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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题19

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. In eighth-century Japan, people who---- wasteland
7 A6 d) D" Q- qwere rewarded with official ranks as part of an
. H+ y% t$ J: I9 o7 _! o7 V% jeffort to overcome the shortage of----fields.
, D3 _2 ~; [7 W( n0 F% j* p(A) conserved.. forested . {+ Y. `- m+ P8 Q
(B) reclaimed.. arable
: O9 c% o/ ?/ S$ a, H) u6 h- F, d(C) cultivated.. domestic
. v7 k% K% K% m- w# B6 V1 a(D) irrigated.. accessible
( ^+ S$ Y$ F0 m& \* E' [# H(E) located.. desirable 4 ~/ {, X% }/ P/ o. X/ [
2. If duty is the natural----of one’s ----the 7 R/ ~4 I( l9 k) Q' \( J
course of future events, then people who are powerful
, k& ?1 r6 t$ m; G9 Hhave duty placed on them whether they like it or
5 ^, i* [/ h& V* t0 `6 x7 ]1 znot.
# S& e2 i) t& {! W& R: S& ^1 C: r% r(A) correlate.. understanding of
% y% b( I1 j3 d1 h2 ^8 X4 \(B) outgrowth—control over
+ g% W& ]0 H2 G5 r$ L! f/ Q(C) determinant.. involvement in 考试用书7 L3 w  g. A/ J4 l4 c0 J; O
(D) mitigant.. preoccupation with
0 V+ y- J$ i% A4 X  r- [8 S; W(E) arbiter.. responsibility for : a4 F) W% d( m& X' z6 L% X: w
3. No longer----by the belief that the world
; t5 _2 |" m4 ~2 uaround us was expressly designed for humanity, 2 C! ]9 }1 V* ]
many people try to find intellectual----for
9 d' A1 E8 W$ C  Vthat lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
9 g* E1 B9 X, i; l. s(A) satisfied.. reasons " [' F1 p% i# j* r" U3 O
(B) sustained.. substitutes
8 ?5 ]# Y' C* F: ]* x- c. D(C) reassured.. justifications ( R9 I7 F4 C! u$ E2 P* a
(D) hampered.. equivalents
1 o  ~1 T: E1 y& q4 _- s(E) restricted.. parallels 4 V8 b/ [4 J# R, o5 C' U
4. People should not be praised for their virtue if 7 M2 F" ^* I" x) a
they lack the energy to be----; in such cases,
+ t0 D- \. f# T0 l% |* }/ \" o2 O/ Vgoodness is merely the effect of----.
6 r* a, K$ Z' e/ O& @4 f) H(A) depraved.. hesitation
& Z; A; j' s4 z(B) cruel.. effortlessness 5 y6 E$ e- ~+ F% z$ g9 n
(C) wicked.. indolence ) Z* I, L6 r" O2 H5 {' e4 U/ ~
(D) unjust.. boredom
4 w: n% t0 t  @(E) iniquitous.. impiety
6 V- |9 `; k6 D' _$ o) E5. Although Johnson----great enthusiasm for
- l) p# m* A, phis employees’ project, in reality his interest in
' s' x" M7 I7 ^4 I+ x4 mthe project was so----as to be almost nonexistent.
4 z! k$ e: ]2 D; H(A) generated.. redundant
4 v& W- q# I7 C) }(B) displayed.. preemptive ! X9 F) o# P; ?9 K& X# ~# @
(C) expected.. indiscriminate
9 b0 T/ ~- ]& B( R- W, }(D) feigned.. perfunctory
' j" @; A6 x) p3 t(E) demanded.. dispassionate

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