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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题16

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every : N3 ^! z0 w. B; i/ v0 ?! O
form of life is----other forms.
1 W. y/ v" A# K7 E(A) segregated from (B) parallel to 2 g, B8 b+ N( S
(C) dependent on (D) overshadowed by
' B8 j. X- a" q. f* m: _4 h  F(E) mimicked by ; C" ~- q# y% |5 v) {: T  B
2. The sale of Alaska was not so much an American
4 m0 {' s5 {& v. R4 e  Dcoup as a matter of----for an imperial Russia % e( F, T; z; P
that was short of cash and unable to----its own
# v, D* s" k+ |* V* j& ~continental coastline.   j" }1 P- H3 u% L
(A) negligence.. fortify " s. {# r/ I3 E$ x6 H
(B) custom.. maintain
; K  g& @7 U# t% U0 a3 @) I% L(C) convenience.. stabalize www.ExamW.CoM( ^. A7 ^; F, l8 I
(D) expediency.. defend 9 F  O; T3 }3 y; a2 Y( X4 A- L; i
(E) exigency.. reinforce
! C7 Z6 k, C( J" ]( k( w7 M0 W2 B3. Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is
0 p$ U% W* y# ]7 pno necessary link between scientific skill and humanism,
" w2 W5 f  k8 y6 R; j) x+ Hand, quite possibly, there may be something of , L0 P% |) p+ ?" _7 C, W# q6 F
a----between them.
5 R  b# H9 T5 B, h/ w(A) generality (B) fusion (C) congruity
. ?3 }2 ?2 N7 H" @# h) c(D) dichotomy (E) reciprocity
5 ^( {9 V0 K  J" O1 {! L4. A common argument claims that in folk art, the 2 R, O) x& }8 X6 X# h+ P
artist’s subordination of technical mastery to intense 2 F) r/ \5 q% f' A1 ?, p. `/ h/ N
feeling----the direct communication of emotion + }+ q% K+ `4 C& _9 O; c& g8 W
to the viewer.
5 [2 H8 V+ w" s1 G) ?1 F(A) facilitates (B) averts (C) neutralizes
8 j7 G) ?3 B5 ?& l- @, Q$ \* R+ k% R(D) implies (E) represses
$ d- L( \- _  Z% [. W+ y- m5 }5. While not completely nonplussed by the usually
  R  m3 R* b: k4 L% ^3 V/ d) p1 Zcaustic responses from members of the audience, the
3 [1 j( i9 G# L' D/ M2 Jspeaker was nonetheless visibly----by their lively
- c' ~( L7 u$ Z; E% b  x- W+ x/ acriticism.
  k% a" |( B; j: t" [& a7 \(A) humiliated (B) discomfited (C) deluded
/ u% r+ L) w8 o( Y(D) disgraced (E) tantalized

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