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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题36

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Even though six players had been injured, the - ^$ q8 ?# l+ ^7 R( Q
coach announced to the assembled reporters that
; W2 L9 T$ l/ }% d! d8 p: h# Ithe team would ---- the championship. 1 H9 j0 D1 a. ]& W$ q3 M
(A) ignore 3 [/ m& I! j: a8 m6 }
(B) win
' o4 q9 g: J: U7 A3 ]! s(C) overcome
7 `; H/ L9 c! n$ D(D) demand . n! A3 V- W3 c$ o$ B" b, E% K
(E) refuse : S' ~" A0 |( G/ W% `) D
2. Although Jungius detected Galileo’s ---- in 0 `# S$ O1 M: w2 I
thinking that the curve assumed by a chain
# m7 G0 p2 B, V+ f( a$ shanging freely between two supports was a 来自www.Examw.com/ v% e4 |1 S8 K3 j) |
parabola, he did not ---- what the true form # e- a# k- H& ]' u0 x( |. n/ v' ^
might be.
0 s- N) B5 D4 F(A) wisdom.. question ; D& a* e6 O% T4 V' z2 C$ Z
(B) rationale.. prove 8 @5 B# t7 @) C- }( Z7 i6 P4 \
(C) error.. discover . f2 b! J% A6 F$ `6 @$ o3 y0 C, e
(D) sincerity.. conceal   K9 e. B: Y2 X$ ^6 M
(E) ingenuity.. understand 3 A0 {& B; `( A
3. Perhaps----, since an ability to communicate
/ G3 j; y# c# w( F- feffectively is an important trait of any great . i& z% |! d0 U/ a; f( n# W0 L
leader, it has been the ---- Presidents who have % q2 D) L3 A& y. ?8 C
delivered the most notable inaugural addresses. ' u/ h0 L: }: x( V
(A) predictably.. exceptional 5 P- b, ^$ d8 r: T6 J: {
(B) invariable.. famous # e7 E6 R. O" e7 s" d1 Y
(C) undeniably.. indomitable ) K( x8 K# r& P$ [, q1 n1 s8 c* p
(D) reciprocally.. traditionalist
- m  h/ N" q6 _* P(E) impractically.. influential
8 p& d/ l. q# o5 z/ [/ H% J8 H4. Her remarkable----, which first became 6 n- {4 P9 J  q. m
apparent when she repeatedly defeated the older
4 u' f0 \" {9 kchildren at school, eventually earned for her
+ E" u% f7 |9 j) n4 Lsome---- rewards, including a full athletic % @( V: y4 X% e" s4 }1 j: E" u- c
scholarship and several first-place trophies. ( o$ ]% K1 ^2 W6 {- D6 k7 }, k6 H+ |0 p
(A) sportsmanship.. academic $ S7 c) [! T: B9 `
(B) agility.. monetary
8 N4 P5 ]% U& f; t3 x" r(C) modesty.. unanticipated
' s# o9 x  V) A: R(D) speed.. tangible
* n7 D* ?4 s* M+ d; V(E) patience.. well-deserved
! z$ ~* O' ?6 h' h5. An example of an illegitimate method of
; L% F+ [$ {6 M, Z6 l5 @argument is to lump----cases together deliberately $ J/ }- N2 c0 r1 m
under the ---- that the same principles apply to 6 H. |0 m: q; L& x6 N5 A
5 A; _" @: ~6 p1 ]  |(A) unsuitable.. impression
! P' p! ~$ T5 U(B) disputable.. stipulation
" p, k/ F, I2 z* ?9 q(C) irrelevant.. assumption
) K& ^+ o8 R4 Z/ Z; L(D) dissimilar.. pretense
: U. N6 H7 K! ^% l" @5 K(E) indeterminate.. rationale

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