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[GRE填空] GRE辅导:小议GRE填空的思维方法

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 k# e0 L1 _/ M1 Q3 b2 UTo believe that a culture's achievement can be measured by the -------of its written material requires one to accept that a page of junk mail is as ------- as a page of great literature.
2 ?( v9 N% v9 i, S6 Nnature.. readable # J5 X, J9 f& {5 [7 m7 A  G0 q
quality.. prevalent 2 H. s! U  y4 [6 H! F
timelessness.. understandable / y: u0 I+ a: n8 H2 u
applicability.. eloquent & i+ @$ B% o, A/ q" x4 C9 N
volume.. valuable - H6 I/ ]. O/ ?/ D. r6 [
It is no accident that most people find Davis' book disturbing, for it is ------ to undermine a number beliefs they have long ------- $ s! H# F9 T/ {7 O  c# Q
) M6 q+ w1 q5 W  s5 t/ Cannotated..assimilated , r$ ?: |+ N6 J! A7 h- o. L2 a
intended..denied " l+ f! v- f$ z: H
) x3 D) e" S1 Y# T. hreputed.. anticipated
& W( B1 R4 M+ y2 q' cGiven the failure of independent laboratories to replicate the results of Dr. Johnson's experiment, only the most ------- supporters of her hypothesis would be foolish enough to claim that it had been adequately ------- 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)6 H, y3 K) t& u% `, O' s
fastidious.. defined
9 E' s/ c: A1 ]. \- Mpartisan.. verified + y# p& B$ f* e0 h5 ]
vigilant.. publicized
! h" m: n/ Y  Y8 K- Yenlightened.. researched , t7 z8 u& D; w% u' E
fervent.. undermined 1 K; I3 o* W* L7 K9 {
下面进入正文,答案是EAB。 * K0 \' J& Z. Q) z6 y
黑狐狸小议填空的思维方法 " ?$ o9 B8 e' l: n) M2 Y
做填空题的过程中,我们经常会遇到一些混不可解的词汇障碍。怎么办。本文想跟大家探讨一下怎样去蒙答案。' G1 H; k* f( M
如这道题:9 z/ f  @* D" }# C5 l2 Y' G
To believe that a culture's achievement can be measured by the ------- of its written material requires one to accept that a page of junk mail is as ------- as a page of great literature. & z7 R* B( r0 X6 V$ ^; Q  ]$ l
nature.. readable ! g1 d$ Z( Y! S
quality.. prevalent 7 y& h" H( b, T, ]  e
timelessness.. understandable - [4 q; D. D" a
applicability.. eloquent
9 J& t6 ?2 K8 |0 m/ _" Zvolume.. valuable
& [/ e) U! B! x2 k: H( B
- D# p7 B( E2 c: O3 o这个空的第二个选valuable
) w' V7 i; ]4 R  S# g  u  Ue是我比较确定的。比readable和其他的要好,但是第一个空对volume想不通,但是又不能说这个词肯定错,只能说不懂。这个nature看来好像有点通,但是又不是最好的,因为这个nature是万能词汇,很多地方可用。怎么办,许多时候我们的 思维便开始保守。这个volume不懂什么意思,干脆就选a吧。Readable似乎也通。而且煞有介事的给readable找了一些成立的理由。
8 E9 f. I, z; D& t. o这是一个思维的误区。一定要记住。对valuable这样几乎必对的词要优先选择。除非在你把整个句子透彻理解的情况下完全排除了他的搭档的可能性。否则在句意一团模糊的情况下,优先选择自己还比较拿得准的。这样赌成功率大。
  z* G1 g! ?$ }It is no accident that most people find Davis' book disturbing, for it is ------ to undermine a number beliefs they have long -------
4 D# ~3 U, I2 _6 i5 {calculated..cherished 9 C0 ]2 d. q" q( i9 O$ n. |9 f
annotated..assimilated " A1 ?/ A# U2 }7 Z
intended..denied 8 Z+ l$ K: f; c1 a% A. l) D
5 `3 l: ^2 x- P, z# }5 Yreputed.. anticipated
& v4 f" A+ W# b# }这个空也一样,只有cherished比较肯定,逻辑和语感都符合,但是第一个空不知所云,这里的calculated的意思绝非计算这么简单,自己的功力不能解出,那么,放弃这个空吗?这么好的cherished难道就放弃了吗?看看其他的,CE肯定不对,因为意思不对。B这个词由于自己不太理解所以显得似乎可能正确,而前面的annotated也让我糊涂;D的anxious似乎有点门道,但是misunderstood不是特别通,但是如果勉强可能有点点通。
" e% L4 `& b4 p: c怎么办,肯定要蒙了。这时候最怕思维方式就是为这个misunderstood存在找理由,从而迎合前面的anxious,于是似乎很完美的解决了这个空,这其实是人的一种本能的完型心理,或者说溺水人要抓救命稻草的心理,尤其是那些不太自信的应试者。这时往往是阵脚大乱,完全不是凭理性而是凭自己的想象力来作题。所以克服了这种心理,你遇到摸棱两可的题目答对的几率会猛长。www.ExamW.CoM" W$ v# H. {8 L4 m
/ s# c2 V9 c- L% EGiven the failure of independent laboratories to replicate the results of Dr. Johnson's experiment, only the most ------- supporters of her hypothesis would be foolish enough to claim that it had been adequatel
; ~4 h7 T4 z3 b. {y -------
3 ]9 d! z( t- X. E: P+ M  Ufastidious.. defined * k1 C; I9 b+ h: s" _: j
partisan.. verified
, H1 x( a( t1 E+ ovigilant.. publicized
, q! w7 e6 X+ j/ X2 d3 p) B$ Benlightened.. researched ( n, J3 M' Y+ M
fervent.. undermined
6 i5 ~& P7 L" b) a) E* H语感的作用:adequately这样的副词如果大家积累多的话就会知道,多跟正面动作有关,充分的证明,充分的考虑,有没有这样的说法,充分的破坏呢?这种写法是不是显得有些残忍的幽默,是一个美丽的错误呢?ETS好像是一群比较刻板的人,他们不会在题目中用这种矛盾修饰法的。注意积累一下这些内容。

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