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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题49

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Among the many----of the project, expense , n$ e7 P6 P4 ?5 b9 u
cannot be numbered; the goals of the project’s
6 @. h8 B' h' ?promoters can be achieved with impressive----. 9 m8 P# @. T' y, H1 r" f/ }: R0 ]4 c
(A) highlights.. efficiency ( H( L) `7 u6 f! y4 f
(B) features.. savings
9 a: f& q) k" n; c( q(C) disadvantages.. innovation + ^1 M# n1 |/ i; r0 x: L
(D) claims.. speed
9 q% X, d3 ]+ N(E) defects.. economy
9 Q% j% H/ w, o- A7 _& `& G2 p2. Though science is often imagined as a----- 3 R1 ?4 S6 }. g* b  p2 a
exploration of external reality, scientists are no
8 S# u( h' [; f) r( xdifferent from anyone else: they are----human 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]% D2 L  y  e6 ?: N2 a6 u
beings enmeshed in a web of personal and
4 u$ K! @8 d1 P! @: a7 nsocial circumstances. % Q2 c* v# H! ^
(A) fervent.. vulnerable
4 }+ E6 Z4 O  u- Y(B) neutral.. rational
. J  e5 k" H1 n7 `* U( |$ o(C) painstaking.. careless 5 D+ Z6 u9 |+ ~
(D) disinterested.. passionate - g# }. E7 x, ^+ W/ A
(E) cautious.. dynamic  
9 y: Y+ C2 K9 ?0 X- B3. The poet W. H. Auden believed that the greatest
7 a5 I4 K- i0 @, p* n0 _% }poets of his age were almost necessarily irresponsible, 7 \9 T  {( O# ^# b
that the possession of great gifts----the
# C' o" k3 E3 f* {6 N9 R----to abuse them. . ]- x' L7 r. K# D. x% R3 t& q$ L0 n
(A) negates.. temptation ; e5 q7 U6 n! `: ]1 e
(B) controls.. resolution ) F* m' B: n8 Z  ?+ L
(C) engenders.. propensity , A+ J3 r4 K) ^5 \* [& w
(D) tempers.. proclivity 7 t8 z$ b9 |* p3 A& x
(E) obviates.. inclination : U  M2 b9 w# d
4. The self-important can of musicologists on record
# e# e: r, t* n( P8 h5 s, Z7 w; Ujackets often suggests that true appreciation of the : Y. d  x# w( e; J- }* b' T+ M
music is an----process closed to the uninitiated 1 x2 P: d9 |/ X5 F. J; Y) k; q, V
listener, however enthusiastic.
9 w4 W% D  `' [* J9 G" r(A) unreliable (B) arcane (C) arrogant
1 T" H( j2 q1 q. d# v* q% \- k(D) elementary (E) intuitive 6 W6 ^& ]- s$ V& w: D
5. During periods of social and cultural stability, many
% U% N2 y1 m+ M9 y9 R! Lart academies are so firmly controlled by----that / A# |) ~4 j7 T. g4 Y
all real creative work must be done by the----. # Z: P: g4 B3 b+ {/ v1 [( ?
(A) dogmatists.. disenfranchised
2 D4 K$ t  w8 D6 j(B) managers.. reactionaries
9 t* B2 v( P8 i1 B* {& e9 J9 z(C) reformers.. dissatisfied
7 c8 h; J! \9 ^! m8 a(D) imposters.. academicians
7 c; _% `6 w7 E$ H  v6 ^(E) specialists.. elite

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