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[GRE填空] gre辅导:填空笔记整理3

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9) actually:事实上,实际上' e' ^1 b, J" m+ i5 |
10.1) A distinguish from B:A区别于B1 p9 _) u5 O' W
( @, ^2 l" [: [9 t3 g6 S10.2) distinguish :区别,区分  y/ X/ D$ J9 n; T2 b0 J. D
11)transform from A to B:从A转换到B
8 P- W2 A0 S( ]2 N& a12) shift from A to B:从A转换到B3 W  r3 o- j$ F  t: U3 c# U
6 A& B. {) [/ P3 O' s0 g  h13) curiously:好奇的
3 p: w' R' t  V* B+ e8 }6 L引导常识对立相反的
7 y, c+ l# M& y% i) [3 P. o" z5 ]14)surprisingly:令人惊讶的
$ G+ Z& f6 l! w; Z6 \5 O2 z8 N引导常识相反的对立关系& ]3 L9 @; g4 G7 G
15.1) A more … than B" @$ O( u- \; V
more A … than B4 |$ A) j. m. W
A more adv/adj than B:对A的修饰大于B( ~1 H7 X2 n+ r$ ^9 O
物品类特征% t; w  j; e5 a
' V. I' U5 ]8 l4 x0 w- J* ~华丽对朴素: `' |' x# w8 o% b1 @+ s4 N
, T* q3 G# R5 E, uRichness, delicately, colorfully, subtly, lavishly, flamboyant, extravagant, sumptuous7 ?8 f. l/ p: W3 z+ g* \% d
15.2) more:更多
3 Y7 M3 ^0 B& u$ i' K( A  y比较级的陈述

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