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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题29

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Hydrogen is the ----element of the universe in/ m$ o+ d1 }9 u$ Z$ t+ O( Q
that it provides the building blocks from which8 D! G3 r* v; l/ W# D9 G3 b4 |% w
the other elements are produced.
) _6 a3 J1 u1 A2 V. ]% a" X$ U(A) steadiest (B) expendable (C) lightest0 V8 O  Z# a$ b; \' R
(D) final (E) fundamental
) Y+ O) C& r% Y$ I$ _2. Few of us take the pains to study our cherished
9 n& v) A9 ]% T8 Lconvictions; indeed, we almost have a natural---
: ~' ^' _: M3 Q, ?* ^) E. x, H-doing so.
0 I2 X6 N/ U4 o$ c" l* K(A) aptitude for (B) repugnance to
; ]! y5 L8 I/ K5 t$ K(C) interest in (D) ignorance of
" Y! K( D. Z. `' c1 p(E) reaction after
/ _1 H( u# t2 w; t, a$ v5 n3. It is his dubious distinction to have proved what
; H) h. c( z: _nobody would think of denying, that Romero at
4 R; J0 x" ^' V( z6 [/ [# Dthe age of sixty-four writes with all the9 w$ m3 l* S$ K# [0 u5 r9 i; r7 g
characteristics of----.* a& A, W7 p  B: Q
(A) maturity (B) fiction (C) inventiveness
! K0 p' V# K/ ^$ e6 p% e- R(D) art (E) brilliance
- Y/ s& b8 ]* b1 x: E: g4. The primary criterion for----a school is its
2 m( H5 l8 q3 i+ r/ |recent performance: critics are----to extend
% y0 {" M# V' c5 l8 X0 @- e: ]+ Scredit for earlier victories.
+ N& H" E4 y/ B: k  i: g- s(A) evaluating .. prone
' |8 Q& D9 [3 m" }9 T(B) investigating .. hesitant% N! F2 g+ o- F$ ~: k, y
(C) judging .. reluctant
' `% ?, j- X( |' c( J+ e(D) improving .. eager" n) E, @: j- w( S
(E) administering .. persuadedwww.ExamW.CoM* k/ ^! T2 a9 s) k& A5 n
5. Number theory is rich in problems of an' B$ V$ Y9 B" Q: [7 A9 Z0 c
especially----sort: they are tantalizingly simple8 v4 y/ V5 N+ I& L
to state but----difficult to solve.. S2 _6 J  Q2 W/ S0 u
(A) cryptic.. deceptively: V& L' f) B: @
(B) spurious.. equally* C) D2 }1 P8 f. Q. q) S3 P
(C) abstruse.. ostensibly# C/ q) t% t) s& G
(D) elegant.. rarely
$ {; Q! {+ ^5 p2 S; j/ z# q(E) vexing ..notoriously

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