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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题11

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 It is strange how words shape our thoughts and 4 a9 ^; b, R9 v7 y1 {
trap us at the bottom of deeply----canyons of 8 @: s7 J9 n" J6 s
thinking, their imprisoning sides carved out by the : O( j! o' C+ D) e6 G/ Q8 U
----of past usage. & i0 K3 s. f! n/ {) h/ J; q: M
(A) cleaved.. eruptions (B) rooted.. flood & S, m/ I- U6 `$ N' k0 V$ f
(C) incised.. river (D) ridged.. ocean
0 Q+ Y" r$ o! ?4 E* G5 s(E) notched.. mountains
. h/ T* J" v; |2 P3 b; v2 That his intransigence in making decisions----no
4 w9 O3 b$ ]8 m: N7 Sopen disagreement from any quarter was well 中华考试网
; C: ?' y9 Z# v* e0 u7 o7 Aknown; thus, clever subordinates learned the art of
9 s/ j. p+ o4 ]' h4 n7 {----their opinions in casual remarks. $ U2 e9 E1 N9 }, A2 z! t
(A) elicited.. quashing 3 _8 }. }4 W, Q8 R  y
(B) engendered.. recasting
# ?! T, ]& h$ m(C) brooked.. intimating
0 j7 Z( `( H" Z3 X% t(D) embodied.. instigating ! K* L1 \5 g8 |1 V, u
(E) forbore.. emending
+ I1 j: X5 x+ r4 K9 ?# B% L$ q3 Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but
) M1 p& V6 C, d' menlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960’s
0 q% R! P/ n& v# i; s7 [portrayed him as----thinker, eager to fill the " z/ {8 {5 h# B) V0 Y) `) h! d
young with his political orthodoxy while
: y: c  {# @2 I2 }4 D! {8 ~censoring ideas he did not like.
( r0 P* L$ e1 k( l) E* r4 O9 I# B(A) an adventurous (B) a doctrinaire . _' ]! R( D$ y; }9 v( E$ t
(C) an eclectic (D) a judicious (E) a cynical 0 S  |* |, e: ~  C0 ?0 K  ^
4 To have true disciples, a thinker must not be too
$ }, k. ?# Y7 M" Y6 S: N4 O----: any effective intellectual leader depends 3 i9 V( B& N( Y' y% X) ~
on the ability of other people to----thought 0 k  |) ]8 b/ H. j% c
processes that did not originate with them. $ P6 s; E! w: t* {. E) Z+ `" N
(A) popular.. dismiss 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
: A# e! g! D% O, P. I% [  B" ](B) methodical.. interpret
& Y0 M8 _8 }) A* c(C) idiosyncratic.. reenact
& X9 v$ q: K7 B3 M' ^! }  F" Q( c(D) self-confident.. revitalize
" C# t& ?/ B% `: V! \3 S6 b(E) pragmatic.. discourage ( _4 N9 R: d/ t5 {
5 Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to 8 M% Z) M- h/ Y  p* Q
laugh at themselves, although a hint of----can
+ G! d% j4 y- J/ n' p( l& K7 }( jboost sales of video clips very nicely. " ^: u" W; T6 H' B( F$ S9 [
(A) self-deprecation (B) congeniality
9 j# @+ X3 ^* p6 N# a(C) cynicism (D) embarrassment 4 u" y. @* {; ]  d
(E) self-doubt

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