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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题40

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Despite the fact that the two council members1 c3 l. y# k+ [4 I& M, j! Y" d! S
belonged to different political parties, they----5 ]$ l7 E: Q" V+ d
the issue of how to finance the town debt.+ B, C0 k5 ?! Q' ]) |! V
(A) complicated (B) avoided
0 `. U" W9 H6 w1 u3 d9 f" S(C) attested to (D) reported on
) Z- r( |2 a; O" h: H/ S(E) agreed on
' J( b' V$ _# K: ?6 W2. The breathing spell provided by the----arms9 t4 w$ x& x, j, d# W  z' j
shipments should give all the combatants a& v, |  O# l. h6 G, x0 k& I( Z. S
chance to reevaluate their positions.
/ m& k4 |: d' X- N( q2 E% g) P(A) plethora of (B) moratorium on  j( ?- N4 b3 e
(C) reciprocation of (D) concentration on
/ v7 r4 `( f( s" s(E) development of! x" k! _$ N8 N6 _8 d: |7 v6 [
3. The notion that cultural and biological  ^% ^" e3 {% y  ~8 [
influences----determine cross-cultural diversity is
- ?* P4 Q/ E7 G; t# S7 Cdiscredited by the fact that, in countless aspects- G* p, F, i; A! w
of human existence, it is cultural programming
) ^" Y3 E& y3 h8 d+ Mthat overwhelmingly accounts for crosspopulation9 f( k3 W8 C& f' @3 G) p7 M4 i1 o
variance.& h- X, x! r6 B/ _' b7 w+ s
(A) jointly (B) completely (C) directly
9 d, h; i( `5 }- [9 ^) ^(D) equally (E) eventually: I& E8 \, G9 G" {/ M1 _) \
4. Because medieval women’s public participation3 v& T, ^, o8 r9 k1 S
in spiritual life was not welcomed by the male$ K) y  z/ q8 U! d
establishment, a compensating----religious; S8 u+ \9 _4 _+ E# {
writings, inoffensive to the members of the  y7 t& f% d9 e$ H: q
establishment because of its----, became
# ]* H  T  a) D! Iimportant for many women.# J8 l8 K, v8 r
(A) involvement with.. privacy
9 n8 b. W/ p( M# q- ^3 u! c4 Q(B) attention to.. popularity3 Z! S) V9 b/ K- y1 D& _
(C) familiarity with.. scarcity7 E* `7 R  Q% t% u% p
(D) dissatisfaction with.. profundity
! H$ ?; \/ d# b/ i(E) resistance to.. domesticity
6 @/ n6 l! r2 C( c5. This final essay, its prevailing kindliness----by% C4 @. P) w/ Z$ b2 w
occasional flashes of savage irony, bespeaks% f3 C3 C' x- f, C* R3 E
the----character of the author.转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
, v, m- S: @+ _, Z6 \(A) illuminated.. imperturbable
0 H8 I2 k. _0 w2 q& t! c* d(B) marred.. dichotomous$ Y; N8 J  ]: n4 ~2 }. H0 X
(C) untainted.. vindictive
! s0 d" G) T6 R- N+ d4 U(D) exemplified.. chivalrous
* v, C( K8 L% R) C. q7 V1 E(E) diluted.. ruthless

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