E) diplomatic.. subsidize
( B$ \3 n* w! T, t% P) B2 g2. Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be ----, her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility.
1 y$ p, p" d2 o& V6 z* o(A) ambiguous
5 S4 t7 F1 A$ A8 ?; M  D(B) provisional 考试用书
9 }5 D0 `! i$ y1 W7 l+ ?1 E(C) menial 2 d: H* Z  X) h4 b. O* Q
(D) unique ' p$ Q# N) L' Y: a7 g
(E) mediocre 5 Y7 |1 i' o# }/ }6 y9 R5 l( k( T
3. Since the process of atherosclerosis cannot be ----- in humans, the best treatment known at this time is ---- of the disease. 5 t7 \' f6 J9 R! `9 L
(A) reversed.. prevention 6 T/ ^5 K' x- G
(B) discovered.. remission
4 M0 @8 _6 O% \  i! A. p5 I(C) defined.. explanation
) p* l7 a) s4 p(D) alleviated.. detection " M: Q8 G& G3 p9 F, l) r/ n
(E) precipitated.. containment 9 e& a/ j" A7 X' Z8 O- R+ g
4. Postmodern architecture is not concerned with the easy goal of returning to the past but with the more ---- and difficult aim of ---- historical forms into a new and complex whole.
/ S' M9 A6 Q3 J  ^- |(A) important.. changing
, Q7 B% @% e/ E3 Z8 g4 y(B) subtle.. integrating
) h; v+ J" c/ U8 _(C) intellectual.. updating . K0 l8 |+ D# \' z
(D) rewarding .. dramatizing www.ExamW.CoM
- w: W* p& b/ Q! s8 e: W(E) ornamental.. compressing
5 F, @, ~/ u& T9 W5. In pollen dating, geologic happenings are dated in terms of each other, and one can get just so far by matching ---- sequences; but in radiocarbon dating the scale of time is measured in ---- terms of centuries or years. " W3 |+ }1 U. ^; Q3 m8 M
(A) random.. selective
7 A# r' {: j$ c  ~1 i. c9 |6 r2 y(B) irrelevant.. usable
) v% v9 I) i2 y* p(C) vague.. relative 6 I9 V$ A9 Z6 `( H) o6 T$ O5 p* Q6 z
(D) independent.. absolute
% E' @8 C% Z7 X3 h% \- {(E) imaginary.. calculable

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