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[GRE词汇] GRE阅读辅导:长难句实例分析88

发表于 2012-8-15 13:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* y6 @2 K! }( }" r  {$ M  Anthropologists and others are on much firmer ground when they attempt to describe the cultural norms for a small homogeneous tribe or village than when they undertake the formidable task of discovering the norms that exist in a complex modern nation state composed of many disparate groups.(4)
- _# T7 Q% R! Q7 K( G  当人类学家和其他人试图去描述一个小规模的同一性质(homogeneous)部落或村落的文化标准时,他们处在一种要坚实得多的基础上。相对而言,当他们着手从事这样一个艰巨的任务,即去揭示存在于一个复杂的、由许多彼此间毫无联系的群体所构成的现代单一民族的独立国家(nation-state)时,他们就具备一个同样坚实的基础。9 o! T, Y. h# \3 E
  难句类型:复杂修饰, f; V9 a3 T4 W3 a2 p) t% h1 M( @
  解释:句子的结构拉得很长,主要原因是用来比较的两个when引导的状语从句都太长,句子的主干是Anthroplogists are on much firmer ground/when…/than/when…/。结果more than的结构被长长的状语从句分隔得很远。! m- X3 p# k  c  ~' j
  另外,第二个when 引导的从句中的宾语也很复杂,解释一个单词:nation-state指单一民族的国家。此单词的词义不必背下来。
" B. K& Z9 n! I4 {) |5 E- c& ?+ v* q* @  解释:Anthropologists and others are on much firmer ground when they attempt to describe the cultural norms for a small homogeneous tribe or village than when they undertake the formidable task of discovering the norms that exist in a complex modern nation state composed of many disparate groups.
" s5 S5 T! }: }  B. @6 U  gre阅读长难句的并不是一天两天就能解决的,需要考生的坚持和日常的积累。

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