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[GRE填空] 历年GRE考试真题之填空题50

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Psychology has slowly evolved into an----scientific
) o2 t' O) m0 ^- H  Mdiscipline that now functions autonomously
  E6 [0 g% ?% ~, O5 N- Zwith the same privileges and responsibilities as other% N+ j! p1 D, {0 g
" ^1 U1 _/ T* \' W0 @" E4 W+ V(A) independent (B) unusual$ N$ I( M! f! [; x
(C) outmoded (D) uncontrolled
: S& S: Q  r9 [' h$ M  ^$ K(E) inactive# j8 }( U0 ~) S7 ?
2. A major goal of law, to deter potential criminals by
# f+ p' u: ?2 B+ ?  }/ K5 s0 lpunishing wrongdoers, is not served when the
- i( T; {9 {, i% {! q* r. gpenalty is so seldom invoked that it----to be a
( m/ f0 T, x6 g2 l. y. M----threat.
7 [/ y7 F1 z( |1 r! f3 _  R(A) tends.. serious
+ L) {! z  x' H7 B* m: J9 q9 E) C(B) appears.. real
3 }. ?8 ^. O" [' O' C) L(C) ceases.. credible
3 E0 s  l: a6 H(D) fails.. deceptive
" D4 _& q% M, M+ `, o0 \(E) seems.. coercive
9 t: n; h/ p! E3. When people are happy, they tend to give----中 华 考 试 网
' E% f( V3 G: }interpretations of events they witness: the eye of the
  n8 h( a1 `( Vbeholder is----by the emotions of the beholder.4 f5 [( r3 S* v3 ?' @( P
(A) charitable.. colored
1 U/ {4 N! V$ b- N: d; b7 D0 ](B) elaborate.. disquieted
+ \% Q+ t  \- ]0 F% p(C) conscientious.. deceived+ I5 E9 T$ E. }8 x9 G0 Q
(D) vague.. sharpened3 {. i7 y) ^* e5 d% [+ ^3 F
(E) coherent.. confused  ?* o$ D$ p7 T* n5 f
4. Even those who disagreed with Carmen’s views- E0 f4 W3 u1 O, w+ O
rarely faulted her for expressing them, for the positions' a8 m: n! z% l& A5 d- e
she took were as----as they were controversial.
) t' H3 C/ r! v. h* v(A) complicated (B) political
' g, ~: }( H  I9 y) X(C) subjective (D) commonplace+ `, ^- M: ]1 E/ |
(E) thoughtful1 c6 L/ h- l5 w3 l8 e! m  x
5. New research on technology and public policy' A. V5 e! H: ~# W8 I$ X
focuses on how seemingly----design features,
5 ~2 g- h/ V  `- Q6 E& I1 ygenerally overlooked in most analyses of public; b. k# S; d" d" I' f- b! p8 @
works projects or industrial machinery, actually% N7 I3 o$ `1 S0 j
---social choices of profound significance.
( j* v2 Z- l9 k" f+ L6 A/ S7 g(A) insignificant.. mask- |7 A0 R( o" Y
(B) inexpensive.. produce- A* K: S: @, G9 c
(C) innovative.. represent$ E8 N% g. w- p4 ~! `
(D) ingenious.. permit
- n. l5 j/ X# n9 c/ Q(E) inopportune.. hasten

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