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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题41

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Broadway audiences have become inured to----
  l/ d  ?: z* n3 O1 ]6 A, L" |0 Zand so----to be pleased as to make their ready
  N( G6 u' b7 A0 N  zovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality
+ {: R$ o" d: T# pof the production before them.
# T0 x  X! ?0 i5 B- l(A) sentimentality.. reluctant : G- p7 d3 B8 r; k3 l
(B) condescension.. disinclined 3 E, r+ w  ~8 A# j# w0 I
(C) histrionics.. unlikely 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]( J8 \7 l! T; e6 Y
(D) cleverness.. eager 5 O' Y; c& O, \& A. ?; k
(E) mediocrity.. desperate 7 t( M' k$ O/ g9 x7 y) _
2. Any language is a conspiracy against experience in . h7 d0 a1 ?6 B6 g- d* C
the sense that it is a collective attempt to---- 5 x& U. \9 \% v. j6 I5 M& n
experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.
% [5 r8 V  L7 a5 }# E' Y# I$ Z( Y- K(A) extrapolate (B) transcribe
+ i# v' c* @5 U9 O. l# ](C) complicate (D) amplify ( G; m* A9 k; T+ {
(E) manage 8 }  r3 J, G+ l8 S3 n
3. Scholars’ sense of the uniqueness of the central " g0 X1 U" A6 n% F3 r. q, O
concept of “the state” at the time when political
4 v6 G& F- s5 Bscience became an academic field quite naturally ) x+ T( m* Q" U# @
led to striving for a correspondingly----mode
% G* f7 }/ e$ ~of study.
8 Y+ @; @  h2 U, _2 t' m(A) thorough (B) distinctive - j0 O, z  K; K; S
(C) dependable (D) scientific & ~$ |- ?; Y8 ^5 ?0 ~2 g
(E) dynamic
# ~% i% h: _9 j6 m' i# q7 [4. Just as astrology was for centuries----faith,
7 \( ~3 q7 c2 m" e% scountering the strength of established churches,
8 y2 A: J3 N+ I$ j1 Xso today believing in astrology is an act of----
$ T2 s* J$ n3 _/ J4 ]! g3 Bthe professional sciences. + j( b: i  D+ L, t& W' f9 L
(A) an individual.. rebellion by
% n, `, S1 P; t8 u: r(B) an accepted.. antagonism toward
& H5 s9 r9 d# T2 X3 g(C) an underground.. defiance against
6 {0 A0 ?% O5 A- }9 h3 G9 S(D) a heretical.. support for
7 l# p7 v! `! e! @, ^(E) an unknown.. concern about
8 L9 ?4 T' v' [5. Although his attempts to appear psychotic were 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
/ |0 F0 ^5 R$ }6 y7 u' _4 [4 Zso----as to be almost----, there is evidence
8 A6 D, R( X; [, `that Ezra Pound was able to avoid standing trial
4 k& ~2 d! [, T) `1 bfor treason merely by faking symptoms of 9 t" f! e- c3 B" @( |+ d& H  [
mental illness. ! M2 o6 w: _" a& X0 B- i4 x8 x
(A) spontaneous.. amusing 2 r9 ^  r4 c3 N. M% O, i
(B) contrived.. believable 3 g' ~5 m# r$ J
(C) clumsy.. ludicrous
9 W" y& R$ Q! p9 y' c+ {. y8 [/ {(D) stylized.. distressing ) ?( K* B, W" s, }) c
(E) sporadic.. premeditated

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