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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题09

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Some scientists argue that carbon compounds
" L. }( w7 ?' |' }- wplay such a central role in life on Earth because
; M. X0 l. E; g& M2 l+ Nof the possibility of----resulting from the carbon
% c! x5 Z+ _& katom’s ability to form an unending series of
1 b3 `: G0 B( L' I! ~* tdifferent molecules.
! d2 h2 C* |1 D3 H& ~$ A(A) deviation (B) stability
5 e! h6 S( b' w, C4 f(C) reproduction (D) variety
& o/ g. i5 @! d- }(E) invigoration$ I) I) z" z( |3 T, s0 }+ F
2. Whereas the art critic Vasari saw the painting
; E+ i7 n$ n1 B3 Y9 \$ T; d( l& T0 e. uentitled the Mona Lisa as an original and
7 h( {9 F/ y0 ~3 qwonderful----feat, the reproduction of a natural
) v6 j! n3 R0 ?5 }; f1 Z! iobject, the aesthetes saw it as----that required! _" X5 o# _# H% q0 U& O; |
" A2 C2 S5 e! _(A) collaborative.. an aberration
$ W5 i5 @2 p% r) W: g! E. _: Q. w(B) historical.. a symbol
0 Y0 R5 {& U% [(C) technical.. a hieroglyph考试用书
. u3 b+ n0 h' c: k7 v# g; H(D) mechanical.. an imitation
9 t% O) e/ D. z- ]8 d6 w(E) visual.. an illusion
3 B# r7 v. o: ^  k/ L3. Until the current warming trend exceeds the
: _' `! L) v8 p9 w: Vrange of normal climatic fluctuations, there will3 O  e# P- Q& P0 g) I
be, among scientists, considerable----the
  o+ Y+ _* v9 w  `8 A2 x* }possibility that increasing levels of atmospheric; I% q3 e8 g; W  E& z' ]
CO2 can cause long-term warming effects.
( \/ ]% }4 h6 r(A) interest in (B) uncertainty about% e2 R2 J) ^0 }9 D* V) W
(C) enthusiasm for (D) worry about
* }- Y6 r4 N% c2 N) g" z(E) experimentation on
9 y) L# A- c) M5 P. n$ u4. Without seeming unworldly, William James
3 Z0 _; ?. v$ ]% v$ Rappeared wholly removed from the----of
" M2 W' j$ \6 Z( e7 ~society, the conventionality of academe.0 Q$ e; z6 T5 F; m- w* y& {
(A) ethos (B) idealism (C) romance
  b# ~, |2 f- I# `(D) paradoxes (E) commonplaces
  d9 n4 `  k5 d% y5. Although the revelation that one of the contestants
, }) O7 F. ^$ ^: w, x  Lwas a friend left the judge open to charges of lack4 ?% e" m/ m8 p. x
of----, the judge remained adamant in her assertion! V1 Z! h) d/ Z. f
that acquaintance did not necessarily
0 S- q7 t( ]  d' C+ mimply----.5 @. G8 {/ T4 l0 o8 j  N
(A) prudence.. tolerance
: ~1 c+ H1 |- W9 Q(B) detachment.. foreknowledge& B( W* U$ W6 S- p
(C) exoneration.. improprietywww.Examw.com4 r: V& \/ {+ ^) a% m# B+ ^# X$ ]- i
(D) prejudice.. preference
; P+ v0 o2 Q; ^; |: d  ~(E) disinterestedness.. partiality

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