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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题15

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Created to serve as perfectly as possible their
& [( W3 s$ t6 Q" |2 V! ^; G4 Wworkaday----, the wooden storage boxes made in America’s Shaker communities are now----for their beauty.
& y! {# h0 b$ R  i' V* i( s# Q(A) environment.. accepted   Q4 I4 W  u, V2 H5 `% Z
(B) owners.. employed
5 d& d3 y. _3 h& P- B- m(C) function.. valued
% h1 ^; v) D. L" `( t$ R7 I(D) reality.. transformed 8 U+ {& @6 }- e5 J7 j4 C2 d
(E) image.. seen
2 s0 D  V( i) r1 \6 ~3 u  s2. In order to----her theory that the reactions are - m* L/ z% m& }) B, F
----, the scientist conducted many experiments, all 中 华 考 试 网
, B; j3 E' y/ a7 @of which showed that the heat of the first reaction
! |) g# C0 Q& A, }+ Y( bis more than twice that of the second. 0 e% \) r* M6 o; z
(A) support.. different
+ B, k" v* p; ]( c  d; H1 j(B) comprehend.. constant * ~9 F$ K; S* U* R* c
(C) evaluate.. concentrated   J# |1 R+ v2 g  f3 c! d
(D) capture.. valuable % V- \/ s6 k: w, s5 }0 l+ `$ b
(E) demonstrate.. problematic ( [! ]& `+ v" N
3. The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems " f4 i# l; j4 Y
to overpower us and drive us to----accounts for
: a, g/ K' b4 ~0 lan easily and readily digestible portion of news.
2 P6 t- @* g& R- e# N& r; G0 O/ A(A) insular (B) investigative (C) synoptic
+ B" w8 R% Q; z% T5 [- f(D) subjective (E) sensational
0 p2 V- X2 j7 M8 |8 k. R8 ?+ N3 K4. William James lacked the usual----death; writing
; p8 F; U% L- J. |6 `0 dto his dying father, he spoke without----about
, T( Z( H" _9 x) ^8 cthe old man’s impending death. & m* a: y1 l3 w& \$ V2 O7 A% D
(A) longing for.. regret 5 j2 ?0 _. b2 C+ L
(B) awe of.. inhibition / _9 u6 L5 p6 c! w: @& `
(C) curiosity about.. rancor
$ [6 I3 n" I) k4 G2 M) g5 I(D) apprehension of.. eloquence : v5 X/ r8 M% x4 x1 f5 V: c
(E) anticipation of.. commiseration 6 ~# d" g- v* e; T( v
5. Current data suggest that, although----states " e: i( r. `! i2 e" B8 @' W
between fear and aggression exist, fear and aggression . i9 y# F' T$ B. u! d; B! t
are as distinct physiologically as they are
* c& D$ A) ^6 z7 y' ~psychologically. $ a+ o# \) b4 l2 t3 [
(A) simultaneous (B) serious ' B$ L5 k5 Z6 I( w4 u
(C) exceptional (D) partial # j' B4 i: E/ ?. `+ I  M3 T/ O
(E) transitional

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