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[GRE填空] GRE考试辅导之填空(音乐)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ g1 h2 [# I& [+ b[共9 篇]5 [/ }7 T3 h3 R/ j; ]
1.音乐评论家作品给谁看题maintain…advocate1 q0 z1 S- Y# r  n6 L6 M
! m7 Q% |3 {; |6 M( w$ i来激起大众的广泛兴趣。
: _6 I( }& B6 ?1 H2 y【注解】dissident:[adj]有不同意见的advocate :[n]拥护者,倡导者,辩护者( _8 J8 I$ p9 U- g, J" C1 |
2.音乐天才早熟题precocious9 @: I: P, v. v+ M" O# l
Music expert 不同于一般的prodigy神童, not only because they 有很好的skill, but also____is3 A; r2 s  P" y" `$ o+ Q
significant: because their skill can emerge at a very early age.
$ z- N* a9 V" H【注解】intuitive:[adj]直觉的sagacious:[adj]聪慧的,有灵性的precocious:[adj]过早发育的,过早的! {, j1 G) j  I& P7 e' }( \6 ~
3.音乐评论作曲家不公正题disinterested...exacting3 b2 d+ n% z, C+ m) [
某music reviewer and composer S(人名)is hardly____对某种人:对于用他音乐的人他
  X* i( X9 Q; i1 O8 k- r' Fsympathize ,对ignore 他的什么音乐的人他就____ on standard.7 {9 C; X0 F3 l! \! L% V, B6 E) {! G
【注解】sympathize:[v]同情,体谅,赞同objective :[adj]客观的minimal:[adj]最小的,极小; T& o( P0 [! A' _. d3 K6 j$ b7 t$ K
4.Folk song 生机和衰退题vital...declined
) }8 h. [0 K% U1 y# E$ z5 ?% YFolk song remains____...reinforced,however 在另一方面____发源地的...
! _1 x( U* }3 D& X8 T' {【注解】vital:[adj]生命的
4 Q  y- P& L( t0 D1 ~3 u6.甲壳虫音乐下意识题subliminally
- ]5 ^/ S; l8 h* X+ HMuch of the beatles music, as evidenced by"All you need is love",was characterized by a' {3 r, N1 E8 Y" @9 I* H
superficial naivete____contradicted by an inherent,deeper cynicism.# ?5 _$ X9 D% X/ r# B  }# h
【注解】superficial 肤浅的,表面的naivete 天真的,无邪的contradict 同…矛盾,驳斥subliminally 下意识地  q0 H( s7 D% A% x! v2 v9 t
cynicism 犬儒主义,愤世嫉俗,冷嘲1 s% `7 d) Q; j+ [
+ ^# d/ S9 z/ x' q  v( }Whereas performists have always attempted to ____the fact that piano is basically a percussion
. N2 f# x3 x5 einstrument ,the pianist seemed to ____this characteristic by the excessively exuberant style lastnight.7 d# Z; p* f6 [( w7 V* p' a
- k( U7 R- J* m8.弹钢琴才能题& ]6 K- e" ]3 m5 B- A5 ]
In spite of her____talent for piano, she seemly struggle performance……,attribute to her____practice. / W2 S$ B' p0 F) {1 C' b: O
raw...rigorous 7 _1 L, n$ n; B: x, b' q4 |; h
$ E9 X! c5 Q+ Q【注解】raw:[adj]未加工,生的,擦掉皮,无经验rigorous :[adj]严格的,精确的,严峻的prodigal:[adj]非常浪费的,丰富的diligent :[adj]勤勉的
9 r" U. B- N3 G# J* k【注解】echo:[v]反射,重复着,重复gullie:[n]猎人的随从,侍从

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