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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题43

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. After a slow sales start early in the year, mobile 4 l2 m% I  i4 p; a7 n+ [5 T
homes have been gaining favor as----to * M& w& O9 h2 ?
increasingly expensive conventional housing. , A/ p6 G9 W7 @% b2 [5 x
(A) reaction (B) an addition 6 g+ n8 x/ ]9 B3 Y! e2 C+ h
(C) an introduction (D) an alternative
, L5 N7 M& F: Z( h, m- A(E) a challenge www.examw.com, J+ P# _3 R$ R/ S0 h
3. Just as such apparently basic things as rocks, clouds, 7 `7 s% i/ U- n) T) E7 l& D
and clams are, in fact, intricately structured entities,
) L% @; \, N( L( S% p/ n* Rso the self, too, is not an “elementary particle,” but
6 g$ }6 u, X1 ]  v. Vis ----construction. + ]9 q  U$ e5 l* }7 l0 S
(A) a complicated (B) a convoluted
4 d: N. y" Q0 M0 h3 W5 Z/ s(C) a distorted (D) an amorphous
" ~4 g1 M1 @  J# n  B  K& [(E) an illusory , p5 v1 M. h7 L* q" ~+ G, k: M
3. Considering how long she had yearned to see
/ S5 Y# ?. E! B8 V3 ?8 X- R  {Italy, her first reaction was curiously----.
, G& X4 q. I; w; R1 Z( }% x6 L(A) meditative (B) tepid (C) categorical
, Z/ ?2 C: }0 Z  A+ R# a1 m# u(D) unoriginal (E) insightful 6 p* j2 P: B% ]
4. The successful----of an archaeological site $ R. O( q; r8 T' l  j7 E2 O  U
requires scientific knowledge as well as cultural----. ) ?, D$ z# I: z& K9 X. k
(A) evolution.. awareness
4 j, U. A" g0 G8 n! i4 N! @3 U( D" j(B) revelation.. depth
& u/ ~$ Y$ @( c2 i* A(C) reconstruction.. sensitivity 考试用书
3 r8 x6 i" T0 X$ z! b- o7 l; K9 R5 D(D) analysis.. aesthetics - c4 u7 B3 _, {8 }) _6 V- ^
(E) synthesis.. understanding 0 w. R# Y2 R9 x( |+ k% }$ |2 _4 a
5. As painted by Constable, the scene is not one of 3 _1 j; M$ h4 ~# B! b& f
bucolic----; rather it shows a striking emotional
/ @' T- h$ O5 |3 |and intellectual----.
2 V9 O0 h3 j( D- E3 c+ b) G' ](A) intensity.. boredom & s$ \: W( K% t$ g) `8 }6 ^9 l
(B) complacence.. detachment $ [3 O7 ]" N/ W3 b5 b% Y! M
(C) serenity.. tension
! t$ x& {' b9 X) [; Y, ^, l(D) vitality.. excitement ) q' R, c" Y) m" i% g- j
(E) nostalgia.. placidity

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