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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题34

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Personnel experts say that attractive benefits alone will not always keep ---- executives from changing jobs for better long-range opportunities, ut they think the enticements may deter many
0 M# S7 j3 w  D: y# @) d+ sexecutives from accepting ---- offers from
; F6 P/ U$ |8 o* r' r' Xother companies. 1 y2 u) Q0 X! M0 I! v
(A) discontented.. preferable
, [8 t& l: l/ X+ T. a(B) ambitious.. routine / k" D5 f0 m$ Q- {3 ?% u
(C) unqualified.. inferior 5 U+ _5 t3 Y" B+ z% x$ L
(D) experienced.. superior 6 i  D0 q+ f  b, Y% p
(E) dedicated.. advantageous
. C" X9 s. b; e+ D1 y6 Z! q2. The concept of timelessness is paradoxical from
' G, S. Z/ E& |( R+ hthe start ,for adult consciousness is ---- by
. E& g. b8 f7 I; c& S; C: |+ ?the awareness of duration.
1 [% s+ P& @& N/ n. o8 M(A) intrigued
: p& l8 Z7 V- N) b7 F* A(B) repelled # }4 L% {! `2 l3 W* J3 D
(C) measured 外语学习网
  a: j' ?& O  @(D) accelerated 5 S; l, r) u! d' l' d% v
(E) permeated # y* H* m6 j4 D& C  i7 u
3. Every new theory not only must ---- the valid
9 g4 }6 q. a# N2 y2 ?( Gpredictions of the old theory, but must also
  g  I3 }6 z) n! X" Q/ f6 oexplain why those predictions ---- within the ' s( n  g1 Y3 r, S! e
range of that old theory.
! h# i: j% [( r' ~9 G7 x8 Z5 m' L(A) organize.. failed
- c5 Z/ y6 k% L7 _(B) generate.. faltered 6 p6 I9 S* ?0 p+ K
(C) promote.. functioned . E- N+ G. b8 `2 X* j
(D) refute.. evolved # m3 r. t* |: z
(E) accommodate.. succeeded : L& X4 {2 i! X' L$ W
4. Human reaction to the realm of thought is often
1 q8 q2 N) X- }( k) c% |as strong as that to sensible presences; our
& t! e. i. l# |higher moral life is based on the fact that ---- 1 f: b8 j, P% X& w: P
sensations actually present may have a weaker ( I0 j# O$ t% Q+ b" J
influence on our action than do ideas of ----facts. 1 [( }: ]/ O) V  H! _  }% H" k  m
(A) disturbing.. ordinary + y4 y' B$ n1 O
(B) material.. remote   F2 E' |" G$ L$ f. l
(C) emotional.. impersonal : B4 t+ m8 {& a: [8 O
(D) definitive.. controversial ) E8 m0 S9 P# ~# N" |; {
(E) familiar.. symbolic # J" H, O+ n2 g) Y; O
5. Although ordinarily skeptical about the purity , p$ }' G# q2 j8 W8 K
of Robinson’s motives, in this instance Jenkins
# K/ a' M8 u# N2 M1 R% adid not consider Robinson’s generosity to be 8 X9 H' W) {  P
---- consideration of personal gain.
" E% m# q  Z$ L3 h' z(A) lacking in
& c- F* C3 f, y. c(B) contrary to
& N# z* R7 M, }( a* _: w(C) alloyed with 2 j( _4 R7 B( n. {$ b
(D) mitigated by
5 z9 R- m# }' n- v$ J1 y( D" q(E) repudiated by

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