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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题31

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Stress is experienced when an individual feels ! C9 S5 |, h8 C: Q$ v
that the ---- of the environment ---- that * Q' r) K6 \2 L# R
individual’s resources for handling them. 3 |, S- i: ?+ `" F; R& V
(A) circumstances.. intensify . ?' K8 o3 h" `/ e1 `: P0 R, j. Q% Q+ z
(B) details.. exclude / R2 K! @: X. k/ u$ z( i
(C) demands.. exceed
& n) b% T9 x: w. ^! J+ n0 @, K(D) facets.. imply # B) [. ?4 x# k6 ?; Z' G& B
(E) benefits.. reveal 中华考试网
# ?! w. `5 X- Y: {# p% l2. To compensate for the substantial decline in the # s. N: `, z: Z! f  I; C4 w& x! w, S  y" d8 w
availability of fossil fuels in future years, we will & L0 N" |! r+ S+ f
have to provide at least ---- alternative energy
- {& q0 M; O3 O' Q9 ~  csource.
4 X0 d6 L( j+ E* v1 p" n(A) an anticipated
$ t! R3 ?1 {1 t8 D6 ?9 X(B) an official ) t8 x0 t2 K. O5 s* k' p. `
(C) an equivalent 1 ?% ]9 u" W1 t. R8 ?6 J% F
(D) a derivative
5 c9 u# w4 v/ F* K(E) a redundant . u/ [% a  z- K; K5 o! ~, n
3. Students of the Great Crash of 1929 have never ! D- n4 \2 ]3 I
understood why even the most informed
* l% U9 {1 Z& e- T( {9 Y% i; dobservers did not recognize and heed the ---- 3 i) b) ~; w" O* ^% U- j2 k
economic danger signals that in ---- seem so
! X8 m- H# |6 `5 Q. G( w9 R7 Oapparent. ! P9 J1 B8 B: t7 u+ U
(A) obvious.. combination
6 |8 m8 H+ M( Y2 m9 z' R3 x. D(B) early.. conclusion + ~/ _) g! g+ f- f' H
(C) direct.. application
/ O0 ~2 b5 K8 z& |(D) future.. potential
+ S5 Q0 C: J7 R(E) prior.. retrospect ; E% F* r, b. ?0 n* e
4. While admitting that the risks incurred by use of
3 I) [& t+ g4 ~: H; Q  A2 H7 athe insecticide were not ----, the manufacturer’s # V' [# z6 V0 ^0 i$ ?2 `' M' V9 H2 l2 x
spokesperson argued that effective ---- % Q$ v( H6 E! R# y9 K9 E" X* ~& H# o
were simply not available. 9 V6 H" Y* O4 s2 Q+ r8 n& ]) {
(A) inconsequential.. substitutes 3 z: P! q* j+ O
(B) unusual.. alternatives
" E8 g& S: {+ J/ h(C) increasing.. procedures 2 I; ]9 M* H2 ]
(D) indeterminable.. safeguards
) \- [$ E$ v1 s: J1 o(E) proven.. antidotes www.ExamW.CoM5 f0 N: k- `2 t+ B/ f$ ]8 _
5. Because time in India is conceived statically
$ L4 D. l$ C1 o* E6 {3 e3 urather than dynamically, Indian languages
  p' _8 z, K. g& J* k7 Y6 xemphasize nouns rather than verbs, since nouns " \9 {# k6 H* h% Z; T! ?
express the more ---- aspects of a thing.
" o. j4 O5 R7 a- _! f0 t5 \(A) paradoxical 1 r9 Q3 d% j2 r* @( Q8 r6 Q
(B) prevalent : p) Q' @3 \1 f
(C) temporal " H7 k1 G# u& u) n
(D) successive - a* r5 s* R, u
(E) stable.

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