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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题17

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. By divesting himself of all regalities, the former. z% S6 N+ E+ k/ N5 V; j
king----the consideration that customarily  h8 R' X  i6 M2 r3 i7 m
protects monarchs.' t1 D9 M; T4 L: o& F, \. v# R( x
(A) merited (B) forfeited (C) debased
! D1 t0 K* N5 U8 \3 E! `(D) concealed (E) extended
( t5 L; D1 q, t5 u2. A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function
* [) W- h% j) h: R( \, Afrom----, relating the----of an organism to$ q5 P1 g% Q2 n% i" F+ E
its physical form and cellular organization.
$ Z$ Z( y% V+ z( Y: r" \+ U# I(A) age.. ancestry7 D- h. W2 S$ b7 R4 i) I4 b
(B) classification.. appearance
0 @0 D- @0 s3 t# G0 V- k7 L- ](C) size.. movement (D) structure.. behavior
- r- G$ r- F* p# d( |1 c' C(E) location.. habitat9 R  h* C$ q9 W9 H: A! t
3. The sociologist responded to the charge that her
* v& w' o% D4 g$ K; S  F+ Y  Z) ~new theory was----by pointing out that it did4 T8 L) s0 \, N* ~, H0 j
not in fact contradict accepted sociological/ B  |# y$ T# W
principles.( Y# W  H* z/ Q3 g/ @5 D
(A) banal (B) heretical (C) unproven
+ Z) I& t9 k$ |/ }(D) complex (E) superficial
' m2 ^% \7 X3 \" F6 r( C0 d4. Industrialists seized economic power only after
2 }; H" J% i/ ], q4 a' e, lindustry had----agriculture as the preeminent
; P; |# u! h: ~- r% Oform of production; previously such power had
. E2 p+ K  \6 |& T- {----land ownership.$ J# d+ k9 k  l- b$ j, c
(A) sabotaged.. threatened, v) |) j- a9 W0 b. R: L
(B) overtaken.. produced
! e2 X* n, d; m; B3 W2 {3 D(C) toppled.. culminated in
1 G, b( q3 Z+ H  r" ^(D) joined.. relied on
/ |8 P( N4 v$ b(E) supplanted.. resided in
/ @7 T& X- H6 v6 A# A8 x9 {5. Rumors, embroidered with detail, live on for
$ Z5 ]# |: R7 i6 v6 h9 M; ayears, neither denied nor confirmed, until they
# r+ o" V8 h3 ^! }% T3 E- Cbecome accepted as fact even among people not, r2 f7 Z, ~# b% }- _. O2 G8 B5 ^
known for their----.2 ^& V3 Z2 y- b$ P- F) u
(A) insight (B) obstinacy (C) introspection7 U$ N' }1 H5 b" J& b
(D) tolerance (E) credulity

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