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[GRE填空] GRE考试辅导之填空(艺术及其他相关)

发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 p' |. ]  n+ w* |[共21 篇]
+ z- k/ d6 }7 M' Z7 b* {7 o2.讲话省略反映政治和艺术的歪曲让人很不爽题elliptical...oblique
- U  H4 @% j% M1 W4 u/ b#S(某人) may be maddeningly____,he talk____of the distortion of politic and art, but let the
" |; a. `7 R4 _( ^7 wreader to distinguish the distortion.6 c4 J% |- c9 _
【注解】maddeningly:[adv]使人恼怒地distortion:[n]变形,扭歪,歪曲succinct :[adj]简明扼要的verbosely: [adv] 唠叨地elliptical:[adj]椭圆的,省略的,朦胧模糊的oblique:[adj]斜的enduring:[adj]持久的
, C3 l, L6 h% d; u3.艺术机构和学校艺术题ridiculed…pejorative4 T, c- _8 W: h0 J0 D* {# O8 h
一个(法国名)艺术机构在当时被人们的____的很厉害,所以后来由于这个原因提到academic$ W! U7 y- g0 z6 i+ g% G
art 变成是一种_____的说法
! t9 H. ]8 t) ^【注解】ridicule:[v]嘲笑pejorative: [adj]贬损的
8 w" g' d0 I& m0 _! |5.中国瓷器艺术题(多版本划线方式多重考多) confound ...enduring
. M/ r2 x8 d+ i' f+ t0 ^* ]From Neolithic pottery to twentieth-century posters, the extent and variety of the arts in
5 R: T& F& O0 d& ]: ^0 u1 uChina____those who search for continuity; nonetheless, certain ____values are reflected in+ t: d9 c' c5 f( ~- y
China's artistic traditions.
( R. `- j, X' ~) u+ O( Y8 t, ?【注解】neolithic:[adj]新石器时代的pottery:[n]陶器poster:[n]海报,招贴enduring:[adj]持久的abet:[v]对...进行教唆,支持pervasive:[adj]到处弥漫的,遍布的alienate:[v]疏远
+ f7 |" A: a9 g% [( G- ^5 Y#It seems that the chinese history is____as much illusion of chinese art, nevertheless, certain ____4 H0 S/ f  C! F" {
versions permeate in all the chinese art.(no.4)
, X1 j9 c" U) w; akey:changeless... enduring(倾向选)4 Z# D3 j3 V0 q  \9 U0 {
& t% l, E  J. Q  {#中文大意:中国文化的多样性使得它和中国政治一样,在其中寻找到的____只是一种幻景;
8 u  @9 B8 @  w7 @然而,实际上中国文化有一种____的特性存在。8 a5 g' R& h0 W2 {
#虽然中国的艺术和它的历史一样始终有____和幻想,nevertheless 中国艺术在发展过程中又* ^$ U# M& K3 K- K/ M4 A  ?
有一种____价值始终贯穿其中。, j6 H2 C/ F$ [8 w
key: changeless... enduring- \) f( Z/ ~2 r" U% i" m
【注解】iconoclastic 偶像破坏的,打破旧习的permeate 渗入,充满
: y/ d: n/ P  V, L有些消失evanascent 的中国艺术在中国历史上体现了____of ____的理论:nevertheless,一些
3 b- t+ L( |" nenduring 的价值保持下来
$ Q" \9 c# U- n% N2 r& J4 @key: changeless...illusion1 K+ `0 e' `/ G+ e" @# l0 Z( z
【注解】truism:[n]自明之理altruism:[n]利他主义8 _* r, t: p+ ?( b- K1 l
6.中西艺术表述政治思想题counterpart for ...relies on
8 C( q, A4 x6 Z2 ^Chinese art has no ____the powerfully explicit antiwar paintings of the West, but____subtlety and indirection to express political thought. # X  E/ @* M6 f% O
【注解】panacea:[n]治百病的灵药intimation:[n]暗示,通知allude:[v]暗指refrain from:避免/ W$ |( A2 @" J4 u7 r6 C
¥7.和其他作家一样绝望题despaired of...bewailed
9 T% N: c  _; L8 R& dJust as some writer have ____ the capacity of language to express meaning, Giacometi ____ the# Z- a' a1 J$ P% z! S
failure of art to convey reality.2 e( m* w' t( I! q1 L
" F  f8 a( |/ B$ i& p10.艺术是副产品题disparaging...disdain
0 _2 k. q3 ~( p+ R) @- B$ ?现在的critics 认为the ____ viewing that art 被视为社会culture 的by-product副产品 的同时, ____ 现0 |3 }& n& t; J
在关于art 种种细节的统计研究方法,然而那种研究方法还是很重要的. (no1)
( N: L! i: p2 \$ x, S【注解】vogue:[adj]流行的retrograde:[adj]向后的,倒转的,衰退的disparaging:[adj]贬低的disdain:[v]鄙视,不屑
- \/ N) K7 x: @% s, t3 ]4 ?' @; n¥11.女艺术家不逢迎权贵题exceptional...eschew
* }6 G0 c* N4 N! x. E1 E4 \6 aIn contrast to most of her contemporary artists奉承权贵,who 按照世俗taste来改变自己的风格,这位美国女艺术家Whetley was ____for not ____innovation in order to satisfy the conservation tastes of the wealthy people.: z. A4 c) }/ g( y
12.更喜欢美学题polemic9 D$ j" ~; k1 Q: P* L
某人不是outspoken 而是politic,这人care aesthetics rather than____.(NO1)  I4 T/ _3 O& ?" n' f+ C8 f
【注解】outspoken:[adj]直言的polemic:[n]激烈的争辩,争辩者narrative:[n]记叙文,叙事,叙述cinematics :[adj]影片的, 电影院的commercial: [n]宣传theatrical: [adj]戏剧, 剧场的, 做戏似
( {, Z& c& C7 M+ u13.批评家展示艺术观点题question...accessible
! r4 Q* l1 ]# ^' C. \0 S6 y某批评家经常____某些art displayed in contemporary gallery,这向世人展示了他的这种观点:世人经常忽略某些不容易____的艺术' l# G2 X9 X9 V- ^3 y
6 H9 q/ \# r( U. s  N#尽管人们认为一种欺骗性的表述是modern invention,实际上在____就有了) b4 d) c" ~+ J! J$ C4 A
#学者们都认为某种讲故事的艺术形式是产生于现代的。In fact, 这种以narrator 来讲演故事
6 k6 y5 p8 M$ S; q$ B4 k: W的形式____the twentieth century. (No.3)9 Y( M: P$ k! o2 b) v+ A
【注解】antedate :[v]提早日期, 居先flourish:[v]挥舞,茂盛,挥动,装饰,炫耀typify:[v]是...的典型,是...的特点,象征,代表9 c% Z/ w8 q1 B; z6 `' A
16.民间艺术家描绘细致帮历史学家题depict...aid, k1 x* h" h4 |% b" P- m
Folk artist 对于xxx的____是如此的in details,他们____了historian 对于xxx的研究(No.1)
, z/ M$ M' @/ u/ H/ Q/ U8 _+ T, t: `【注解】depict: [v]描画,描绘,描写
& \' C" C; {& n% A8 ?- P! m* i18.某人对艺术熟练题skilled...employ
9 T; c+ f0 F( U某人对一项....艺术很____,因为他早就____它了。* L3 Y& D( q( h0 c2 o! i4 t4 V
$ K$ G/ F! Z6 V. z. K现在的艺术家不再强求____,反而倾向于____原有的风格。/ C, e: L: ?6 g; [! \' x' u
20.展览会目录多样性题diversity...redeemed  Y. n0 s3 a& f; f( S
The exhibition catalogue's____is____by the nature of the appended essays:ranging

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 12:59:34 | 显示全部楼层


from pompously art-historical to embarrassingly personal and anecdotal.
, f9 s9 a: R' ]# A0 Z【注解】redeeming:[adj]可以弥补欠缺的pompously:[adv]爱炫耀地diversity多样性
# L! g; R' K& E) B( `4 c" O2 P% ~¥21.照相现实主义细节戒决抽象强调现实题8 F# d7 \  \& H3 L* k
有一个人的作品eschew abstract for realistic,所以他的作品是____., _9 a- Q& Y* ]
verisimility貌似真实* c6 `/ Z3 k% z( R% O! _8 e
评论家们____modernism 是individual 和creative 的,所以photograph____is a logic conclusion.9 N; W6 E7 w: `: a: l
% f4 y) f$ X6 Q现在的photo-realism is meticulously过分注意细节rendered补偿 by sociologists,eschewed abstraction and 越来越强调realistic,thus achieved a detailed,realistic description and impersonal____.0 ^, j6 b2 P$ S
key: imaginary/verisimilitude(倾向,重点争议)  K% r* O1 U+ e
【注解】meticulously [adv] 过分注意细节地render [v]付给, 给予subjectivism [n] 主观主义verisimilary [n] 貌似真实grandiloquence [n] 大言不惭overturn [n] 翻转, 周转
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