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[GRE词汇] GRE阅读辅导:长难句实例分析92

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  以下是gre阅读长难句实例分析。gre长难句一直都是考生比较头疼的一个问题,不是因为gre考试专门考察这部分,而是在gre阅读中需要明白这些长难句才能理解整篇文章的意思。6 `$ t! M3 b2 n- |7 @7 b8 j
  The broad language of the amendment strongly suggests that its framers were proposing to write into the Constitution not a laundry list of specific civil rights but a principle of equal citizenship that forbids organized society from treating any individual as a member of an inferior class. (4)第十四条修正案的宽泛笼统的语言强烈地暗示,其制定者所意欲载入宪法的不是一张具体民法的细目清单,而是一种平等公民权的原则,这一原则禁止有组织的社会将任何一个个人作为劣等阶层的成员来对待。6 E) O# v8 m- Q) E8 D* i
  难句类型:复杂修饰、倒装6 }& u# m$ i9 e1 J3 x' _7 j
  解释:本句的倒装还算友好,into的介词宾语the Constitution比较短,然后马上是write的宾语。而且本句的结构也算合理,避免了头重脚轻。如果真按照正常语序来写,那么句子只有更难读懂。即:) P% b" i- V: L1 L- A& b* ^$ A
  The broad languagee of the amendment strongly suggests that its framers were proposing to write not a laundry list of specific civil rights but a principle of equal citizenship that forbids organized society from treating any individuall as a member of an inferior class into the Constitution.
  k4 l, q6 [+ j: _* i: c  意群训练:The broad language of the amendment strongly suggests that its framers were proposing to write into the Constitution not a laundry list of specific civil rights but a principle of equal citizenship that forbids organized society from treating any individual as a member of an inferior class.+ [2 x1 j$ F3 r$ a5 s

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