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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题21

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Clearly refuting sceptic, researchers have----not 7 X) r8 F2 A: u
only that gravitational radiation exists but that it / \& f" Y3 C& b
also does exactly what theory----it should do.
" N9 ~+ O# Y0 i$ z(A) doubted.. warranted
) g% p! \: ?8 w(B) estimated.. accepted ! Y& D6 i! W$ g7 H
(C) demonstrated.. predicted
3 j% w; L' l7 R, M/ A: l! e(D) assumed.. deduced
! C% l$ k  l7 J7 @8 u+ \(E) supposed.. asserted " k" q( m1 }/ |# w
2. Sponsors of the bill were----because there was 6 i) p1 l* f  s' W; ]0 Y2 |' p. y: q0 N$ s
no opposition to it within the legislature until after 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)5 _; e, |1 \8 n' }4 B' i
the measure had been signed into law. $ C0 r% n) [$ p) \0 S' `
(A) unreliable (B) well-intentioned + c' v3 S5 M) t' T$ I2 I3 t
(C) persistent (D) relieved (E) detained 8 e2 g( `5 c; F9 g" b2 d/ l' Y
3. The paradoxical aspect of the myths about
% r" N% O9 B7 q' Q; f. x8 qDemeter, when we consider the predominant 4 C% h/ D" {1 _) z# M% L0 ~
image of her as a tranquil and serene goddess, : o5 ~+ h+ l, f* w
is her----search for her daughter.
# H8 E% _% ^8 y$ ]+ E(A) extended (B) agitated
0 a* O- ?7 z+ l. X(C) comprehensive (D) motiveless
7 b( o; j6 W# x. d! T(E) heartless * Q( u% q5 b: x
4. Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians
, v2 g/ q  P! \- r# kin 1793, and so----Memphis, Tennessee, 6 b4 r/ X* y  O! N& Q. H
that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after
. [) A6 G! a# |nearly two decades in----in the Western Hemisphere.
5 N$ E, q! I: d6 T9 x  c(A) terrorized.. contention ' I" K: M3 p! o8 _% K$ B1 D( q" [
(B) ravaged.. secret ' t2 P* c7 G& J$ O5 z+ p
(C) disabled.. quarantine
; |- t8 X8 s; g0 Z1 s7 }(D) corrupted.. quiescence 7 L" v/ G; w5 [2 y2 [0 z! x
(E) decimated.. abeyance
  u9 C# y9 K8 m! c7 f5 m, O- V3 b5. Although----, almost self-effacing in his private
8 M5 C5 m- u; B9 u2 t8 alife, he displays in his plays and essays a strong & w: @+ x; j0 c) Q' i- g; n
----publicity and controversy.
3 k5 h* U, D( [6 k" L(A) conventional.. interest in ( O; z: I8 D8 L
(B) monotonous.. reliance on 0 \; ^8 \& f( b3 ]7 W, N
(C) shy.. aversion toward
2 r( s( S/ m& ^(D) retiring.. penchant for * v5 |" [( z) S) S
(E) evasive.. impatience with

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