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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题25

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The ----of mass literacy coincided with
0 a% |3 b* [0 Y; V- n, Nthe first industrial revolution; in turn, the new ) y. s4 p2 ?# i0 k
expansion in literacy, as well as cheaper ! [. `+ n5 G: w
printing, helped to nurture the----of
0 u' c( y) u" {& vpopular literature. & t& M. g+ x$ X: q+ ^0 j
(A) building.. mistrust
4 ^9 O% a4 ?) g: |8 [(B) reappearance.. display
! G2 k8 \7 Q- T0 U0 T(C) receipt.. source (D) selection.. influence
! x5 v+ a/ t  \% ^(E) emergence.. rise , p& d# W" X% T4 ]7 E
2. Although ancient tools were----preserved, 来自www.Examw.com; X# [. s1 f' {4 W5 H
enough have survived to allow us to demonstrate
! M/ x* g0 Y1 c$ x* \an occasionally interrupted but generally----
/ p* e0 P, n5 @4 `5 Eprogress through prehistory. 4 G* G0 i! ~2 O& s) j) X5 ?
(A) partially.. noticeable + a% D* `8 D$ c% j8 c6 J+ c- t' X2 ?
(B) superficially.. necessary 9 T7 s! T" s" f7 |3 B
(C) unwittingly.. documented
5 L( M4 p1 v  M; v5 Q(D) rarely.. continual
+ b& p, @* J" r$ m+ Z- M& Z(E) needlessly.. incessant $ @7 }2 u" w3 w$ j1 U' R
3. In parts of the Arctic, the land grades into the   d. q5 R, F% O) M* |* V- c
landfast ice so----that you can walk off the   g- e7 J! u+ ~& O+ w- [* x* R, L
coast and not know you are over the hidden sea. 1 t. [1 j: @1 G- C" i6 y4 C9 P
(A) permanently (B) imperceptibly / \- o5 @2 @5 b6 Y( F% G$ I6 q
(C) irregularly (D) precariously (E) slightly & x) H% D+ i" u9 {
4. Kagan maintains that an infant’s reactions to its
$ f# z* k% E- N+ rfirst stressful experiences are part of a natural
6 \+ b5 k, `6 J" P. \3 j: Oprocess of development, not harbingers of
  M0 `/ P9 T+ W# p) Z2 z% |childhood unhappiness or ----signs of adolescent
6 g  n8 X, c1 a. nanxiety.
: h" V) h" s  I$ y(A) prophetic (B) normal 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
2 ]* h/ j6 Y: ]( [' ~(C) monotonous (D) virtual (E) typical ; P* h. b# r6 |- {
5. An investigation that is----can occasionally ' q' J/ }. X6 Y! Y) J1 A
yield new facts, even notable ones, but typically
& V5 p& o( R* P. v% B" r, Vthe appearance of such facts is the result of a ) I( P3 h. }: {$ Q' f' W" _
search in a definite direction.
4 m9 F  `" T2 G9 V& l) e(A) timely (B) unguided (C) consistent ! ~* J: w) X3 e# e* t! q5 W  a
(D) uncomplicated (E) subjective

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