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[GRE阅读] GRE趣味阅读:相亲男女的几个谎言

发表于 2012-8-15 13:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Lying is more than an occasional experience for many people on blind dates. "I'll keep in touch" is the lie most frequently employed by single people.  8 }5 u- X: D0 T, i
  许多男女相亲时都有过说谎的经历,“以后再联系”是最常见的谎话。" K4 T# G% @3 Y1 G

6 L' _+ x8 V5 K7 F! q- }6 |8 _  Y  Recently a matrimonial company and a matchmaking website conducted a questionnaire among 785 single people.
0 }, R& G  u" c: `
9 ?2 c/ h2 ^7 A0 j3 Q3 N  一家婚介公司与某相亲网站日前联合对785名未婚男女进行了一次问卷调查。2 E# i" `/ C. A( j, D! ~' B

! h" o- W! S- |7 o8 ?1 x  The results indicate that nearly one-third of the respondents (249 people) admitted that though they may be unwilling to develop a relationship with a person, out of courtesy they frequently say after blind dates that they will keep in touch.0 h) m) F$ u( y5 U5 f4 a: z) l

2 b9 x7 z, `. t! s; [% B; G  结果显示,将近三分之一(249名)受访者表示,即便不想继续交往,出于礼貌的原因,他们都常说“以后再联系”。& }4 z- Z) I+ N
% L3 W* k! B6 b* I
  In all, 35 percent of the 391 male respondents (135) said the most common phrases from women are "this is my first time on a blind date" followed by "I am too busy to make up" (27 percent), and "I cannot drink too much" (21 percent).8 c8 N. @( `+ B, D2 x# b8 ?
. C) R4 m4 o2 n) H/ d: y
  在391名男性受访者中,有35%(135人)认为,相亲时女性最不可信的话是“这是我第一次相亲”,其次不可信的是“我实在太忙,没来得及打扮就出来了” (27%)以及“我不太能喝酒”(21%)。( u+ Q' @4 Z3 {

( }; e0 e# E! E5 s$ H3 u  While 47 percent of the 394 female respondents (184) cited "I do not care about a woman's appearance" as the most common words used by men, with "I am too busy to seize the chance to get married" (20 percent), and "You are surely very popular among men" (18 percent), following./ A/ a; H4 P" J* z' z3 M1 C

; B6 F" Y. ?8 h+ \( W* }6 a9 Y( K  在394名受访女性中,47%(184人)认为,相亲时男性最不可信的话是“我不在乎女人的外貌”,其次是“因为工作忙错过了婚期”(20%),以及“你肯定很受男人欢迎”(18%)。
8 g, E' @7 S4 O. o
: d% G8 k& S2 t1 U6 f) q* L6 |" E* @  Meanwhile, "You gave me a good impression" ranks the fourth on both male and female respondents' lists of "the most frequently used lies."
+ o/ j* U; N( B* s* w; W) F
9 G+ Z/ L! o7 v( K% B  与此同时,“你给人的印象很不错”在男女“最常说的谎言榜”中均位列第四。9 ~+ c# W4 }0 A5 j8 ^5 I
1 `7 e1 {! B7 w- F! G
  "Proper praise has positive effects, which could light up the mood of the opposite side and enhance the atmosphere. On the contrary, clichés and unsubstantial lies dramatically reduce credibility, which should be averted," according to a source from the matrimonial company./ s+ F2 k7 n$ K" P- @

6 _: }$ |3 n& K" z5 P  婚介公司相关人士表示,适度的赞许有积极的效果,可以提升对方的情绪并活跃谈话的氛围。然而千篇一律的套话和不能兑现的假话将会大大降低自身的信誉度,所以应该尽量避免。

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